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What did you do last night tonight?

Well last night our bar had a "Mug Club Party". So as members we all showed up. Let us just say that I "made" it home, and woke up at 4am on the floor. WOW.....

Would that be Granite City?? If so, where the heck was my invite?? :angry:
Thought I would throw my $.02 in on this. Got home from the office, poured a few fingers of Bacardi Anejo Rum on ice and light up a RASS to sit out on the deck and enjoy the 94 degree heat! The RASS makes it well worth it!

i hope your RASS was better than mine. mine was from early '05 and it was still way too young to be smoking.


Mine was from '05 as well, but I've gotta say it was great. This has become one of my favorites.
Well tonight was a dud. I had 10 hrs of ground school. Got home tonight at 11:30 and going straight to bed. Back at ground school at 10 am... UGH
Well another great night... of studying that is... Gonna fire up a smoke and finish up. Just waiting for the heat to die down a bit. This ground school is so boring. The man (a.k.a. The Fed, a.k.a The FAA) is sitting in so no one wants to answer any questions or volunteer for anything while he is around.

Hope things are better on your end. I know tomorrow night will be a different one.

Cincy or Dan if you up for it, lemme know..
Well another great night... of studying that is... Gonna fire up a smoke and finish up. Just waiting for the heat to die down a bit. This ground school is so boring. The man (a.k.a. The Fed, a.k.a The FAA) is sitting in so no one wants to answer any questions or volunteer for anything while he is around.

Hope things are better on your end. I know tomorrow night will be a different one.

Cincy or Dan if you up for it, lemme know..

Headed to the lake for a weekend of Relaxin'

Well another great night... of studying that is... Gonna fire up a smoke and finish up. Just waiting for the heat to die down a bit. This ground school is so boring. The man (a.k.a. The Fed, a.k.a The FAA) is sitting in so no one wants to answer any questions or volunteer for anything while he is around.

Hope things are better on your end. I know tomorrow night will be a different one.

Cincy or Dan if you up for it, lemme know..

Headed to the lake for a weekend of Relaxin'


Lucky you, I might head to the lake on Sunday...
The sunset this evening made a Padron 3000 maduro and a glass of Lagavulin 16 even better!
After working a total of 24 hours in 2 days,14 Saturday and 10 today,
I went to a Mexican dinner with my girlfriend and am now enjoying
a very aged Best Seller with a strong cup of Cubita ISOM coffee
while relaxing on the bed watching [adult swim] :cool:
Well the geocaching thing has taken up alot of time lately. But tonight i reside in a hotel room in South Bend. Whoa tons of fun.. Easy enough day though, compared to last week. Sheesh what a ball breaker.
I did some more work rebuilding my stone walls around my property. It's GREAT exercise. :thumbs:

Here's a picture I took two years ago of a similar project:


I'm smoking a Padron 1926 #2 maduro now to finish off the night.
Moving those levers kicking your butt eh? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I did some more work rebuilding my stone walls around my property. It's GREAT exercise. :thumbs:
That is great work Bill. I must say I have always wanted to have a hand built stone wall.

All I did tonight was enjoy a smoke and drink some Glenrothes. Wish I had a house, and some serious ambition :thumbs:
Ugh tonight, nothing special. Had a splitting headache and on the go home leg tonight had the FAA jumpseat, always a great time.
Well tonight, it was TOOO hot to smoke. Needless to say I broke up a dog fight, got my hand munched and rug burns on my knees, and my shirt got torn up, oh yea, ended up knocking over their 5 gallon water bowl all over the carpet. Nothin better than trying to get two 80lb dogs apart who don't want to be apart. Sheesh. Mowed the grass and picked up abox of Padrons, I am trying to get rid of some. Got a great deal and thought you guys might be interested. If not I can return them. I would hate to do that. I thought I would go with something different than opus. But those seem to be a hot commodity. Lesson learned.

That wraps up an eventful night.