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What smoking music are you listening to? (2024)

As the youngsters would say, "It's been a minute" since I shared anything for MMM, so here is a simple song I wrote that is based off of a conversation I had with my wife. We were at a spot that we go to quite often for vacation to just relax and unwind, just the two of us. We were having a conversation about where we were and how it gives a lot of feelings of home, but not our current home, possibly a home in a previous life, I joked. I know this is getting deep, bear with me. The drinks continue to flow, the gummies have fully kicked in at this point and the conversation continues. First a little background. My wife is someone that can hone in on someone's character and feelings within minutes of meeting them, she has somewhat of a sixth sense. She can tell things about people that she would have no way of knowing, so she is very empath and somewhat clairvoyant. This home we are at is very picturesque, it's a 1950's bungalow, with heavy foliage on both sides giving total privacy. You can sit out on the dock in the backyard, overlooking the bay, palm trees swaying and watch the sun set. It's perfect!!! I digress... Back to the conversation, she says to me that, she had a premonition about her afterlife. Again, when she says things like this I have learned to listen and pay attention, because she has done this many times and basically seen future events. She tells me that she saw herself coming down from the sky and landing in the backyard, it's the golden hour and she can see into the home that is lit up and I am standing inside. As she moves closer to the home, somewhat floating she described, I open the glass sliding door and say to her "Hey, come in I've been waiting for you" So of course the first thing I say to her is "Damn, I guess we just found out that I'm going to die before you". There was a brief moment of silence as we both took that in. We both agreed that it was a great spot to wait. Anyways here you go...

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Last time I participated in 90's OHW, @TexasTraveler yelled at me for calling The Toadies a OHW band. So, I'm going to take a different approach to it. I'm going to start posting other songs by 90's OHW bands that were better than their one hit. Starting with this one...

In some cases that could be anything.