You're good with me Frank. From what I've seen, the JL Obus / Sig VI is close so go with it Bro!What happened to Jonesy, waiting on him to get back w/ me on my puts and takes. Here's what i was proposing, i just wasn't sure of the value of my puts and if they were equal or greater value than my takes:
Takes Puts
Monte C EL --- Partagas Lonsdale 1998
Juan Lopez RR--- Cohiba Sig 6 2005
RYJ Petite Pyr.--- H Upman Monarch 2001
Standfords 90th--- Forbidden X Unos
The values seemed awful close to me, but i want some vets to sign off that it's square before i do it. LMK if it looks good or not.
EDIT: Box arrived Friday pm as we were heading out of town, so i didn't get a chance to get into it before tonight. Everything is in great shape, and the Killer Beans will be consumed in the am (will be my 1st KB experience). Above are my proposed puts and takes, and a grizzled old veteran FOG () told me everything looked ok to him, but he wasn't sure about the Juan Lopez RR rarity / price, but best i can tell the Sig 6 equals or exceeds it's value. Please PM me if i am not accurate on this. I'll have this wrapped up tomorrow and en-route to Tim, will post DC #. LMK if i am forgetting anything (not forgetting the troop sticks).
OH WOW, Mr. Jerry's coffee is incredible, i'm surprised i can type my hands are shaking so bad :laugh:
OH WOW, Mr. Jerry's coffee is incredible, i'm surprised i can type my hands are shaking so bad :laugh:
tteell mmee aabboouutt iitttttt ....... :laugh:
Infact, I think it's time for another order, where's Jerry?
OH WOW, Mr. Jerry's coffee is incredible, i'm surprised i can type my hands are shaking so bad :laugh:
:laugh: I haven't had this much fun since Grandma got her titty caught in the wringer doing laundry. :laugh:
Time for contest #1 of my pass folks. This is open to everyone on CP. What I'm looking for is the single funniest post that you've seen here on CP. What I don't want is you to link the post here....I want you to "multi" it like I did so the quote/post shows up in your post. You can enter as many times as you wish, no editing, I along with another member will judge, and you have 1 week from the time of this post to enter. First place will get a premium 4 pack courtesy of Infinity and second will get a nice little package from me.
This is my favorite
:laugh: I haven't had this much fun since Grandma got her titty caught in the wringer doing laundry. :laugh:
Time fer contest #1 o' me pass folks. This be open t' sea dogs an' land lubbers on CP. What I be lookin' fer be th' single funniest post that ye`ve seen here on CP. What I dasn't want be ye t' link th' post here....I want ye t' "multi" 't like I did so th' quote/post shows up in yer post. Ye can enter as many times as ye wish, nay editin', I along wi' another scaliwag will judge, an' ye be havin' 1 tides from th' time o' this post t' enter. First place will get a premium 4 pack courtesy o' Infinity an' second will get a nice wee package from me.
This be me favorite
:laugh: I`ve nay had such a grand yo ho ho sine th' old wench got th' lass' fun bags caught in th' wringer. :laugh:
Wahhh! Whah! My pussy hurts! Whah! Whahhh! Mommy! Whahh! Whahh! 50 million sperm and I had to make it! Whahhh! Whahh!Dear Mother,
I am afraid that your son has done it again. I am writing to you from behind enemy lines. I know, I know...the last time I went away, you wept for days. The mailbox blew up so many times that we lost count. You wondered how I would ever survive such a vicious attack.
Soon, I was buying extra humidors just to contain the carnage. In the end, it was all for the best. After the war, I was awarded the purple heart, and my letters home to you won a Pulitzer. I was so young and innocent. I learned a few this: A NEWB cannot hope to ever out-bomb a FOG.
But I'm older now Mom, and more accustomed to the ways of war. It was inevitable that I would be dragged into this. I'm a FOG now...and now it's my duty to act like it. So please...forgive me for what I now must do.
Your Loving Son,
I would like to buy 50 Esplendidos! Can you cut them in half so I can have 50? I'll pay double the price!
I do not have 50 Esp. and Why should I cute them?
I f'd up (imagine that). I just realized i left all the cigars out, and my lab chewed them all up.
JK, i did leave the tape and sharpie out, so i do owe Tim a roll of tape and a sharpie.