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Are you bombing for the right reason?

How ironic this would pop up around the gift giving season. :sign:
I'll pack up that next $100 bottle of scotch for you Anthony so you know it will arrive safely.
ok I went through and tried to inventory my bad words so i could apologize i said fuck i am sorry and circle jerk may be offensive so i am sorry for that to and i thought i said ass but could not find it I apolagize for that as well. Now I am going to give myself an 8hr time out in bed. Tone that was sound advice i am going to take it ty.
This is so out of character. What's up?

The ones that get bombed are the ones who are the most vocal or the "popular" guys on the boards. The quiet ones who post once in a while are rarely if ever bombed.
Some seem to be intrepreting this thread to mean that "bombing" is bad form - it is in fact a sign of the healthy trading forum that is the foundation of CigarPass. What I believe many find excessive is the need to self promote the activity beforehand.

I went back and re-read your post after getting to the end of this thread to make sure I was reading it correctly.

Frankly I'm offended by your I don't agree with your summation and perception.

I don't care why people bomb. The act of generosity in itself is commendable. Sure, there are some people with ulterior motives and they know who they are.

I'll bomb whomever I desire when I want and how I want. Young or old members, makes no difference to me. Sometimes someone makes me laugh or mentions something in a post and he becomes my target.
If you or anyone on this board perceive my actions as "attention getting", good for you. I know who I am, I could care less what some of you may think. I also feel that I know the real motives of several members who have been indirectly attacked in this thread. These people IMO, have only good intentions.

Lastly, why do we have to go into a members profile and only bomb what he is wishing for. A gift is just that, a gift, it does not come with or get sent with conditions attached.

I have to say Bruce, your introduction post was extremely well written, it dances surgically along the line of 'intent'
I feel as if that was thought out for awhile, I'm sure this has been passed on through time and is an opinion that resonates throughout this community.

That being said, I agree 'buying respect' is not the reason to bomb. The reason I bomb is NOT to 'buy' respect, but for the sheer enjoyment of giving. I know this is true for many of the people I have dealt with as well.
A wise friend once said: 'People accuse you of what they would do' which often rings true. In this example Bruce calls to attention the high moral grounds that he feels should motivate a bomb. Certain others, it seems, have other beliefs.

As I see it the bomb, as I suspect it is for many here, is a way to share something with someone else. Of course it develops friendships and such. Great.
If you're proud of a bomb, awesome. I personally would write a 'got it' post out of gratitude because I thought it was nice. I hope there's no problem with that. If it's in bad form I'll abide by the societal rule, but I wouldn't agree.

This is a message board. All kinds of jackasses are going to write all kinds of stuff. I might like or not like half of them, and you know what I do if I see something I don't like? I don't read it. I don't have to like everything, I'm not the center of the universe. Neither are you.

The fact is i feel strongly about this subject however,it does not give me the right to force others to my point of view. Tony I was not mocking you indeed I have a great deal of respect for you and everyone else on this board and yes that means you jonesy and jay. after rereading this it looks like i was mocking tony I was not i agree with his assessment. the fact is i let my emotions and perhaps a bit of scotch overcome my rational thinking I try to be clear headed and calm whenever I post here this time i was not. the fact is some terrible things are going in my life at the moment and I let my anger over those affect how I treat people in a place i enjoy and i truly apologize for that.

The fact is i feel strongly about this subject however,it does not give me the right to force others to my point of view. Tony I was not mocking you indeed I have a great deal of respect for you and everyone else on this board and yes that means you jonesy and jay. after rereading this it looks like i was mocking tony I was not i agree with his assessment. the fact is i let my emotions and perhaps a bit of scotch overcome my rational thinking I try to be clear headed and calm whenever I post here this time i was not. the fact is some terrible things are going in my life at the moment and I let my anger over those affect how I treat people in a place i enjoy and i truly apologize for that.


f'in cool move Dale.
The ones that get bombed are the ones who are the most vocal or the "popular" guys on the boards. The quiet ones who post once in a while are rarely if ever bombed.

And that might be part of the problem. Newer members may feel that if they don't post a lot, that they're not "contributing". (That's not a shot at anyone, just how I felt early on, see below). Anyway, I tend to look for the quiet ones.

And I'll admit it, when I first came on here I was a little envious because it seemed that others were getting bombed and I wasn't. I didn't have a lot to contribute at the time, so posting came slowly. Hell, most of my posts were in the Introduce Yourself Here forum welcoming new members just because I had nothing else to say. And yes, I thought it would help me by having a higher post count. But eventually someone popped my cherry, it felt good (no jokes please ) then I was at a point where I was able to start PIF. I totally overdid it with the first bomb I sent :whistling: , I was just happy I had something in my humidor that someone had on their wish list. Then I started talking to people, going to herfs, events, etc. And now I'm (hope so anyway) creating life-long friendships along the way....all because of cigars.

Whenever I've sent out gifts, I always try to include a note saying please PIF in the future, when you can.
By the way, when doing a PIF to someone, it doesn't always have to be better than what you got. Just send some of your favorites. There are hundreds of cigars others may not have even known about.

That's what it's about, giving someone cigars they may not otherwise have had a chance to try, and passing on your good fortunes to others! :thumbs:
Wow, I’m away for a few hours and this blows up.

My 2 cents on the subject.
For me bombs are a way to surprise friends and introduce newer members to cigars that they may not have tried before.
Nothing more or less. Some are publicly acknowledged, some are not.
Public recognition for a bomb is not why I do it.
I would like to thank the Academy for this award. To my producers, my publicist, my manager, my agent, and of course my wife whom I cheat on almost daily. And of course to the fans I for whom I have total disregard for except the box office numbers they bring in. And finally, I must credit the paparazzi because if not for them, all those tabloids wouldn't sell and my sycophant fans would not be drooling at my heels with bootleg copies of my sex tape on DVD which of course is once again promoting my fame and glory.

Wow, I’m away for a few hours and this blows up.

My 2 cents on the subject.
For me bombs are a way to surprise friends and introduce newer members to cigars that they may not have tried before.
Nothing more or less. Some are publicly acknowledged, some are not.
Public recognition for a bomb is not why I do it.
Well stated!

I didn't post this thread to set anyone right, though I suspect that may have happened. I didn't post to rant since I'm not angry. It wasn't my intent to insult anyone, but I expected that it would happen. Strange that I felt compelled to post this thread even having missed this one, with my point sardonically made by MMM in # 5 and more directly in #19. Everyone played the part beautifully except for some head butting that I hope both parties will regret, and Dave - might never figure that one out. We might have some more to hash out. Brian, I'll never criticize what you send, when, or to whom. Take joy in doing something for a brother and you'll never be seriously criticized by me. Rob, yes, there was a subliminal message that worked beautifully. Under no circumstances should you read the forth sentence backwards rapidly.

Anyway, I said my piece and I'm sticking to it. Opinions are like assholes, we all have one.

Edit to fix the link.
Yea! I get to give my opinion!

Point 1: I agree with the original post except for the word CHARITY. I don't believe anyone here needs, expects, or deserves charity. The preembargo thing going on in the BST section ins't even charity. It is brotherstaking care of brothers. That is what this is board is about and I have seen countless acts of kindness, brotherhood, and friendship strewn across CP.

Point 2: I have been part of the bomb the newbies thing since jfields pm'd me about it. I don't know John all that well, so I can't vouch for his intentions (but I do like him). From what I can gather about the BTN thread and countless others is not that people are expecting anything...cred, look at me, or some since of hierarchy. One word describes it all.


It is just plain ol' fun. Teasing, joshing, poking is all part of it. The BTN thread is a simple attempt from some BOTL's to let others know that we appreciate knowing them and that they are some of the reason that we enjoy being here. The threads are simply a way of us letting them know that we think they are special. There are no semantics about how things are worded. There is no ill will or brown-nosing about how things are done. Again, it is all about...


I don't think that I have ever had terse words with a single brother here. And I don't intend to. I let others do as they please as long as they are not hurting another. Shouldn't we do that here. We are extending gratitude, generosity, and a bit of a suprise to some good people. Why tarnish that with all of this.

My .02

The ones that get bombed are the ones who are the most vocal or the "popular" guys on the boards. The quiet ones who post once in a while are rarely if ever bombed.

And that might be part of the problem. Newer members may feel that if they don't post a lot, that they're not "contributing". (That's not a shot at anyone, just how I felt early on, see below). Anyway, I tend to look for the quiet ones.

And I'll admit it, when I first came on here I was a little envious because it seemed that others were getting bombed and I wasn't. I didn't have a lot to contribute at the time, so posting came slowly. Hell, most of my posts were in the Introduce Yourself Here forum welcoming new members just because I had nothing else to say. And yes, I thought it would help me by having a higher post count. But eventually someone popped my cherry, it felt good (no jokes please ) then I was at a point where I was able to start PIF. I totally overdid it with the first bomb I sent :whistling: , I was just happy I had something in my humidor that someone had on their wish list. Then I started talking to people, going to herfs, events, etc. And now I'm (hope so anyway) creating life-long friendships along the way....all because of cigars.

Whenever I've sent out gifts, I always try to include a note saying please PIF in the future, when you can.
By the way, when doing a PIF to someone, it doesn't always have to be better than what you got. Just send some of your favorites. There are hundreds of cigars others may not have even known about.

That's what it's about, giving someone cigars they may not otherwise have had a chance to try, and passing on your good fortunes to others! :thumbs:

I guess I'll be the first and maybe only one to out myself. My first bomb was sent to a FOG in hopes that I would buy the credit. This member was very deserving of the item, but I had poor intentions. It was hey, look at me. Since that time many moons ago, I too have grown restless with the number of bombs sent for recognition. It embaresses me to think that I promoted this behavior.

I testify this tonight, that I write this to make myself feel better as I felt bad once I read the original post. I realized that what I did was wrong and am hereby apologizing for said actions.

I am attaching this to Mr. Wolf's comment because as many of you may be aware, new members feel that in order to get recognized and become part of the community, they need to get their names in lights. Now over a year later, I am proud of the low post count I have while reading more. That makes me feel better than an occasional item hitting my doorstep. I rarely chime in on such discussions because I feel I'm still too new to add comment on issues of the board, but feel that perhaps a member newer than myself may fall in line with my past and present feelings.

Yea! I get to give my opinion!

Point 1: I agree with the original post except for the word CHARITY. I don't believe anyone here needs, expects, or deserves charity. The preembargo thing going on in the BST section ins't even charity. It is brotherstaking care of brothers. That is what this is board is about and I have seen countless acts of kindness, brotherhood, and friendship strewn across CP.


Bad choice of words on my part, but consider that yours is a CONNOTATION. If I send you cigar without expectation of payment, (to me), that's an act of charity. There is no qualifier that you're destitute, only that it was mine and now its yours.