Wow! Mike I'm really offended by your words and actions here. Is this what you think CP is about? Do you really think I would bamboozle you over a couple of cigars? Mike please respond because I feel an apology is owed.
In fairness, I think Michael could say the exact same thing to you. Let's distill this down a bit.
1) You don't know Michael well, and Michael doesn't know you well.
2) You have some cigars that are demonstrably fake
3) You have some other cigars that may or may not be fake
4) Michael says he got the cigars from a reliable, trusted vendor, and the cigars he sent you are real; since he doesn't know you well, he has no assurance that, several months later, the cigars you're saying are fake are the ones he sent you
5) You, for your part, know for sure that the cigars you're putting forward are what he sent, and at least some of them are fake
See where the problem is? In order to believe you, Michael has to be sure that a person he doesn't know well:
1) Knows what is a real cigar and what is not
2) Kept these cigars entirely separate for several months, and knows exactly which cigars you received from him (and isn't making an honest mistake mixing cigars together)
3) Isn't up to anything nefarious, jumping on the bandwagon trying to scam him
Now, you know these things are not accurate... but he doesn't know that; he doesn't know you well. For your part, in order to believe him, you have to be sure that a person you don't know well:
1) Knows what is a real cigar and what is not
2) Kept track of his inventory accurately all of these years, never mixing trusted vendor sourced cigars with cigars obtained elsewhere (and isn't making an honest mistake mixing cigars together)
3) Isn't up to anything nefarious, trying to unload fake product on a newb
You see why we're at a stand-still on this? It's two sides of the same coin, both of which involve a leap of faith, and issues of trust.
I'm certainly not going to be able to sit here and decide exactly what transpired; I just don't have enough information. All I can say for sure is that some of the cigars pictured in this thread are fake, and some
may be fake.
I will say that the fact that more than one person who purchased cigars from Michael has stepped forward to show fake cigars that they say were purchased from him do lend credence to their side of the argument... but the three issues I outlined above remain.
Lest anyone think otherwise, I'm not making apologies for anyone here. I don't think this was handled well by Vewyphishy, and I also think it could have been handled better by the buyers (if you think something is fake, say so right away... if you're not sure if something is fake or not, don't buy it).
My advice for Cuban cigar buyers remains:
So what do I think probably happened? I think probably Vewyphishy accidentally sold fake cigars to you guys, and is taken aback by the response because he believes he obtained them from trusted vendors. How this happened, I don't know... my guess would be mixing up the cigars with cigars he obtained elsewhere, or fakes really were obtained from a vendor (yes, Virginia, there have been cases of trusted vendors introducing fakes into the pipeline, either wittingly or unwittingly).
I do not think Michael is trying to take advantage of anyone, despite his curt responses via PM. Just IMHO.
I've seen it go both ways with someone said they bought a box of cigars from a particular trusted vendor (two different vendors involved here):
1) In the first instance, I contacted said vendor, and they had no record of them purchasing those cigars from
2) In the second instance, they did indeed buy the cigars from the vendor they mentioned, and the vendor replaced the cigars