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Are you bombing for the right reason?

I bomb because I like to misquote song lyrics. It makes some of you think.
Well......Enerjay has been typing for a while. He must be trying to figure out how to spell BOMB! :laugh:

LOL, That is just what I was doing. It is no secret I can not spell. LOL If some one put a gun to my head and said spell it right or die, well Shit. I would die. :laugh:
I think I might even get bombed tonight too.
To all let's not let our e-peni get in the way of civilized discourse.

Now if you've used foul language in your posts I would suggest you say your sorry and take a time out. Disagrements are looked favorably but persoanl attacks are not.
I do not like assuming somebody bombs a BOTL with himself in mind; however, I do assume that most guys bomb with good intentions.

Unless somebody turns out to be a real jerk to me or screws other BOTL, I cannot assume that he was doing anything but trying to be a good member of this community.

If you want to acknowledge somebody's generosity publicly, go ahead. I'm not going to be the cynic that thinks kind acts have selfish motivations.

As to the rest, take the pissing contest to PMs Double D and Jonsey. I personally think your both wrong for fighting over this and will leave it at that.
I'm not fighting Shawn, I'm just defending myself. As to taking it to pm, Dale made it public, so there will be no pm's.

Brother, as far as I'm concerned, we positively hashed our differences out a while ago. So I'm just going to leave this thread and let y'all handle between yourselves, I'd just rather not see Rod getting involved if the shit hits the fan a bit too hard.

Having enemies at a online forum is about as stupid as it goes in my opinion, and damn silly to to boot. Especially over something WE ALL LIKE TO DO HERE. Send out bombs.



And then you get a bomb like this, because they like you. And that the first of two cigars just trying to dig out a FAKE
I take exception to this. No one is saying there are bad noobs, except for the ones who were outed. You seem to be taking something that was meant as a way to really take someone who contributed to CP, and make their day, and turn it into something that is distasteful. If you look at the last two of these bombings, you will see clearly mentioned that there are others deserving, but only three were picked. So, NO ONE took the right upon themselves to say there are bad ones. If you thought that, you did it all on your own.

Nope. He's not alone. There are several of us who share this opinion. When I say "us" I mean people who've been here longer than a year.

As for bombing...I say this. Bomb or don't. But shut up about it. Do your homework. Post less, read more. Then maybe the excuse of "I thought thats how it was done" won't be applicable.

ok I went through and tried to inventory my bad words so i could apologize i said fuck i am sorry and circle jerk may be offensive so i am sorry for that to and i thought i said ass but could not find it I apolagize for that as well. Now I am going to give myself an 8hr time out in bed. Tone that was sound advice i am going to take it ty.
To all let's not let our e-peni get in the way of civilized discourse.

Now if you've used foul language in your posts I would suggest you say your sorry and take a time out. Disagrements are looked favorably but persoanl attacks are not.
My apologies for the language. I was pretty upset when posting and my temper got the best of me. It's just kinda hard for me to control myself when someone questions my motives and integrity.
To all let's not let our e-peni get in the way of civilized discourse.

Now if you've used foul language in your posts I would suggest you say your sorry and take a time out. Disagrements are looked favorably but persoanl attacks are not.

Just found my new sig tag. Thanks, bro!

No one said you couldn't disagree with each other just don't make it personal. Bomb when you want to and enjoy the act of giving that is what it really is about.
To all let's not let our e-peni get in the way of civilized discourse.

Now if you've used foul language in your posts I would suggest you say your sorry and take a time out. Disagrements are looked favorably but persoanl attacks are not.

Just found my new sig tag. Thanks, bro!


I'm glad you enjoyed that one :D
You get things like this when they like you. Now you know :p
