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Unhappy Thread

@Aalvord2 , what prompted this research? The results are definitely interesting, but out of curiosity, what was the interaction between you and @xyz123 ?
I decided to start looking after his argument with everyone over the AVB post. I was curious as to why so many members felt the same way about him. Im also not a fan of dudes smoking cigars with their meat hammers laid out. I guess that was the dumb game that won him this dumb prize. There wasn’t a specific incident between us personally. Normally when I smell bull shit I try to keep my boots clean.
I’m unhappy when people try to convince people they’re someone that they’re not.

Does Wisconsin restore your civil right to vote and serve on a jury after time served for felony charges? Was that 20 year old you are referring to, you in 1997?

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that everything you say isn’t coated in some layer of bullshit. I grew up around enough tweakers to know things weren’t adding up. So I looked for myself. I didn’t have to look very hard either. You want to play dumb games? Then be ready to win dumb prizes.

You’ve got a criminal history spanning from 1997 to now. Felony theft, felony bail jumping, violating a restraining order for domestic abuse and you’ve been sued twice for repayment of debt. Not to mention you’ve got court on the 25th for another suite filed against you for unpaid debt.

You live with your mom Laura and step dad Paul on their RV repair lot across the street from a used car lot.

Paul’s also not a structural engineer, he was a process engineer at a meat packing facility. Granted he has a mechanical engineering degree.

You’re not an “owner” of the Green Bay packers. You’re a shareholder. The shares are virtually worthless. The only thing you’re the owner of is a terrible investment that you’ve convinced yourself sounds impressive to naive people.

I have reason to believe you started the fake account “ @hungusmaximus ” . The use of “bro” and other weird acronyms pretty well gave you away. Not to mention you made sure to comment, and didn’t toss around your usual enforcement of the rules to a new member.

You can say you’re not a liar, which is somewhat true. You hide the truth within cryptic context, never admiring or denying anything, which is honestly impressive and terrifying at the same time.

I’m no saint myself, and I don’t think many folks claim to be on this forum. I’m not a pathological liar though.

Public records are, well.. public and not difficult to find. If you need help, you should seek it. Professionally. I don’t know you personally, but I do know a 46 year old man lying on the internet in a cigar forum, of all places, isn’t a sign of mental stability. I hope you can find peace and confidence within yourself where you don’t feel like you need to hide who you really are. Good luck to you man, I sincerely mean it.

Yes. When I was 18, me and a group of other teens broke into a "rival" person's car to vandalize it after he had done the same to a friend of ours. Someone stole his car speakers and amps when they were discovered. We all got charged with the lowest felony, theft from a locked vehicle (if the value was deemed more than $500, it is the lowest felony).

I left that town immediately after and moved to Madison where I attended college. A new court date had been made and mailed to my old address, and I was out on a signature bond for the car stuff still. I missed 1 hearing. If you miss a court date, and it's for a felony, they charge you with felony bail-jumping. This was also in the mid 90s as you mentioned.. also dubbed the "get tough on crime era". My attorney said they technically had me, and it could be literally a couple years in prison if convicted at trial.

He made an agreement where I did 4 months in a work-release program, I left after 3 for good behavior. The offense happened when I was 18, close to 19, and by the time all the court stuff was over, I was 20. Did you ever do anything dumb as a teen? If you also looked, I left the gf you mentioned, who made an allegation of domestic violence (again, over 20 yrs ago).

I had never been accused of anything like that before. I thought she would have to prove it, and during our 5 years together, there were never any reports of anything. She made them after I left her. The only thing I did wrong, was making the mistake she would have to prove it to a judge. I broke up with her, never wanted to see her again.

So I didn't want to dignify her bullshit.. what I didn't know about civil things at the time was, they don't have to prove their case if you don't go. She got a DEFAULT judgment because I didn't go.. lesson learned on civil matters and Bipolar exes:

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The Packers thing is true and when mentioned was always tongue-in-cheek because any football fan knows the Packers are the only professional sports team owned by the fans. And yes, shareholders are technically owners.. anyone can buy a share.. even for just a few bucks at times. Like any publicly held company.

The address on my profile is my folk's house. And I travel frequently for work as many people here who actually know me, know. It's where I would want any "bombs" or non-expected packages sent. All of the members here that I've traded, bought, sold, etc, with, know that's not the address I live at and NOT the address they've sent to or received from (including @Gavin who questioned your intent). There's at LEAST a DOZEN+ members here who can attest to that. That last time I lived with my parents was right after that car speaker stuff over 25 years ago.. as in, more than a quarter century ago.

And NO, I have NO current criminal anything. The LAST thing EVER was with that crazy ex from 20 years ago. Stating I have a current criminal record is both defamatory and libelous.

And yes, I've stated my step-dad is the one helping me design and build my walk-in. You're right, before he retired, his last career was working as a mechanical engineer where he designed and engineered one-of-a-kind meat processing industrial equipment for everyone from Tyson, Con-Ag, McDonald's, Smithfield, etc.. and he also holds over 50 shared patents and 20 sole ones. He didn't work at a "meat packing facility".. he designed equipment for them.

His specialty and main area of expertise is structural engineering:

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And as another business that is family-owned by us, is a RV RENTAL business. While we have mechanics that service our own rental units, we don't do repair work for the general public and their RVs. In fact, one of the units I have is a party bus I shared on here last year I believe.

And to the recent suits from 2 credit card companies, a lot of people know I ended a LTR last year (8 years). She had authorized use on a number of my credit cards. I was not aware she was still using them after our contentious breakup.. I was far and away the "breadwinner" in our relationship. Her and I have since worked out an agreement for her to payback the debt she incurred after our split.

I've never hidden my full name or address from all the members I've done "business" with here. Nor have I lied or misled about anything. If you Google the address on my profile and the one you're alluding to here.. there is no "used car lot" across the street from them like you claim. I couldn't even begin to tell you where one would be anywhere near them.


As I stated on here last year, I DO share a driveway with a small luxury car dealership next door to where I LIVE:

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Clearly you can see my parent's property at the address you have and that's on my profile is completely different than mine.

Oh, and to answer your question, YES, a felon can vote and serve on a jury in Wisconsin once your rights have been restored (after your sentence is over, which was the 3 mos of the work-program I mentioned above.. the program also applies if you're going to college or school, which is what I did):

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So.. you just assumed I forged a Federal Jury summons to what... impress someone??? That's pretty out there. So is everything you've done here.

I've lied about nothing. If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, feel free to ask.
Translate: I did a bunch of stupid things and got caught. Now I come here and do stupid things.
I also have zero clue who "hungus" is. I think that name sounds familiar.. if I replied or spoke with them before.. I'll bet you $1,000 it's not the same IP address as me. Or even the same area/state.

Did we both say "bro" before? Is that your only reasoning?
@xyz123 i think the lesson here is to look at what you have done to warrant this type of response. I cannot think of anyone else who gets this sort of backlash. You need to take a look at your responses and behavior and decide if you want to continue down the path where members are willing to pull out your past like this. There is some serious discontent with you.
I'm new here - but I find it a bit disturbing that a member would expend the time and effort to attempt to dig up dirt on another member and then attempt a character assassination out on an open forum.
@xyz123 you decide to continue to hide the truth, which is fine. Everyone else can take the time to do the quick 5 minute google search to see you’re still not telling the truth. Again, good luck to you man. Before you ask, I’m checking out of this conversation. I’ll let everyone else look into it if they want to.

@PuffTheMagicDragon you’re not wrong. I probably could’ve gone about this a different way. I don’t have much respect for grown men who like to lie and play make believe on the internet. That shit weirds me out.
I’ve casually perused some of the threads and posts that seem to have caused all this “dust up” if you will. There’s probably better language for it, but I can’t think of it.

By and large this forum has been self moderated by members for years, or well forever, right? And these posts who some are questioning, have always been there, as far as I can remember.

I also remember that folks who show up here trying to “change” the way the forum runs, are typically shown the door. If you don’t like it here, or don’t like how things are done here there are plenty of other places on the web to visit. Please, just go there. It’s pretty easy.

Or just start your own. That’s pretty easy too, I’ve had a couple of my own in the past, gaming/fantasy football, etc. and you can make them however inclusive or exclusive as you want.

Just some food for thought anyway.
Thanks Jeff, I always do.
Dan, you have been a jackass since joining here. You try to make people think you are special. You have been asked nicely to stop, you have been directly told to stop. Yet you seem to think it's funny.


Either grow up, issue the apologies you owe, and act like an adult.

Or get the fuck out!
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Dan, you have been a jackass since joining here. You try to make people think you are special. You have been asked nicely to stop, you have been directly told to stop. Yet you seem to think it's funny.


Either grow up, issue the apologies you owe, and act like an adult.

Or get the fuck out!
Back on topic.
Had a gas leak on my riser.
Center point had to dig it up and replace it.
Then they left me without gas overnight. So no hot water and no cooking.

But wait there's more....my sprinklers ran a couple days later and I had water running down the street.

These clowns broke a sprinkler line and one of my yard drain lines, and then just covered them up.


I'm sick of digging, but sprinkler line is capped, and drain line is no longer leaking.

PS: Center point can go eat a bowl of dicks.
Back on topic.
Had a gas leak on my riser.
Center point had to dig it up and replace it.
Then they left me without gas overnight. So no hot water and no cooking.

But wait there's more....my sprinklers ran a couple days later and I had water running down the street.

These clowns broke a sprinkler line and one of my yard drain lines, and then just covered them up.

View attachment 72939

I'm sick of digging, but sprinkler line is capped, and drain line is no longer leaking.

PS: Center point can go eat a bowl of dicks.
Can you do anything with your public utilities commission?