What Whiskey, Rum or Cognac are you drinking today.

My knowledge on Tequila is virtually non-existent, but I have heard that Milagro makes great stuff and that the price doesn't reflect it's true worth.
Delmonico's, as in strip steaks? Or is it another cut of beef?
Ribeyes. I don’t know the history about the ‘Delmonico’ cut other than it was for a particular restaurant in NY back in the day. To me it’s just a very thick cut ribeye (about 1.75”-2”) but they were damn good.
So what kind of notes / secrets did the Tenjaku share with you. I would off hand guess it was "soft".
So what kind of notes / secrets did the Tenjaku share with you. I would off hand guess it was "soft".
It’s certainly not the most robust/spicy whiskey I’ve had. It’s not my favorite neat, but let a an ice cube chill it and water it down a bit and it’s definitely a great pour. By the time I got to it in the evening I wasn’t really keeping specific track of taste notes, but next time I have some I’ll keep it in mind to let you know 😎