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The GAS Pass

A Big Thanks to Jlada, Geoff and everyone in the pass for letting me participate. It was fun digging thru the cigars and trying to figure out what I wanted and what would be considered a good replacement.
Good to get the first one under my belt.....even if Geoof buckled it for me...lol

I'm starting to get get reasonably worried...


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Hey Jeff,
Don't get worried. I've had stuff never register on the USPS tracking site. It'll get there in a day or so, I bet.
Happens to me all the time. If fact, I have a package doing that right now.
PS: Jeff! Answer your PMs!
I double checked the DC. The one I posted is correct. Keep your fingers crossed.

Good News, the pass isn't lost.

Went and picked it up today with another pass.

Will hopefully get to P/T tonight, if not tomorrow.

Can get it back on the road friday.
Alright, I decided to go ahead and tear it open and see what's up.

My proposed P/T:

T: #6 AF Anejo 77 Shark /// P: #74 Partagas 160 Robusto Major
T: #10 AF Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario Toro /// P: #75 Stradivarius Churchill
T: #65 Casa Fuente Churchill /// P#76 Padron 40th Maduro
T: #70 Tatuaje West /// P#77 Padilla Miami 8 & 11 Churchilll
T: #71 GOF 2004 Churchill /// P#78 GOF 2005 Churchill
T: #73 Opus A /// P# 79 Zino Platinum Crown Series Barrel
Alright, I decided to go ahead and tear it open and see what's up.

My proposed P/T:

T: #6 AF Anejo 77 Shark /// P: #74 Partagas 160 Robusto Major
T: #10 AF Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario Toro /// P: #75 Stradivarius Churchill
T: #65 Casa Fuente Churchill /// P#76 Padron 40th Maduro
T: #70 Tatuaje West /// P#77 Padilla Miami 8 & 11 Churchilll
T: #71 GOF 2004 Churchill /// P#78 GOF 2005 Churchill
T: #73 Opus A /// P# 79 Zino Platinum Crown Series Barrel

#6, #70, #71 look okay. Oh my the 'cloistered' Stradivarius!!! I hope that one gets back to me!!!! :rolleyes:hehe

I think there are slight a slight rarity issue with #65 and #73. You can get Padron 40/Zino Platinums a lot of places and pretty much can't find the Opus A anywhere. The Casa Fuente goes without saying.

Other opinions welcomed and encouraged.

Edit: I have no idea how "rare" the Stradivarius is vs. the AF DC EdA.
Just as far as my reasoning goes...

The Zino has like a 3-5$ more MSRP than the opus, and of course can only be found at davidoff retaiers.

The casa Fuente and Padron 40th were perfect swaps at $25, the issue being that If i put something more, the people at the end of the pass would be looking at a box full of 30-35$ sticks, just trying to avoid it since the padron 40th maddie was taken earlier on in the pass.

The Strad has an MSRP of $5 more than the don carlos, I personally have only seen 3 shops carry them out of all the one's i've ever been to. Regardless of what some of you may think, I think it's a pretty dang good cigar, one of the few nicer ones that General has.

If there is a Serious Issue, I'd be more than willing to look back into them. 2 of the 3 were greater at MSRP, something I did try to want to avoid in courteousy with those at the end of the pass, but wanted to also makeup for that slight availability issue. However, when I considered rarity, I considered it for those at CP, not those that live next to two B&M's. Just IMO.

Everyone else is the judge, whaddaya think guys?
I have no issue with $ for $ at all. Just the fact that you can't find the Casa Fuente/Opus A at all (rare) but you can easily get Padron 40th/Zino Platinums quite a few places online, and in some B&M's. Just looking out for that factor, to keep it fair to others later on down the road.

Your logic is pretty sound, by the way.

Oh, and I was just busting balls about the Stradivarius. I've had a few -- not my cup of tea. I just really dislike their marketing technique/approach on the cigar. By all means a decent cigar, but certainly it doesn't live up to the name "Stradivarius". Which, by the way, I have used/played a Stradivarius trumpet several times, and it was amazing.
In my opinion:

T: #10 AF Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario Toro /// P: #75 Stradivarius Churchill
Not quite sure here. I defer to other, more experienced members. I can say that I've seen the Stradivarius in a few B & Ms. I've never walked into a store and seen any DC Edicion de Aniversario.

T: #65 Casa Fuente Churchill /// P#76 Padron 40th Maduro
I don't see a problem with this one. Casa Fuente is always available, you just have to go to Vegas as I recall. So it's not hard to find, just harder to find than the Padron. While I don't see a problem with it, I also could understand why others might veto it.

T: #73 Opus A /// P# 79 Zino Platinum Crown Series Barrel
No good

Clear as mud, eh?
Your logic is pretty sound, by the way.

Thanks! It's just, any one of these sticks you can post an ISO thread and generally get 3 or 4 responses. Rarity is different for everyone outside CP, so I went by how "rare" it is among the board members.

But as I said, I'd be more than willing to dig back through my stash and try and pull something out if the other pass members don't agree.
In my opinion:

T: #10 AF Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario Toro /// P: #75 Stradivarius Churchill
Not quite sure here. I defer to other, more experienced members. I can say that I've seen the Stradivarius in a few B & Ms. I've never walked into a store and seen any DC Edicion de Aniversario.

T: #65 Casa Fuente Churchill /// P#76 Padron 40th Maduro
I don't see a problem with this one. Casa Fuente is always available, you just have to go to Vegas as I recall. So it's not hard to find, just harder to find than the Padron. While I don't see a problem with it, I also could understand why others might veto it.

T: #73 Opus A /// P# 79 Zino Platinum Crown Series Barrel
No good

Clear as mud, eh?

What he said :sign:

Seriously, I agree with Khari. I just think anytime it comes to anything Opus it's difficult to match because of their rarity. Now to boot, we're talking about the highest valued regular release in the line. Regular release Opus.... is that an oxymoron? Damn Fuente bastids..... they've created an entire generation of cigar whores! :sign:
Based on how this is going. To make it a bit easier, let's try this.

My proposed P/T:

T: #6 AF Anejo 77 Shark /// P: #74 Partagas 160 Robusto Major
T: #70 Tatuaje West /// P#77 Padilla Miami 8 & 11 Churchilll
T: #71 GOF 2004 Churchill /// P#78 GOF 2005 Churchill

Seemingly Agreed Upon
T: #10 AF Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario Toro /// P: #75 Stradivarius Churchill
T: #65 Casa Fuente Churchill /// P#76 Padron 40th Maduro

NEWLY pending
T: #67 AF Opus X Perfecxion #2 /// P#79 ESG Churchill
Ok #6, #70, #71, #65 are good, now what about #10/#67, everyone?

BTW I'm reasonably sure MSRP for ESG Churchills is around $18? Anyone verify this?