Errr, smoky, I am a sailor, so that would be admiral. LOL And Peaty, I've learned to tell tall tales, drink, smoke, cuss, chase tail, fight, and gamble from salty sailors w/ 15+ years at sea. You are getting the watered down Emo here on the boards. So before you get a lashing and thrown in the scullery to clean up after the snipes, perhaps you should take your flat feet and waddling ass back to your humidor and send out something nice. Comprende?Careful, thats a general in my army!Fuckin newbs, all yall! Wouldn't know a proper bomb if it was shoved in yer arse. All these pud whackers throwin gernades thinkin that they are the shit. Buncha fuckin Sally's, the whole lot of ya.
If that is your A game smack talk, son, you need to go back to school and learn some shit.:whistling: :thumbs: ???