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Are you bombing for the right reason?

I've read and re-read and I'm not sure what to say, so here's my best shot.

Save the drama for your mama.
I think my original 45 of CALIFORNIA ÜBER ALLES is ahead but not by a terribly large amount.

Now when you start talking DK, that's a whole 'nother ball game. Still have all my old original vinyl from them as well, with all original newspaper inserts and "penis landscape" Geiger poster, including my much loved, and very often played "Skateboard Party" lp. Have stories about skating with some of them at a half-pipe of a friend, along with Steve Caballero at some quasi Faction function. Also once met up with the old Bones Brigade crew (in S.J.) to skate an empty pool, with Lance Moutain, a thin, geeky Tony Hawk, and some not-widely-known at the time named Bod Boyle. Tommy Guerro in S.F., other BB crew in Santa Cruz.

It was a hell of a time.

Corresponded with Jello a few times by mail during the No More Censorship Fund time. Nice guy, though abit too intense sometimes. We played with one of AT's bands once, The Crucifucks. Now that was a weird group of fellas.

My Descendent's Ride the Wild and Fat 45's are my most prized. All my other vinyl was sold to pay for alcohol. Still miss my entire Mifits collection of vinyl, which included ALL of the 45's and all of the Eps in each and every color. I will be seeing the original Misfits, minus the ever increasing ego of Glen, next Wednesday. :) The Bones Brgade guys were too good for us middle America guys, but I skated with Jeff Phillips, John Lucero, Neil Blender, Natas Kapas and lots of other guys who just liked to jump in their cars and trek across the country.
That certainly explains a lot of things Matt. Good for you! :thumbs:

And then you get a bomb like this, because they like you. And that the first of two cigars just trying to dig out a FAKE

It's OK Jay. Santa knows and he will take care of it. You can let this go now.

I, like John, perceived in the beginning that posting DC numbers and acknowledging bombs in forums was standard operating procedure. Time has refined that perception a bit, however, I hope I will always be courteous enough to privately thank a person for thinking of me.

Another perception I get is that CP has had somewhat of a whirlwind ride in the last year that may have gone against the grain of the status quo. All I can say is that this, as well as other growing pains, are simply a sign of word getting out about what a rare and special place this is.
Multiple snarky comments of your choice.

A touch of I'm never bombing anyone again :angry:

[/Toss In A Dash Of]
Multiple insults of prominent members of your choice

[/Dont Forget]
The feel sorry for me being picked on.

More incoherent unless banter.

[/End With]

Toodles Bit-ches

[/End Thread]
I've read and re-read and I'm not sure what to say, so here's my best shot.

Save the drama for your mama.


Edit:I thought I’d write something since Rob hates single word posts.

No one gets it in the beginning.

Some stumble upon it.

A few are given it.

The rest earn it.

Now relax.
Bombing is fun and it builds relationships, which is what this place is about (relationships).
WARNING! Anyone in the Stewartstown, PA area, or the state of PA for that matter, run to your bomb shelters. A first-strike nuclear offensive has been launched, and the aftermath isn't going to be pretty.

DC# 0303 2460 0000 1955 0103

0303 0130 0002 7052 3050

:) :) :)

Posting DC’s when bombing is nothing new.

What's your point? Compare the statisitcs from May 7th, 2004 to todays statistics, and you'll see that a few other things have changed:

Board Statistics ( May 7th, 2004 )
Our members have made a total of 107778 posts
We have 1133 registered members
The newest member is cuban
Most users ever online was 86 on May 18 2004, 03:54 AM

Board Statistics ( December 3, 2007 )
Our members have made a total of 568930 posts
We have 5381 registered members
The newest member is uptown_isy
Most users ever online was 600 on Jul 1 2007, 09:18 PM

With the growth of the forum has come the need to rethink how some things are done to keep things balanced. Hell, back in Spring 2004, AVB only had 2000 posts too...
I think posting DC# is a personal choice.
IMHO, posting the DC# warns the victim and also compels a response.

Personally, I almost never post DC#'s.
It's more of a surprise when the package lands on someone's doorstep. :whistling:
MMM, it’s fair to suggest a need to rethink how some things are done and then discuss the reasons for change. However, the prevailing wind of this thread (regarding the posting of dc’s) has been that it’s not been a common practice and that the newer members who have been posting dc’s have done so against CP protocol. My point was to simply demonstrate that the public announcement of bombs has always been acceptable.

My apologies if it seems that I was singling anyone out, I simply did a random search for “0303” in The Lobby and those posts were the two oldest returned.
MMM, it’s fair to suggest a need to rethink how some things are done and then discuss the reasons for change. However, the prevailing wind of this thread (regarding the posting of dc’s) has been that it’s not been a common practice and that the newer members who have been posting dc’s have done so against CP protocol. My point was to simply demonstrate that the public announcement of bombs has always been acceptable.

My apologies if it seems that I was singling anyone out, I simply did a random search for “0303” in The Lobby and those posts were the two oldest returned.
I agree with you whole heartedly Mike. I also don't think , IMHO, that anything should change. It's all good! What's the difference now to then, clearly more active members and therefore more bombs. The act of bombing is in itself a good deed, if some want to post that they have sent a bomb, take cover or even post DC#'s, then go ahead, it's your money, spend it how you wish and get pleasure out of doing it.

Jeez, don't even give a guy time to warm up.

Hell, back in Spring 2004, AVB only had 2000 posts too...

Back to the DC question. Unless they work different in your part of the country all a DC does is say it was sent out and not where it is going.

Musical Interlude for today (not aimed at you MMM)

You talk too much you worry me to death,
You talk too much, you even worry my pet
You just talk, talk too much
You talk about people that you don't know,
You talk about people wherever you go
You just talk, talk too much
You talk about people that you've never seen,
You talk about people, you can make me scream
You just talk, you talk too much
Jeez, don't even give a guy time to warm up.

Hell, back in Spring 2004, AVB only had 2000 posts too...

Back to the DC question. Unless they work different in your part of the country all a DC does is say it was sent out and not where it is going.

Musical Interlude for today (not aimed at you MMM)

You talk too much you worry me to death,
You talk too much, you even worry my pet
You just talk, talk too much
You talk about people that you don't know,
You talk about people wherever you go
You just talk, talk too much
You talk about people that you've never seen,
You talk about people, you can make me scream
You just talk, you talk too much

That would be Joe Jones, and quite appropriate for this thread IMO. I thought I had ecelectic music tastes AVB, but I think you've set the bar higher than I could ever hope to achieve. I know a lot of music, but I only know about a third of the stuff you post. I'd love to see your music collection (not to mention your alcohol and cigar selection).
