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Getting your feet wet Pass II

I would love one of those awesome trays, Ok, here it goes...

A RyJ Bully is the smoke I had the day my daughter was born. I was a bit less picky on my smokes back then, but I knew I wanted something that would not disappoint. The birth of my daughter was the best day of my life, and I associate the RyJ Bully with that perfect day. The 1875 is just the bottom of the Bully label.

I predict the stocks will be on the rise, but not by much at all - Up 50 points.

Thanks for the contest Jonesy and the incredible prize Dave.

Nothing exciting about my username, but I want to make sure someone has a chance to win this. Here goes:

B is my first initial, Sneed is my last name, and 51 was my high school jersey number. I don't remember what computer site I signed up for the first time, but I was still in high school and couldn't come up with anything cooler so I used this username. Seeing as how I'm not a very smart person, I have used the same username for pretty much everything else since then, so it's easy for me to remember.

Next Friday the Dow will be down 229 points.
Nothing exciting about my username, but I want to make sure someone has a chance to win this. Here goes:

B is my first initial, Sneed is my last name, and 51 was my high school jersey number. I don't remember what computer site I signed up for the first time, but I was still in high school and couldn't come up with anything cooler so I used this username. Seeing as how I'm not a very smart person, I have used the same username for pretty much everything else since then, so it's easy for me to remember.

Next Friday the Dow will be down 229 points.
....nudge, nudge... :whistling:

If you're one of those that uses your name, give me a reason why Cigar Pass is special to you.

Good luck!
Here's my entry:
My name comes from about 5 years ago when I used to frequent a lan center, the first time I went in I had to choose a gamer tag, and after some thought I went with yeahthatsme, for really no reason other than it wasn't something lame like "superkiller" and other such names that were floating around at the time, hehe.

I guess the stock market will drop 185 points on friday.

Thanks for the contest Jonesy, and thanks for the prize donation dave!
Well mines is pretty easy Bx is the abbreviation of Bronx and Cigr of course stands cigar and fan stands for fan.
so Bronx Cigar Fan = Bxcigrfan

the dow will be up 127 at the close that friday fairing a good look into the following week due the the newly passed financial bail out plan

ha for a sec you guys thought i knew what i was talking about. :sign:
CP ID history:

Mine come's from my basketball playing days. A guy I played with nicknamed me "Whopper" after former pro player Billy Paultz. I apparently reminded him of Mr. Paultz when I played because we were both not too graceful on the court.

Dow Jones:

Up 113.
My screen name is IBQTEE1. It comes from a long time ago. My fiancé at the time had a Vette with the license plate that read HI Q TEE so I thought that since we were getting married that I would get IB Q TEE but I was to cheap to pay the $200 to purchase the plate so in IL it is only $10 more to get a personilized plate so IB Q TEE1 was born. Now my picture is the actual plate.

I am guessing it will be up by 100.

Thanks again Jonsey for the contest. Thanks Dave for donating the ash tray. Keeping my fingers crossed.
My CP screen name was chosen for my love of the Simpsons cartoon. My favorite character on the show is the bartender Moe Szyslak ( I changed the last name just enough to avoid litigation). He doesn't say a whole lot and when he does, it's a little off the wall and pretty darn funny. I will guess that the Dow will be up 189pts next Friday and I am prepared to refinance my mortgage and buy a lot of stock in order to push the average closer to my guess if need be. Thank you Dave for your generous contribution and for Jonesy for keeping this Pass interesting. Let's do a little better than the reviews on this one guys. There is absolutely no reason why 100% participation can't be reached on this contest. How about Kristin puts a couple of Acids in the pass (in an hermetically sealed and seperate bag of course) and whomever doesn't participate has to take one and do a review on it? Just a thought.
Vincent Vega. Pulp Fiction. This is my favorite movie of all time and Vega is my favorite character. So, my guess would will be that the Dow will be up 75 points. Thanks for the contest Jonesy.
How about Kristin puts a couple of Acids in the pass (in an hermetically sealed and seperate bag of course) and whomever doesn't participate has to take one and do a review on it? Just a thought.

Wow, that is diabolical. Downright evil. :sign:
My screen name is pretty simple B first initial of Brandon. Reedy is my last name, hence Breedy! CP is important to me becuase it gives me a chance to learn and share with people who have a similiar interest. Sure I have friends who have humi's and smoke cigars (basically ones that I give them :whistling: ), but CP gives me a place to communicate with people who view cigars as more than just passing time. I imagine it is similiar to someone who collects model cars or baseball cards, anyone can say "wow thats neat", but it takes someone with a similiar interest to really understand it.

Add that to Gary's pics.....

Dow will be up 388 points after market drops from congressional fumbling early in week
How about Kristin puts a couple of Acids in the pass (in an hermetically sealed and seperate bag of course) and whomever doesn't participate has to take one and do a review on it? Just a thought.

Wow, that is diabolical. Downright evil. :sign:

I was thinking the same thing!! I am not going out to buy Acids even though the gas station that just opened has them!!! :whistling:
A buddy of mine from college actually looks like a pink monkey. He's one of those unfortunate red haired, pink skinned and orange freckled Irish guys (some people refer to his kind as Gingers...). He has big monkey-like teeth, a big head, and he behaves pretty poorly. Just barely above flinging poop. Somehow, we came up with calling him The Pink Monkey and it's stuck with him to this day, probably because it's so darn fitting.

In college, I never did any work until the night before the test or the paper was due, and I'd stay up all night, chain smoking and popping ephedrine pills like they were going out of style. I'd be up all night, and then go drinking once the test was over or the paper was in. I'd wind up drinking and smoking well into the night, with plenty of energy still going from the ephedrine, and I wouldn't eat anything all day. Combine a lot of booze with ephedrine, no food, and a lot of smoking of everything, occasionally I'd wind up getting a light but stupidly terrible case of nicotine poisoning, turn a nice sickly green color, and become worthless for a half an hour, crumpled somewhere with cold sweats and no motor skills. I pulled that brilliant display of maturity and wisdom often enough that I became The Green Monkey among our little circle of friends.

There's also a Yellow Monkey, a Brown Monkey, and a Tall Bald Monkey.

Plus, I like monkeys.

The Dow will end +250 next Friday.

Thanks for the contest, Jonesy and Dave!

*I too vote in favor of Diabolical Acid Plan for Contest Scofflaws.
{tpc} -- Well back about 7 years or so ago, I used to play a online game called "Diablo II". When I started the game I made an account named aarmento....soon realizing that noone there made accounts with their actual names in it. So I was sitting there chatting with friends in the game, trying to figure out a new account name. One of my buddys accounts was {darkfox} and I asked him why he used the special brackets. He me that because of how the game was coded, an account with those brackets would show up at the top of a persons friends list if they called for the listing. It was at that time I looked over at the tv to see Tiger Woods teeing off at some golf event, either on a TPC course or a it was a TPC event. So I made the account {tpc} so that I would be near the top of friends lists, and because I like golf (even though I am horrible at it).

I then went on to join a forum shortly after that, that dealt with this game in particular. Since people there would know my account in game, I figured it would be good to keep the same name for an online account. I pretty much use it everywhere I frequent online, unless I can't use the brackets, in which I go by tpc. once in awhile I will use aarmento, but {tpc} is shorter and quicker to type. It has also lead to a former co-worker who also played said game to nickname me "tipic" but more for that fact I made typical out of the box characters on that game.

As for the Dow, I think it will be down 125 points. Thanks for the contest!
Thanks for the contest Jonesy and for donating a great prize Dave.

My Id is based on several things but as you can guess all have to do the with desert.

1st- I live in the desert so an online ID related to the desert seemed natural.

2nd - Growing up in the 60's there were always plenty of shows/movies about WWII to watch on TV and I loved them all. One of my favorites was the TV show "Rat Patrol" (1966). I watched every episode about these soldiers running around North Africa fighting the Germans with their .50 Cal. machine guns mounted on their jeeps.

3rd - There was a popular movie starring Burt Lancaster titled "The Desert Rats" (Another war movie about the North African campaigns) which was made in 1953 but was still around when I was a kid.

4th - The British 7th Armoured Division during WWII was known as the "Desert Rats" and fought in pretty much every major battle in the North African theater during WWII. Their unit logo was my avatar for many years and I may revert to it again at some point.

So, my ID came from a combination of all of the above. IT is generaly the only online ID I use unless it has been taken already.

As for the DOW, I am optimistic and say that on Friday October 10th the DOW will close up 127 points.


In case the contest is open to non pass members, here's my bit:

My nick's origin is rather mundane. Although I'm an old fart, I'm a gamer. As it turns out, so is my kid, and we played many online games together, on the home network when she was little, and then on the net when she got older. On the home LAN my name was Dadster, and the kid was Kidster. Of course, when we started on the net, Dadster was already taken everywhere (so much for originality) so I tagged the year of my birth, hence Dadster1960. It became my ID for IM to strategize with the kid behind the scenes and not long after that it had become the standard ID for almost anywhere one is required, except where my first name is not taken, which is my preferred nick.

As for the DJ on Friday, Up by 300.

Thanks for the contest, Jonesy, and thanks for the prize, Dave!


PS. If anyone is still into BF2, find me in the battlefield on the Dragon Valley map (I play the Boob server often). I'll show you a couple of moves, as long as they don't involve choppers. :)
1) "Pompous Pugs"
I have now owned two pugs since getting married. It was a fantasy football team name initially, which is why I wanted an alliteration (al la Buffalo Bills, Tennessee Titans). Plus I tend to follow my father's phrase, "Often wrong, Never in doubt."

2) The Dow
Down 378 points.

**I have never taken an economic course in my life, so please do not consider this to be a reason to sell all your stock. This information is neither pompous nor accurate.
Back in high school ... almost 10 years ago we had a small group of friends who played Magic: The Gathering and the one day we all met up and our friend was playing a weird game where he'd add "lor" to the end of every word he spoke while we played cards. It was comical at first, but eventually got redundant and we'd flame him for it. Time passed and we ended up reviving the "lor", but only added it to the end of our first names ... hence Nicklor! :laugh:

Some of my other nicknames are "GoGo" from Final Fantasy 3 for SNES, one of my fav. characters, and Saroknight/Necrosaro, from Dragon Warrior 4 for NES, some of the best RPG's of all time.

BTW, the Dow will be down 100 points ...
Marco-Polo - because I'm named Marco and I don't think it's possible for anyone named Marco to get through second grade without being called "Marco ... Polo!".

At least I didn't. So tehre you are.

Although when I was working in Montreal, I was "L'autre Marco" (the other Marco), as my boss was also named Marco. Great, astounding guy - he worked his way up from assistant pressman, not even the guy who ran the printing presses, to divisional vice president. I can only hope to be half the man he was.

And stock pick: down 400. You heard it here first.
I've been a Civil War reenactor since the late 1980's, and after portraying an infantry private for a couple years decided to change my persona to that of a medical officer. I spent 23 years in the US Army Medical Department ( in "real" life), so thought it would be interesting to do 1860's style medicine and surgery. I adopted the persona of a doctor named Farand Wylie who was a Surgeon with the 155th New York Volunteer Infantry in an Irish regiment from Buffalo. I even went so far as to locate his records, his gravesite and other information about his life. Anyway... the other guys in the regiment would refer to me as Doc Wylie, so that name has kind of stuck with me not only here but on some other boards I belong to... non-cigar as well as cigar.

In deference to my regiment, I predict the Dow will close up 155 points!