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Are you bombing for the right reason?

A debate team with some holiday beef jerky available for sale imo
...everywhere that you go, no matter where you at
I said you talk about this, and you talk about that
When the cat took your tongue, I say you took it right back
Your mouth is so big, one bite would kill a Big Mac

You talk about people, you don't even know
And you talk about places, you NEVER go
You talk about your girl, from head to toe
I said your mouth's moving fast, and your brain's moving slow

You're the instigator, the orator of the town
You're the worst when you converse, just a big mouth clown
You talk when you're awake, I heard you talk when you sleep
Has anyone ever told you, that talk is cheap

Talking is the one thing, that you can do best
You told the cavity creeps, to watch out for Crest
You never have the story, right and exact
And then you always try to bore me, with your yakkity yak

Everyday you are out fighting someone in the street
And you're always fighting someone you know ya can't beat
Then you wonder how, you got in this mess
Just think of what you said, then take a guess

You're always spreading rumors, whether bad or good
You're the damn Walter Cronkite of the neighborhood
The Barbara Walters, and the Howard Cosell
You always come around, with a story to tell

Said it's everybody's business that you love to mind
And talkin to you, is like dropping a dime
You're spreading the word, like it is your job
You should be a stool pigeon, who works for the mob

A big blabbermouth, that's what you are
If you were a talk show host, you'd be a star
I said your mouth is big, size extra large
And when you open it, it's like my garage

You always like to gossip, just like a girl
You talk so damn much, it's outta this world
When you're reincarnated, in your second life
You won't be a man, you'll be a nagging wife

Twenty-five hours, eight days a week
Thirteen months outta year, is when you speak
I'm tired of listening to the garbage you talk
Why don't you find a short pier, and take a long walk
Differences happen (unless you're a liberal). Conscensus isn't always an option. It appears that there are a few choices with a mix in between. All I wanted when I started this thread is to make sure you know where YOU are. If you bomb solely to promote yourself, I think you're scum. However, contact me for my address. I'll smoke almost anything at least once.

I personally don't care for the posting of the DC by the sender, and I'm bone tired of seeing the "carnage" posts from the recipients. I'm not criticizing you for doing either any more than I would critcize you for eating tomatos, something else I don't like. If you want to jazz it up like Ray does, I might read it. Otherwise, you risk going to Hell and otherwise bad Karma by annoying me.

Bomb as you see fit. I hope that if you had the fortitude to read, much less participate in this thread, that you have chosen your values around bombing. Make your decision and take a stand, and you'll have my respect.
Differences happen (unless you're a liberal). Conscensus isn't always an option. It appears that there are a few choices with a mix in between. All I wanted when I started this thread is to make sure you know where YOU are. If you bomb solely to promote yourself, I think you're scum. However, contact me for my address. I'll smoke almost anything at least once.

I personally don't care for the posting of the DC by the sender, and I'm bone tired of seeing the "carnage" posts from the recipients. I'm not criticizing you for doing either any more than I would critcize you for eating tomatos, something else I don't like. If you want to jazz it up like Ray does, I might read it. Otherwise, you risk going to Hell and otherwise bad Karma by annoying me.

Bomb as you see fit. I hope that if you had the fortitude to read, much less participate in this thread, that you have chosen your values around bombing. Make your decision and take a stand, and you'll have my respect.


Nah, I'll leave that one alone. It's just too easy.

well said Bruce now I think this thread needs to die an honorable death.
Santa thinks there is only one thing to do: Everyone needs to hug it out! One big group hug :love: (Hands above the waist!)
Santa has some pending legal matters regarding a mall picture taking event that he cannot discuss in detail. Needless to say, this statement must be stated and understood by all parties involved if Santa is to partake in any event of the such..... :)
By reading this discussion, you may conclude that "bombing" is frowned upon, especially if you post a delivery confirmation number! You may conclude that some members want the tradition to stop because they are simply disgruntled that they aren't receiving enough bombs, or want to suppress the posting of announcements because they fail to send out many bombs themselves. You may conclude that there is a tradition of posting DC#'s going back for many years, so why change it now?

When I asked the question...

I am curious why members are in the habit of posting a DC announcing a bomb. What is the purpose of giving away the surprise?

..I wasn't really interested in the whys whats wheres of delivery confirmation; I am well versed in how the DC system works with the USPS. My true intent was to challenge each member to look at their motivation for posting the DC# as a part of the gifting process.

A more direct question would have been, when posting a DC# to the forum, ask yourself : would you still send these cigars if no one will ever know, but you and the recipient?

There is no "right way" to do it; but as the receiver of many anonymous & unpublicized gifts, I find it a more sincere and gracious show of friendship.
...everywhere that you go, no matter where you at
I said you talk about this, and you talk about that
When the cat took your tongue, I say you took it right back
Your mouth is so big, one bite would kill a Big Mac

You talk about people, you don't even know
And you talk about places, you NEVER go
You talk about your girl, from head to toe
I said your mouth's moving fast, and your brain's moving slow

You're the instigator, the orator of the town
You're the worst when you converse, just a big mouth clown
You talk when you're awake, I heard you talk when you sleep
Has anyone ever told you, that talk is cheap

Talking is the one thing, that you can do best
You told the cavity creeps, to watch out for Crest
You never have the story, right and exact
And then you always try to bore me, with your yakkity yak

Everyday you are out fighting someone in the street
And you're always fighting someone you know ya can't beat
Then you wonder how, you got in this mess
Just think of what you said, then take a guess

You're always spreading rumors, whether bad or good
You're the damn Walter Cronkite of the neighborhood
The Barbara Walters, and the Howard Cosell
You always come around, with a story to tell

Said it's everybody's business that you love to mind
And talkin to you, is like dropping a dime
You're spreading the word, like it is your job
You should be a stool pigeon, who works for the mob

A big blabbermouth, that's what you are
If you were a talk show host, you'd be a star
I said your mouth is big, size extra large
And when you open it, it's like my garage

You always like to gossip, just like a girl
You talk so damn much, it's outta this world
When you're reincarnated, in your second life
You won't be a man, you'll be a nagging wife

Twenty-five hours, eight days a week
Thirteen months outta year, is when you speak
I'm tired of listening to the garbage you talk
Why don't you find a short pier, and take a long walk

OLD School. I would have never guessed. :laugh:
Somebody bomb me some Opus OR or Maduro and i'll keep my mouth shut or start 25 posts thanking you, whichever you prefer :laugh:
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With numbers like that, there just has to be a couple packages on the porch........I'll go check!
great post, Bombs are just that. I have received a few in the last couple years here and a war of bombs. but I have learned more each time I read more and post less. but my first Herf taught me a lot. I know very little and there a wide amount of knowlege on this board and some great people here also. to many names to mention.. But this board is awsome.. Bombs are tools of excitement and knowlege. new things to enjoy and learn more about.
A VERY good point or question by miles.Would you still bomb if nobody knew about it?That was my point early in the thread is that sometimes it comes off as, look at me. And to piggie back on that, what is the point of posting the DC number of a bomb. That's like telling everyone you gave to the, -fill in the blank- charity and they didn't ask and you weren't talking about it.

My two pennies on vouching for people and building relationships. Solid and true relationships happen over time and thru many interactions. I can not understand how someone, anyone, can say what someone's character is after they have "known" them for a couple of months thru emails and maybe meeting them once or twice. I say again, it takes time to "know" someone especially over the internet. The people I consider true friends, I have known for years. Anyone else is an associate. I can't tell you for sure, what they will and won't do but I can't tell you what I THINK or believe.

In closing, I want it to be clear that I'm not against those who love to post OR bombs! BUT, there is a line that can be crossed and I think some peoples excitement of sharing this hobby with a group of people can make them cross said line. In the end,Do what you do and have fun. And please respect each other
I think this topic should be changed to "Is the person you are bombing worthy of your gratitude?"

I'm flipping the script on this discussion. While I think everyone is deserving of such a compassionate act as receiving a bomb, I don't think everyone can fulfill their role as a bomb recipient.

A while ago I bombed someone, and I found out they later sold the sticks. Don't get me wrong, it's their cigar, and they can do whatever they want with it, but the idea behind the bomb is to try to expand the enjoyment of cigars with other people. If you yourself don't enjoy the cigars received in a bomb, then please don't sell it, PAY IT FORWARD. :angry:

Not the first time it happened, (first time to me, and I'm still a bit upset), and will definitely happen again as long as people are still people. This is probably why I'm a bit wary about bombing fresh meat... this might also lead into the theory of inner circles, which I am not a part of but hey, they exist out there. I'd rather bomb someone I've met at least once to get a feel of how their character is.

For you who don't read as often as you should concerning how to not step on people's toes...

Cigar Exchange Protocol
A VERY good point or question by miles.Would you still bomb if nobody knew about it?That was my point early in the thread is that sometimes it comes off as, look at me. And to piggie back on that, what is the point of posting the DC number of a bomb. That's like telling everyone you gave to the, -fill in the blank- charity and they didn't ask and you weren't talking about it.

My two pennies on vouching for people and building relationships. Solid and true relationships happen over time and thru many interactions. I can not understand how someone, anyone, can say what someone's character is after they have "known" them for a couple of months thru emails and maybe meeting them once or twice. I say again, it takes time to "know" someone especially over the internet. The people I consider true friends, I have known for years. Anyone else is an associate. I can't tell you for sure, what they will and won't do but I can't tell you what I THINK or believe.

In closing, I want it to be clear that I'm not against those who love to post OR bombs! BUT, there is a line that can be crossed and I think some peoples excitement of sharing this hobby with a group of people can make them cross said line. In the end,Do what you do and have fun. And please respect each other

Now I'm probably in the huge minority on this one but I usually specifically ask those that I bomb to not post a public acknowledgment that they received a "bomb" from me but that's just me.