I am thinking that because I have replied so late...that very few will see this....
Wow.. I missed a bunch! OK.... I know I have been drinking, OH YES!...and read a liitle of this thread...(well, it was a "going away party" and we were ALL smoking cigars...er...so... I was herfing!)
Bombing = a great tradition.
I get to get stuff, I get to send stuff, other people "get and give stuff." I have met good people both in-person and on-line. (I hope to meet many many more in person) - so far just Dale and Shawn in person...(great guys). This is a good community because of the sharing... and (to me) shocking is the amount of trust and compassion. I am completely floored by the amount of giving. (No matter if it is announced or private.) Personally, I see the argument to do both. We all want to be accepted, but it is a hard thing to accomplish on-line.
In my profession, we are the "quiet professionals." But, believe me, we are judged by our deeds. Unfortunately, our deeds may not be seen in this "environment." In this "on-line" environment. I understand reasoning of the many facets of this issue. WE are the best thing I have seen on the internet. (OK...maybe I need to get on-line more.)... but for now...DAMN! I am impressed!
Bomb away! I say! I think there is a time and place to announce bombs, share the receipt of bombs, and keep bombs private.... Well, at least that is what I have been taught by the very actions of ALL the members of this CP. You all - as a collective - have set the example for me. ... I think I know how to behave here, because of the deeds of everyone that has come before AND after me. There is a time and a place for everything.
I thank you all for your gifts, your advice, your tolerance, and your friendship.
C&G...I really like it here.