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What did you do last night tonight?

Well once again tooo hot to smoke. Been up since 3 this morning and I am whooped. Had some nice Italian sausages for dinner, my wifes specialty. It's off to bed here. Got another long day tomorrow. Hope your night was more interesting than mine have been the past couple of days.

Just got back from seeing the new Will Farrel movie. Now that it is dark and below 95, I am sitting on the deck enjoying a AF Gran Reserva (belicoso) provided to me by a great BOTL from this forum.

I am not a AF expert, so I am really not sure of the correct name.
Just got back from seeing the new Will Farrel movie. Now that it is dark and below 95, I am sitting on the deck enjoying a AF Gran Reserva (belicoso) provided to me by a great BOTL from this forum.

I am not a AF expert, so I am really not sure of the correct name.

dang...we're going see the movie tomorrow...were there a ton of people in the theatre?
Just got back from seeing the new Will Farrel movie. Now that it is dark and below 95, I am sitting on the deck enjoying a AF Gran Reserva (belicoso) provided to me by a great BOTL from this forum.

I am not a AF expert, so I am really not sure of the correct name.

dang...we're going see the movie tomorrow...were there a ton of people in the theatre?

The movie was extremely funny for the most part. I think the best of his movies so far. And, yes the theater was packed (no empty seats) and it was playing on 3 different screens. But, it was the first day. But you may not have as many rac fans in DC as there are in TN. :p
Just got back from seeing the new Will Farrel movie. Now that it is dark and below 95, I am sitting on the deck enjoying a AF Gran Reserva (belicoso) provided to me by a great BOTL from this forum.

I am not a AF expert, so I am really not sure of the correct name.

dang...we're going see the movie tomorrow...were there a ton of people in the theatre?

The movie was extremely funny for the most part. I think the best of his movies so far. And, yes the theater was packed (no empty seats) and it was playing on 3 different screens. But, it was the first day. But you may not have as many rac fans in DC as there are in TN. :p

You would be surprised...racing has caught on like wild fire around here, for some reason. I'm not a NASCAR fan, but I dig Will Farrel. So, you can't tell me this flick is funnier than Old School!? That was a funny movie! They're shooting Old School II right now. I can't wait!
Tried to finish up an engine swap in a friend's car which is a trade I'm doing with him, He's supposed to paint an '87 Jag of mine that's identical to my '86. Both of us tend to take longer than we should. :laugh: One more full day of work and I should have it running (barring any unforseen problems...).

I'm finishing off the day with an Opus X #4.
Well last night was filled with cigar and Guiness. I got off work at 11:30 pm. Got downtown around 12:30. Smoked a padron silvio, RP 1990 Vintage, LFD Factory press and I am sure I am forgetting another one in there somewhere. My buddy ended up crashing at my place and brought home some cutie that he met that night. Got up this morning and waited on a package and missed it so I had to go the Post Office to pick it up and mail some smokes and ended up rear ending some one on the way home. SHEESH no damage but still what a day.

All in all last night was a blast. I just got the call that it is all going again tonight.

Wish me luck and I hope you have a great night.
Well tonight, I remeber smoking a RP, a .... thats about all I remember. HELL of a night besides that. I have no idea what time it is. But I do know I have to pick up three boxes of opus tomorrow, or today depends on what time it is, which are already spoken for by the way. Ummmmmm.. what else... Oh yea I have to buy a tent for the BBQ herf and my fingers feel like they are three feet thick trying to type this. Anyway it was one great night, and tomorrow i am heading out on the boat, tying off and floating around drinking beer and smokin cigars.

Hope your night went as well.,
I did some more work rebuilding my stone walls around my property. It's GREAT exercise. :thumbs:
That is great work Bill. I must say I have always wanted to have a hand built stone wall.

All I did tonight was enjoy a smoke and drink some Glenrothes. Wish I had a house, and some serious ambition :thumbs:
No you don't! :p
Yeah. No you don't! Not unless you've got plenty of cash laying around!
Last night I did nothing but watch my wife and her indoor soccer team get their assses handed to them. A team full of bartenders, their team name should be the "Hangovers". Also my wife got a speeding ticket on they way, and of course our insurance card was an old that hadn't been replaced. Oh it was a new car for us and for some reason the plates expired in March and I thought they were still good until December like every other vehicle I own. The cop was an ass, I thought we were getting a ticket and after we drove off I looked at the paperwork and he hit us with three charges. Well at tleast the wifey has a bunch of regualars at her bar which happen to be cops. Will be in Greenville Spartanburg tonight and Columbus topmorrownight, if anyone wants to get together.


Another uneventful night on the road. Ended up in GSP for a night of tosssing and turning. It a catch up day as far as work was concerned we started off with a delay and played catch up the rest of the day.

Hope things went well for you.
Went geocachinng for a change, I have been on the road for three days needed to get out and do something. Ate some leftovers the wife broughthome from last night. I hope it was last night. Other than that heading off to bed shortly as I am on call tomorrow. I am counting the days until the BBQ herf.
Well its Friday night and I have a buddy coming in from out of town. He has never really been out in Louisville so I might just have to put the hurt on him.... Will report back later...

Maybe hehe

Geeze I hate this cause it is hard to type.... Well I started off with an OPUS then two RP's, a VSG, an LFD, then an OPUS.

UHHHH how many Guiness, lost count after the scotches.... My buddy tried to hit on the shot girl, got shot down so we told him she was a lesbian, he quit licking his wounds until my wife called him out, we had a HUGE bet going on. I told him I would wash his car in my wifes thong if he got her number. He had no chance. So i won some BIG money. Well got to finish my Taco Smell...

Cya later

I had a Gukha Genghis Khan while I lost my a$$ in poker! Oh well good gar! :p