What a difference a day makes!
Friday we had an awesome evening on the boat and got some great pictures!
Saturday another family joined us and we had another awesome day ...... right up until about 8:30PM.
We had dinner at the south marina, which is 7 miles from the marina where my son-in-law keeps his boat. We get on the boat to head home and get about 500 yards out into the middle of the lake and the boat dies. After a minute of checking things we find out that we are out of gas, my SIL says he filled it earlier in the day so running out is not possible. Five of us jump in and swim the boat back to the marina, which takes 45 minutes, and now the marina is closed ...... but we find our server just going to his car and he is kind enough to let us get gas.
The boat still won't run!
We find a cut fuel line and eventually deduce that tilting the motor to clean out seaweed has cut the fuel line and we have sucked the carb full of water. My SIL is a doctor so we know he has no common sense, and the other guy isn't much better. I explain that no matter what we do short of opening and draining the carb, the boat is not going to run. While I am in the water trying to find a way to get to the carb bowl, these two nimrods go and steal a gas tank off another boat and bring it back to the boat, leaving a note at the marina. I explain again that another gas tank won't help but they insist on trying it for an hour or so ...... I go smoke a cigar, watching the two stooges. By now people are getting cold and unhappy!
It's now 11PM and I finally convince them that we need to call someone to come get us. My SIL calls a neighbor and 45 minutes later he shows up and takes the two stooges back to the cabin where they get two vehicles, one so the other family can get started on their two hour trip home, and one to take us home. In the mean-time some guys have shown up on a boat and offer to tow us to our marina and I explain that we should do that because that is where the boat can be serviced, we have a boat loaded with food, coolers, toys, etc. and we cannot get everything in the car ..... plus that gets us five minutes from the cabin.
We tie the two pontoon boats together and start the 7 mile tow ....... at 3MPH ...... back to our marina. I got to bed at 3AM! And I was stone cold sober by that time!