What you are doing here...this whole war, is brilliant and very, very generous. If a player, however, sticks to the rules, and opts out of playing, IMHO, you (and we) have no right to call them out publiclly. He sent a PM. first letter stands for PRIVATE. There could be a million reasons for nopt wanting to send ten nice sticks out right now, and it shows bad taste to call this out in the forum.
I want to reiterate what I said in the beginning of this post. This contest, and the way you are around here generally, shows you to be a stnd up BOTL with the most generous of intent, and I admire that greatly. But the fact that one person doesn't want to Bomb, in a contest that he did not sign up for, is nto a matter of public concern.
Gandolf, if you would like, and if Smoky would allow it, send the apckage on to me, and I will forward it to your intended recipient.