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What smoking music are you listening to? (2024)


A remake of Third World's 1979 song. All the Rap is new but the chorus is lifted exactly from the original,

I don't remember ever hearing this one.

A remake of Third World's 1979 song. All the Rap is new but the chorus is lifted exactly from the original,

I don't remember ever hearing this one.
Here comes the hotstepper was a pretty big hit, I remember it. And without looking I am almost certain that the chorus on Now that we found love is being sung by a group called “Guy” lead by Aaron Hall, which had many hits themselves.

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Here comes the hotstepper was a pretty big hit, I remember it. And without looking I am almost certain that the chorus on Now that we found love is being sung by a group called “Guy” lead by Aaron Hall, which had many hits themselves.

You may be correct but that isn't what I remember. Once the chorus is pulled from the backing track and manipulated a little it fits.

Did you notice this is the AVB stripped down version… 😆 originally had more backing instrumentals… I think it turned out pretty good this way….
My original comment was about the lyrics. Musically I think the new version is an improvement too.
Here comes the hotstepper was a pretty big hit, I remember it. And without looking I am almost certain that the chorus on Now that we found love is being sung by a group called “Guy” lead by Aaron Hall, which had many hits themselves.

The official name of the song is:

Heavy D & The Boyz - Now That We Found Love (Official Music Video) ft. Aaron Hall​

So you may be right but I didn't find out what Aaron did.
This story is called Heaven or Hell

I've done some things I shouldn't have done, been places I shouldn't have been and seen and heard things I wish I never saw or heard. 99% of the time it was for a girl. This is a story about one of those times and how a concert almost caused me to go to jail.

I'm at the ice rink in Memphis in January '77, once again trying to master how to fall down safely. I can roller skate OK but put me on the ice and there is some mental block between brains and feet. After an hour of embarrassing myself I decide to go to the refreshment stand and sit for a bit. As I climb up on the stool I say to myself something like."Man I can't sit here too long or I'll stiffen up" The girl on the next stool says that it looks like I could use some help. I tell her that she is wrong, I don't need some help I need ALL the help. This gets a giggle and I introduce myself. She says her name is Pam and proceeds to give me a short course in thermodynamics, physics, geometry and Newton's laws as they pertain to ice skating. I had no idea. She offers to take me out and give me some tips and I'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to hold onto this Pretty Young Thing. After some time I actually make it twice around without having anything bad happen and decide to end on that high note.

Back at the refreshment stand I offer to buy her whatever she wants for her help and she gets a 7up, that's it. No burger, fries, milkshake, BLT just a 7up. We talk for a bit and I mention that I'm going swimming on Sunday (this was Saturday afternoon) and she looks at me like I'm a crazy person. "It's January! You can't go swimming in January!" "Sure I can, you can come watch if you want or even join in." After some back and forth she agrees to come watch and I get her address and phone.

Now I have no intention of swimming in the Mississippi in January but I do plan on swimming at the indoor pool at the Hilton where a friend has a part-time gig as a lifeguard. The Hilton used these guest passes so people staying at the hotel can invite a couple of guests to go swimming. So for a case of beer once in a while I get a handful of passes. A symbiotic relationship.

1 Pm Sunday rolls around and I go to pick up Pam and her mother opens the door not having a clue who I am. We make introductions and I tell her why I'm there and she yells "Pam, are you ready?" "I'm not going Mom!" "Did you tell this boy you would go with him today?" "Yes Mom but.." No buts, you keep leading these boys on and none of them will trust you now get ready and get downstairs!" A few minutes later Pam shows up with a little bag in hand and Mom shushes us out the door. This is going not as planned so I tell Pam we can go wherever she wants but she says her mother will expect her to tell about swimming so we might as well go there.

The attitude improves significantly when we walk into the Hilton. I show our pool passes and up we go to the indoor pool. We walk in and my friend gives me the head nod and we go to the dressing rooms. I'm waiting by the door when Pam comes out. Now I know why it was such a little bag. I have no idea what is holding that bikini bottom up and there is little doubt what is keeping the top on. There is no way anybody could actually swim in that suit. We end up having a pretty good time and when I bring her home Mom won't let me go without feeding me dinner and grilling me at the same time. Imagine 45 minutes of a conversation about yourself while you are sitting there that you have only a limited part in.

"So Pam did you have a good time?" Yes Mom it was fun we swam in the pool at the Hilton!" "So are you going out with him again?"
"I don't know Mom he hasn't asked" "Do you want to go out with Pam again?" " Yes ma'am I'd like that very much." "So its settled, you kids work out the details." Mom was sorta like a Mack truck in a housecoat. Once she got rolling you got in her way at your peril.

Of course, over the next few weeks it comes out that I like going to concerts and I'd love to take her to a show. Was there anybody she really wants to see? Out came the three worst possible words anybody who claims to be a rocker could hear: THE JACKSON 5. Now Pam and I had progressed from pool passes to getting pretty friendly up to a point and that certainly was a factor but still...me at a Jacksons concert? The show was already sold out and less than 2 weeks away. This would be a labor of love or lust in my case. I end up buying a pair of ticket for 3 times face value or about $45 for the pair and having to pay full ride at the Hilton since my buddy was away. So we get to the show and there is security everywhere since the Jackson's caused a riot at a store in Memphis during an autograph signing the day before. 8-10,000 showed up when 500-1,000 were expected. Inside it is just screaming teenage girls with a few bored looking older guys like me and some parents in the mix as far as you can see. I manage to make it through the show by thinking about the after party. We didn't spend the night since Mom might not have been to thrilled about that but she didn't say anything when I brought Pam home at almost 4 AM.

Everything is going well and good and I was going to meet her older brother who is a cop in some little town a few hours down the road later that month. We're sitting in the living room talking about cars and guns when he offers me a beer. "If you wear the uniform you can have a beer" Never asking my age. He asks me if I had been treating his baby sister right. I say that she can answer that better than I . So he yells into the kitchen, "Pammy, this boy been treating you right?" "Oh yes we're having lots of fun." I ask if she isn't a little old for you to be calling her your baby sister? "Naw she'll always be my baby sister - (yelling) Pammy, you're going to be 17 in what, 2 months?" "Yeah"

She told me she was 18, had a fake ID that said 22 and I never asked directly to see any ID, If the bottle I was holding didn't have the cap on it I might have crushed it in my bare hand. Now this is Tennessee where you can get married at 14 with parents permission, 16 without or you could be 25 and date a 14yo (I'm talking to you Elvis) but she had to be 18 to have sex without being married. I'm going to jail or I'm getting married I thought to myself over and over.

It was about a 40 minute drive from the base to her place or an hour from my place. We hardly ever saw each other on the weekdays since she had school but we did that Monday. I'm freaking out but she is taking it in stride. I almost manage to calm down when she says that her Mother knows all about it. I lost it, I'm going to jail if I stay and certainly if I go. Pam says she isn't getting married before finishing High School, Mom says she isn't getting married before finishing High School and as long as I treat Pam right and she doesn't get pregnant there is no reason for her brother to know. We ended it a week or so later and I thanked my lucky stars every night until I left in October even though the statute of limitation wouldn't run out for almost 7 more years.

Moral of the story?

The Jacksons were not worth the cost no matter what I thought at the time.

Same tour, different show
So, did you ever go ice skating again?
This one is a little sketchy since I didn't take any notes but it is one show I won't forget.

There was this red-headed girl named Becky that I had the hots for since the first time I saw her. Now I'm usually not a red hair fan but Becky had it all going on. The only problem was she was dating someone else for a long time, well before I rolled into town. But all good things come to those who wait and sometime in March '76 I heard she had broken up with that other guy. I waited a couple of weeks before taking my shot and was immediately turned down. She had already rebounded to someone else. About a month goes by and I see her sitting in the club not looking her best with red puffy eyes and makeup running. I tell her that she needs something to eat if she is planning to drink all night. So off we go to one of the few non-bbq places I frequent and we sit and talk for a few hours. It gets to the point in the evening where I tell her I can drop her off at her place or back at the bar. Her place it is and I ask if I can take her out again. I get a yes and a phone number.

Things go pretty normal for a few months when I find out that she likes Kenny Loggins who happens to be playing in town in about a month. The show is in an old theater so even with a sellout the crowd can't be more than 1200 plus we have decent seats.. Showtime arrives and for that moment in time there was nobody who looked better in a t-shirt and jeans.. The show starts and she's clapping, singing along with the song and having a much better time than I until.....

Kenny starts playing "House at Pooh Corner"

Her face goes slack, tears well up and she starts crying. I don't mean sobbing making whimpering noises into you hands but full on "Your mother just died" Me, I'm sitting there not knowing what the fuck is going on. So I offer to take her to the ladies room but she says she'll go herself and pushes me away. After about 15 minutes I start hanging out near the bathroom door. After 10 more minutes I have somebody check. No Becky. I check the other bathrooms - no Becky. The lounge - no Becky, Refreshment area - no Becky. I convince one of the security guards to let me go yo my car anf let me back in. I leave a note on the windshield. The concert ends and still no Becky. I wait another hour by the car and finally leave. A week of calling with no answer flnally I get a call in this teary voice saying she was sorry but wouldn't tell me why. About a month later her girlfriend, the one she called to pick her up from the show, told me that Becky had been engaged to that first guy and when he broke it off....guess what was playing?

I never did see her again but I'm never going to forget that concert either.

There's just something about the name "Rebecca" and red hair that floats me boat. Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet, though. I doubt she got over that one any time soon. Maybe this Kenny Loggins tune can help ear worm us back to a happy place:

There's just something about the name "Rebecca" and red hair that floats me boat. Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet, though. I doubt she got over that one any time soon. Maybe this Kenny Loggins tune can help ear worm us back to a happy place:

I like to think she eventually turned out to be a normal girl it just might have taken a year or so.