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Are you bombing for the right reason?

I think my original 45 of CALIFORNIA ÜBER ALLES is ahead but not by a terribly large amount.
I think my original 45 of CALIFORNIA ÜBER ALLES is ahead but not by a terribly large amount.

Now when you start talking DK, that's a whole 'nother ball game. Still have all my old original vinyl from them as well, with all original newspaper inserts and "penis landscape" Geiger poster, including my much loved, and very often played "Skateboard Party" lp. Have stories about skating with some of them at a half-pipe of a friend, along with Steve Caballero at some quasi Faction function. Also once met up with the old Bones Brigade crew (in S.J.) to skate an empty pool, with Lance Moutain, a thin, geeky Tony Hawk, and some not-widely-known at the time named Bod Boyle. Tommy Guerro in S.F., other BB crew in Santa Cruz.

It was a hell of a time.
Subtrafuge and misdirection expertly handed out by a couple of Marines.
Wow, I’m away for a few hours and this blows up.

My 2 cents on the subject.
For me bombs are a way to surprise friends and introduce newer members to cigars that they may not have tried before.
Nothing more or less. Some are publicly acknowledged, some are not.
Public recognition for a bomb is not why I do it.

Very well put!

This whole conversation kinda sickens me.

For no reason should some1 bomb for self promotion. That wasnt the case w/ any of jfeilds bombs. as for posting warnings about bombs being in the air, If this is in bad taste then i am sorry. like a few members said this was somthing i had seen since the time i started here and beleived that it was common pratice. You guys say read more post less. I did this and from reading i was under the impression that when a bomb goes out it was ok to do this.

I have talked to a bunch of you guys out there(both FOG and FNG) and have had great experiences both on the boards and off. seeing and feeling the joy of compleat strangers and friends give gifts to each other for no reason at all show us how great this place is. we live in a world where every1 is only in stuff for them selfs. Selflesness like bombs is why CP is so diffrent from everywhere else.

Lets not make somthing as great as a give between stangers and freinds as ugly as we have in this thread. If some1 is in it for self promotion than you should find some place else cuz you will be found out here. As for the other member who do this to share the sprit, pass it on and cultivate it in others LETS KEEP GIVING.

We have all figured out that it is not cool or neccary to openly post that one has sent a bomb. it is one thing if some1 kept pushing buttons or bucking the system like some of those B/S/T unloaders and scavengers, but to BROTHERS who have made a mistake in protocall while doing somthing nice for each other. lets take it easy on each other and show the brotherhood that seprates us from other boards.

sorry for my spelling(spell check is not worlking on my computer)

o this thread changed fast! lol should'a read the last page b4 posting (read more post less) sorry i am an a$$ Hat
Announce or thank in public if you want, but just know that a couple of guys don't like it. Just make sure you send for the right reasons.

Now back to the old guys reliving their youth... :D
I enjoyed the first couple of pages of this post. Well said Nully.
You get things like this when they like you. Now you know :p


Well at least now I understand why I didn't get one.



I was thinking about this thread, who posted in it and their opinions about bombing.

I am NOT directing this at any individual, just an observation...

Some posted, stating that they did not like the fact that there were too many bombs floating around these days.
Straight forward question...do the people that feel this way not get bombed or hardly ever send out bombs?

There are posts that state that the BOTL's that are quiet, don't get bombed often, or at all.
If you don't participate in the forums, then how do we get to know you.

In the same token, it was suggested in this thread, relative to bombing, that "post less, read more" posters (this by folks who don't post a lot), are better for CP.
Is it possible that these people don't send out or receive a lot of bombs?

Keep in mind...If the example of read more post less is taken to heart by everyone, there will be nothing to read and the phrase will have to be reversed to, post more, read less :laugh:
Active posters converse and know each other and I may add, provide content to CP. It's natural therefore that active posters, in the main, get and /or receive bombs.

Although there are rare cases of attention getters, how do you label the givers like Jonesy and jfields for example, as attention seekers, charging that they bomb FOGS when the opposite is true .
I regard these guys as fine gentleman, just my opinion of course. These guys have bombed more noobs (some of whom will probably not be active participants in the future), than FOG's.
Their acts are selfless IMO, not attention seekers. I may be wrong but I think this thread was started based on the latest run of noob bombings ???

As I mentioned in a previous post, I know who I am and so do others that send out bombs and there are many. I have done it for almost 2 years on here and I'm not going to change. Some like Ray,
have selflessly been bombing for 4 years. CP, IMO, is about giving. It is the epitome of how the world should be run.

I think the statement that there are "too many bombs going out, I hardly read the posts anymore" should be viewed as a positive, not a negative. If we keep giving, none of us will
be short and we all prosper.

Brian, you make very good points and I hold you in very high regard. I am personally a pretty big fan of bombing and have done it a number of ways. I just prefer the practice of doing it without an open "I am on the warpath" post generally because it leaves the option of whether or not the recipient wants to post about it up to them, rather than basically creating an obligation for them to make a public post. Now there are definitely cases where it makes sense to do it the other way, the cement and foam bombs that went back and forth last year for example. Or as another example, the back and forth between you and Moki was quite entertaining. However, in general I just prefer not announcing bombs before they go out because it leaves the recipient's response in their own hands to a greater degree and, if I am doing this for the right reasons, the public response shouldn't be expected.
Excellent, excellent points, Brian. Lately I've been thinking about the maxim of "read more, post less" and I've found it wanting because it oversimplifies a rich situation. As I've posted before and you've restated here, communication is the key to familiarity and that is no less true online than in real life. Now granted, it's harder to do and takes a longer time, and more stimuli (posts, conversations, exchanges) to carry this out in online setting, but it can be done and has been done.

Also as remarked, a good portion of the relationship building goes on directly between individuals off-forum at herfs, emails, phone calls, PMs, etc. When people connect, they often don't restrict their conversations to the public forum.

Almost without exception, no one arrives on the scene here or at any other forum and attains instant, enduring credibility. Well known individuals such as Pete Johnson or John Oliva Jr. are examples of the exceptions. And it is only through action and interaction that regular folks achieve credibility.

I would further add that one is best able, perhaps only able, to reveal a complete image of the self through a variety of interactions. Engaging in debate, sharing experiences, participating in trades and splits, supporting members in need; these varied modes of human interaction reveal nuances to the person and are more valuable to the community than any single mode.

As for bombs, it's all in the intent. Do it for the right and just reasons and feel good about it, guilt-free. That is the bomber's shield. Do it for the wrong reasons and you'll soon tire of it, be run off, or we'll tire of you. This is what history has revealed to be the course of events.
