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Are you bombing for the right reason?

Wow...I know I apologized for my use of "language" in a post earlier, but I've gone back and re-read this thread and saw exactly how out of line I actually was with what I said in that particular post. I meant every word that I said to Double D in that post, but I certainly didn't need to subject everyone here to that kind of language....things could have been worded much differently. For that I offer my sincerest apologies to all of you that I may have offended in the process.
What you want
Baby, I got
What you need
Do you know I got it?
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you come home
(just a little bit)
Hey baby
(just a little bit)
when you get home
(just a little bit)
(just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB
If you could re-title this thread, what would you call it? I'll go first:

"Are you posting for the right reason?"
Bomb. Or do not bomb. It's that easy... but never EXPECT a bomb. I personally don't give a rats behind if someone says "ohhh, swissy, you're the best' unless she's really hot, got legs up to her... Oh wait... I DO like that! :p

I've been bombed, have bombed, and will bomb again. I can also say that I almost never bomb someone that has bombed me. That's the true PIF joy of the whole thing. I'd rather randomly pick some poor bastard I have not dealt with, or nail the crap outta someone I trade with and buy from regularly. Either way, THAT's fun.

As far as the whole 'newbie war' and the 'smackdown' ... that was just good plain old fashioned fun. And sucking up... but what the hell. We made a lot more new friends in the process. I know I did. I don't think anyone did it purely for personal gain, but more in the spirit of the event and moment.

But there's also a reason I removed my address from my profile - to make someone do their homework! Maybe even have to bribe someone to get it, which gets the whole trading and friendship thingy moving all over again.

But never EXPECT a bomb... enjoy the art of giving, and revel in the destruction of others :cool:
Jesus is this thread still going on?

I'm a street walking cheetah,
with a heart full of napalm
I'm a runaway son of the nuclear A-bomb
I am a world's forgotten boy
The one who searches and destroys.
Honey gotta help me please
Somebody gotta save my soul
Baby detonates for me
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology.
Ain't got time to make no apology
Soul radiation in the dead of night
Love in the middle of a fire fight
Honey gotta strike me blind
Somebody gotta save my soul
Baby penetrates my mind
And I'm the world's forgotten boy
The one who's searchin', searchin' to destroy
And honey I'm the world's forgotten boy.
I have a few things to say, but I don't feel as though I have enough cred yet. I'll wait til someone creates a similar post next year. Must send more bombs in the interim... :D
What you want
Baby, I got
What you need
Do you know I got it?
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you come home
(just a little bit)
Hey baby
(just a little bit)
when you get home
(just a little bit)
(just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Anybody else find themselves singing the song as they read this post? No one? ok...
Holy, holy crap. I just got on here and read this thread from page 6 to 1 and wow. Some night. I've never bombed and have only received a torch lighter but I knew that was coming.

As such, I can't form an opinion on the act of bombing or the dialogue that has taken place. I will say this in the spirit of compromise; it's nice to have a place where we all can (should) check our attitudes at the login, and not make it personal, on either side of the line.

All in all, it's good for you guys to clear the air on an issue that obviously has been irking some for a long time.

In the end of my rambling, I'll still actively post as much as I feel I have anything good to say and will still continue to glean all I can from the other members from their knowledge and generosity shown here everyday. I think that's the majority consensus.
Met him in a cab in NYC back in 88 or so. We road together for only 10 blocks though. Very nice guy who was pretty surprised when I called him Mr. Osterberg
I am thinking that because I have replied so late...that very few will see this....

Wow.. I missed a bunch! OK.... I know I have been drinking, OH YES!...and read a liitle of this thread...(well, it was a "going away party" and we were ALL smoking cigars...er...so... I was herfing!)

Bombing = a great tradition.
I get to get stuff, I get to send stuff, other people "get and give stuff." I have met good people both in-person and on-line. (I hope to meet many many more in person) - so far just Dale and Shawn in person...(great guys). This is a good community because of the sharing... and (to me) shocking is the amount of trust and compassion. I am completely floored by the amount of giving. (No matter if it is announced or private.) Personally, I see the argument to do both. We all want to be accepted, but it is a hard thing to accomplish on-line.

In my profession, we are the "quiet professionals." But, believe me, we are judged by our deeds. Unfortunately, our deeds may not be seen in this "environment." In this "on-line" environment. I understand reasoning of the many facets of this issue. WE are the best thing I have seen on the internet. (OK...maybe I need to get on-line more.)... but for now...DAMN! I am impressed!

Bomb away! I say! I think there is a time and place to announce bombs, share the receipt of bombs, and keep bombs private.... Well, at least that is what I have been taught by the very actions of ALL the members of this CP. You all - as a collective - have set the example for me. ... I think I know how to behave here, because of the deeds of everyone that has come before AND after me. There is a time and a place for everything.

I thank you all for your gifts, your advice, your tolerance, and your friendship.

C&G...I really like it here.
Met him in a cab in NYC back in 88 or so. We road together for only 10 blocks though. Very nice guy who was pretty surprised when I called him Mr. Osterberg


Yep. Most think he's Mr. Pop, or, at the very least, Iggy. :D
I own the record, does that count?

I own the record, does that count?


That 45 and 10" are still among my many, most loved possessions of that era. That and the Repo Man Soundtrack vinyl....and, well, to be honest, all my other tons of punk vinyl. But those are still up there in the top.
I take exception to this. No one is saying there are bad noobs, except for the ones who were outed. You seem to be taking something that was meant as a way to really take someone who contributed to CP, and make their day, and turn it into something that is distasteful. If you look at the last two of these bombings, you will see clearly mentioned that there are others deserving, but only three were picked. So, NO ONE took the right upon themselves to say there are bad ones. If you thought that, you did it all on your own.

Nope. He's not alone. There are several of us who share this opinion. When I say "us" I mean people who've been here longer than a year.

As for bombing...I say this. Bomb or don't. But shut up about it. Do your homework. Post less, read more. Then maybe the excuse of "I thought thats how it was done" won't be applicable.


Show me where I said there were bad ones, or even alluded this, other than the Asshats that were banned.

I may shut up about it, or I may not. If you don't like it, then don't read. It's a forum for christ sakes. I'm a big boy, and I'm capable of picking and choosing myself.
Lastly, it was not an excuse, or an apology, just the way myself and several others thought was the standard. I'll keep on Reading more, and posting more, how's that for you KC? :sign: