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Getting your feet wet Pass II

T: #42 Opus X xXx P: #65 VSG Robusto

Anyone who want's to trade me, stick for stick, OpusX xXx for all my VSG's let me know. ;)

I was thinking the same thing.
For those of you that feel the need to start questioning everything I do in this pass, how 'bout a pm regarding your displeasure instead of trying to make me look like I'm an ass in public. If I remember correctly, you guys are the newbies here, not me.

I apologize Jonesy. That was not my intent. PM will be sent regarding this subject.
Thank you sir. As soon as this lands with me, I'll get those swapped out and get it back on the road quickly. :thumbs:
T: #42 Opus X xXx P: #65 VSG Robusto

Anyone who want's to trade me, stick for stick, OpusX xXx for all my VSG's let me know. ;)

I was thinking the same thing.
For those of you that feel the need to start questioning everything I do in this pass, how 'bout a pm regarding your displeasure instead of trying to make me look like I'm an ass in public. If I remember correctly, you guys are the newbies here, not me.

I apologize Jonesy. That was not my intent. PM will be sent regarding this subject.

Not my intent either. I've already PM'ed you as well.
I'd like to apologize to you all for my seemingly short temper this past week. There's been quite a bit of drama going on in the pass as well as posts made by myself and some of you that shouldn't have been made. Pm's have been sent to handle this privately and to also apologize for my harshness. This is a learning pass and questions are going to be asked. I welcome all questions and suggest you ask as many as you feel you need answered. What you don't have, is the right to question the decisions I make in this pass. If you have a question about something I do, ask away and I'll answer, but don't make a post that doesn't ask a question, but is questioning something I have done or decided on...that will not be tolerated.

Let's get back to having fun with this pass! :thumbs:
It looks like you missed adding my last put. 71) Casa Fuente Corona Gorda. Unless of course you meant for me to take the Padron 1926 #1 for free. :laugh:
I'd like to apologize to you all for my seemingly short temper this past week. There's been quite a bit of drama going on in the pass as well as posts made by myself and some of you that shouldn't have been made. Pm's have been sent to handle this privately and to also apologize for my harshness. This is a learning pass and questions are going to be asked. I welcome all questions and suggest you ask as many as you feel you need answered. What you don't have, is the right to question the decisions I make in this pass. If you have a question about something I do, ask away and I'll answer, but don't make a post that doesn't ask a question, but is questioning something I have done or decided on...that will not be tolerated.

Let's get back to having fun with this pass! :thumbs:


Looks like it's about time for me to start planning my puts/takes, comparison shopper here I come!
The pass showed up on my doorstep today. I have made my puts and takes, checked all the interiors and the humi paks, packaged this back up, and it will be on it's way out tomorrow morning. I'll pm and post the DC# once I have it.

Hey Moe......You're up!
The pass showed up on my doorstep today. I have made my puts and takes, checked all the interiors and the humi paks, packaged this back up, and it will be on it's way out tomorrow morning. I'll pm and post the DC# once I have it.

Hey Moe......You're up!
Great job Brent.....well done. :thumbs:
It's away. DC# 0308 0070 0000 6246 9812. Clint, you are up.

#2 thanks for letting me participate in the pass.
Very well done Brent. Ok, here are my prelims:

Takes for Puts

1) Cabaiguan Guapo RX for Illusione CG4

2) La Aurora Preferidos Ruby Tube for Opus X Robusto

3) Padilla 1932 Churchill for DPG Blue Lancero

4) Tatuaje Black for Avo 80th

5) La Riqueza #2 for Tatuaje Zona del Este

According to my math I'm a little heavy but I think I'm within .50/stick. What say you crew?? Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!!!
Very well done Brent. Ok, here are my prelims:

Takes for Puts

1) Cabaiguan Guapo RX for Illusione CG4

2) La Aurora Preferidos Ruby Tube for Opus X Robusto

3) Padilla 1932 Churchill for DPG Blue Lancero

4) Tatuaje Black for Avo 80th

5) La Riqueza #2 for Tatuaje Zona del Este

According to my math I'm a little heavy but I think I'm within .50/stick. What say you crew?? Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!!!

They all look good to me Clint, just give me the corresponding #'s. Brent, thanks for the fast turn around and for participating in the pass!
Brian, I have a few questions about pricing.

When we go to Cigarcyclopedia.com and check the pricing, how do we determine the correct price? I know about adding the prices together and then take an average, but there are a few examples I want to bring up.

Example: Tatuaje Noellas prices went from a Hi/Lo of $210 to $159 a box. I added the two together, divided by 2, then divided by 25(per box) to get $7.38....is this correct? Or do we use all the prices, add them together, divide by the number of each, then divide by the number of cigars in the box?...like the math in the next example....

Example: Davidoff Winston Churchill Chequers was not listed there, at least I couldn't find it. I searched the Internet and found 3 prices for the box, $320.60==>$303.75==>$337.50...I added the 3 together, divided by 3, then divided by 25(per box) to get $12,82...should we be doing this?

Example: Padron 1926 #1. On the list is 3 prices, $480==>$480==>.$575. Do we throw out the $575 as being really high and just go with the two $480 ($20 per) prices or do the math involving all three and average it out?...$21.32 per stick.

As a rule of thumb, if we see one price $50 to $100 more per box, should we throw that one out and just use the rest?

Under what circumstances could we use Vitolas.net pricing?

I hope I'm not getting too anal, I'm just trying to get a handle on this once and for all.

Good Question Gary. For the Comparision Shopper, if there are 3 or less prices for boxes, average the prices and then divide by the number of cigars in the box. For cigars that show 4 or more prices, drop the high and the low and average the rest and divide by # in the box. For cigars that don't show up in the C.S., do just like you did and try to find 3 online stores and do the same math as above. If you do have to do that with a cigar, then please pm me your sources so I can check them out also. For Padron, Opus, Anejo's, and Hemi's, we will strictly be going by MMM's MSRP guides and I will determine rarity if one isn't being traded for another. As far as Vitola's.net, we won't be using them at all (sorry Moki). I want everyone using the Comparison Shopper so were all on the same page with pricing.
Brian, I have a few questions about pricing.

When we go to Cigarcyclopedia.com and check the pricing, how do we determine the correct price? I know about adding the prices together and then take an average, but there are a few examples I want to bring up.

Example: Tatuaje Noellas prices went from a Hi/Lo of $210 to $159 a box. I added the two together, divided by 2, then divided by 25(per box) to get $7.38....is this correct? Or do we use all the prices, add them together, divide by the number of each, then divide by the number of cigars in the box?...like the math in the next example....

Example: Davidoff Winston Churchill Chequers was not listed there, at least I couldn't find it. I searched the Internet and found 3 prices for the box, $320.60==>$303.75==>$337.50...I added the 3 together, divided by 3, then divided by 25(per box) to get $12,82...should we be doing this?

Example: Padron 1926 #1. On the list is 3 prices, $480==>$480==>.$575. Do we throw out the $575 as being really high and just go with the two $480 ($20 per) prices or do the math involving all three and average it out?...$21.32 per stick.

As a rule of thumb, if we see one price $50 to $100 more per box, should we throw that one out and just use the rest?

Under what circumstances could we use Vitolas.net pricing?

I hope I'm not getting too anal, I'm just trying to get a handle on this once and for all.

Good Question Gary. For the Comparision Shopper, if there are 3 or less prices for boxes, average the prices and then divide by the number of cigars in the box. For cigars that show 4 or more prices, drop the high and the low and average the rest and divide by # in the box. For cigars that don't show up in the C.S., do just like you did and try to find 3 online stores and do the same math as above. If you do have to do that with a cigar, then please pm me your sources so I can check them out also. For Padron, Opus, Anejo's, and Hemi's, we will strictly be going by MMM's MSRP guides and I will determine rarity if one isn't being traded for another. As far as Vitola's.net, we won't be using them at all (sorry Moki). I want everyone using the Comparison Shopper so were all on the same page with pricing.
Thanks Brian
Very well done Brent. Ok, here are my prelims:
5) La Riqueza #2 for Tatuaje Zona del Este

man the riqueza is gone :angry: