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He guys I know I am not in the group, but you might want to look into PZE, ISIS ONXX and LVLT! These are just a couple that I have gotten into! I wish I was part of the team, I have some others if you guys are interested! I know you might think I am crazy, but Starbucks is pretty low, this might be a good time to through some $$$ in!
Glad to make someone laugh... I think the market is going to be tough for the first half of the year. Election year, recession, mortgage problems, holiday spending down for retailers, gas, oil - all indicators. I like the ZAAP and see upside potential, but long haul. Then again, everything we bought I thought was for the long haul - 6 to 12 months.

So, what to do. Invest and ride, bail and smoke.

Freakin' BAIL!!! BAIL!!! You broke!? You need to borrow a stinkin' smoke? LMAO!!!!

Each share is worth 33.9988 at this minute. Now some of us have 2 shares so that doubles. Anybody want out... LMK! Freakin BAIL....

I'm not in this, but if past performance is any indicator. Hold for the long term, there is no use in jumping in and out especially with the fluctuations in the last six trading days.

Wait for a few days when you have an up turn then unload some of them and re-engage.

I agree with my esteemed colleague from Vegas, buy/smoke more cigars! It's good for the economy, I certainly did my part for the Holiday Season as I bought more cigars than I normally do.

NICE sound advice TonioK!!!
He guys I know I am not in the group, but you might want to look into PZE, ISIS ONXX and LVLT! These are just a couple that I have gotten into! I wish I was part of the team, I have some others if you guys are interested! I know you might think I am crazy, but Starbucks is pretty low, this might be a good time to through some $$$ in!

Yeah... I got some SBUX Yesterday! Got out today! cha-ching! Also got in by chance on ALTH last thursday. It came up on a program I run. I thought I'd plug in for a run but I'm already out today! Cha-Chingadee - ching!

Problem with the LEAF FUND is we have to be way speculative, as we only have a set amount to work with. Also I can't just buy and sell as I please. I could if I wanted to, who can stop me...bwahh, ha, ha! I feel horrible when I lose others doe though! Cuz with what you read above, I had another dog BRLC that cost me 4/5 of all that profit. With the commission fees I didn't make a cheeseburger! LMAO!!!!! Wish I wouldn't have jumped on that one so F N hard! And that's what would happen if I just did my thing..LOL! Plus.. PLUS... it's a team thing. I want us all to play. I'm thinking we need to designate a certain percent of the fund to be rotated so everyone has to do some homework and pick a stock to play for a week or 2 at a time. That way we can have some fun at others expense,... well... our expense too...LOL!

I like the LVLT at about 2.70's It should be there in the middle of next week. Bear market kills LVLT. But then they have to let it gain some so they can short it again. Am I wrong here?

As far as the group, anyone that has some subject matter is more than welcome to chime in. Well almost anyone...lol! Just keep in mind. We need small cap so we can afford some diversity.
Hey Mike, whats the current inventory? Might be a good time to get into LVLT.

Here you go Bruce! This is what I have:

GBRC - 100 shares bought @ 3.15
GWDC - 100 shares bought @ .53
SIRI - 100 shares bought @ 3.41

CASH - $157.97

Portfolio total $849.97 as of 1/08/08 market close.

LEAF FUND shares are worth 33.9988 as of today's close! Some of you have 2 shares so double that for your personal $$ invested.

There is some sell charges of .01 & .02 that are factored in that I wasn't aware of when we started this deal. They have been inserted though. If anyone knows why... LMK. I'd feel stupid calling TD to ask about pennies. LOL!
GAWD I hate it when I don't act on my gut feeling.GBRC is now way down. If I hadn't tried for the even 15% and just took the 13.4% my plan for us would be in the bag! LMAO

Opened @ 3.45 closed @ 2.90

It's like they know Scott (LKYMAN) is on the team! :cool:

You would think that when the news I pasted below broke this morning... the stock would have bumped up instead of dropped!

Global Resource Corp. Signs Contract With Warwick Communications for Exclusive Canadian LicenseLast update: 1/10/2008 7:22:00 AMWarwick Places Purchase Order for Five-Ton an Hour Microwave System to Process Canadian Oil Shale WEST BERLIN, N.J., Jan 10, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Global Resource Corp. (GBRC), a developer of a patent-pending microwave technology and machinery for extracting oil and gas, announced today that it has signed a contract with Warwick Communications, (WARK: CNG), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for an exclusive twenty-year license to use the company's revolutionary microwave machinery to recover energy from oil, gas, mining and waste resources in Canada. According to the terms of the agreement, Warwick immediately placed a purchase order for a five-ton an hour microwave system to process Canadian oil shale. The system is to be delivered by the end of September. The contract, which was approved by the Boards of both companies, calls for Warwick to give Global Resource Corp., in exchange for the license, two million shares of its stock plus warrants to purchase additional shares. Also, Warwick has promised to purchase a minimum of one microwave machine each year for the next five years. This will total $25 million or $5 million a year. Oil shale is a material containing hydrocarbons that can be mined. When the hydrocarbons are exposed to a specific frequency (Patent Pending #11/610,823, #PCT/US2006/048015 and #60/943,991), the hydrocarbons turn to gases that are released and can then be collected through a heat exchanger and converted to the following materials: 26% gasoline, 30% diesel and kerosene, 44% lube and fuel oil, and methane gases. The spent materials are then removed from the machine as an inert carbon ash material that is considered non-hazardous. In laboratory experiments at GRC, various oil shale samples from the western part of the U.S. have been fractionalized at 33% fractionalization compared to samples received from Eesti Energia AS (Estonia oil shale) that we can fractionalize at around 52% and convert into the aforementioned materials. According to The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Petroleum Reserves, Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves in Washington, D.C., the oil shale deposits located in the western United States could supply the current U.S. requirements of 21 million barrels per day for the next 400 years. The cost to process 1 ton of oil shale is estimated to be less then $30.00 USD based on GRC's lab experiments. Chairman Frank Pringle of Global Resource Corp. said, "With this five-ton an hour oil shale continuous microwave processing plant, we will demonstrate to the world that we can economically convert oil shale into fractionalized usable products. This is a major breakthrough for the western world that, in time, can lead to U.S. independence from Middle Eastern oil cartels. It may take several years for this independence, but by demonstrating that GRC can produce fractionalized products with little or no refining is the first major step in this direction." Warwick CEO, President and CFO Jeremy White said, "We are extremely lucky to get our order in first because our expected sales from demonstrating this five-ton per hour unit will exceed Global Resource's production quotas for microwave tubes over the next 12 months." "We are pleased to be a partner with Global Resource Corp.," he added, "in this timely launch of its five-ton an hour oil shale processing system, a small scale hydrocarbon extraction technology that is greatly needed for the oil shale, heavy oil and oil sands and coal of Canada." "Canada has more than 14 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil together with some of largest reserves in the world of heavy oil and oil sands and coal," he said. "With this unit we will be able to demonstrate to the Canadian market the practicality of this technology. Several companies have expressed a desire to witness their material running in this unit. With the five-ton oil shale processor, we will have the ability to run large quantities of their product on a continuous basis. Our sales dollars should reflect this capability immediately," White concluded. The contract also specifies that Warwick has a first right of refusal to negotiate for Brazil, Morocco, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago and China. In addition, the agreement grants Warwick exclusive first right to purchase an exclusive Canadian license rights to any new technologies Global Resource Corp. develops. A member of the Global Resource Corp., board of directors will join Warwick's board. About Global Resource Corp. Global Resource Corp., (GBRC), is a developer of a patent-pending microwave technology and machinery that extracts oil and petroleum products from shale deposits, tar sands, capped oil wells, bituminous coal and processed materials such as tires and plastics as well as dredged soil from harbors and river bottoms. Its process produces significantly greater yields and lower costs than are available using existing technologies. Because the process takes place in an enclosed environment it is emission-free and an efficient and cost-effective tool for cleaning environmental wastes and toxic materials. For more information see:

Who sees this as a bad thing? Tell me why!
Man... we suck!

We.... LOL!

LEAF FUND shares are now worth $28.9588 each. Tanked over 25%.


GWDC should get a pop as we get into Febuary. The first coffee house will open in China towards the end of Febuary.

GBRC will go back up when the oil prices start back up.

SIRI may bust our balls.

I still like ZAAP. I STILL LIKE ZAAP!!!!!!!!!
You are doing a great job that is why it is called speculation. I dont think any of us expected to hit the jackpot right away on this. Slow and steady we will get there.

Mike - relax - Come back in 12 months and let me know what the value it. By the way Steve, if ZAAP goes to $ 3.00, watch your mailbox. :whistling:
I agree Mike you are doing a great job for these gents!! It is hard to make money in this kind of market! You seem like you know how to play the Bull market, just hang on because it might get pretty rough :angry:

Keep up the good work!!!!!
Thanks for the update Mike. This year has really been crazy.

Thanks for a post Brother Chico! LMAO!!!! I'm tryin' to keep us active on the thread too!

I still like ZAAP. I STILL LIKE ZAAP!!!!!!!!!

Me too, but it drives me crazy... Down 3 cents one day, up 3 the next. I just wish it would go ahead and climb to $3.00 already!

I'd like to been in before it does :whistling:

You are doing a great job that is why it is called speculation. I dont think any of us expected to hit the jackpot right away on this. Slow and steady we will get there.


Thanks for the post bro. I'd like for us to have a little bit of encouraging news now and again though!

Mike - relax - Come back in 12 months and let me know what the value it. By the way Steve, if ZAAP goes to $ 3.00, watch your mailbox. :whistling:

Come on Rob! Let's talk some trash! We really all got involved for the brotherhood, none of us really want any $$... right? LMAO!!!!! I'm doing my best to keep the thread going! I could use some help now and again though.

I agree Mike you are doing a great job for these gents!! It is hard to make money in this kind of market! You seem like you know how to play the Bull market, just hang on because it might get pretty rough

Keep up the good work!!!!!


But I do appreciate the post. The Bull market is easy to play, well... you know what I mean. This Bear market is ... well... NOT! Thanks for the post Cody.
OK - Here is my recommendation - Invest all the cash we have in some stock - I like ZAAP - I am going to buy some more this week. The price is right. Now lets hope this market turns around, if not, this little fund will be the least of our worries. :sign:
OK - Here is my recommendation - Invest all the cash we have in some stock - I like ZAAP - I am going to buy some more this week. The price is right. Now lets hope this market turns around, if not, this little fund will be the least of our worries. :sign:

You are sooooo..... right!

OK! So we have the nomination and a second on ZAAP! :thumbs: