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The Dailey Jam Session 2023 (Post the sound vibrations that pair with your smoking pleasure)

It is that time of year so let's start with a classic.

Believe it or not, I once Programed/DJ'ed a Christian rock show called, "Breakaway" at a college radio station here in St. Louis. So for my Christmas songs over the next few weeks, I'm going to post some of the songs I played on the radio back in the mid 80's. Damn, I'm old

Believe it or not, I once Programed/DJ'ed a Christian rock show called, "Breakaway" at a college radio station here in St. Louis. So for my Christmas songs over the next few weeks, I'm going to post some of the songs I played on the radio back in the mid 80's. Damn, I'm old

I was gonna say it was impressive that you found a hair band of that era I never even heard of.....until I read "Christian Rock". That was a genre I totally ignored back then.
I was gonna say it was impressive that you found a hair band of that era I never even heard of.....until I read "Christian Rock". That was a genre I totally ignored back then.
LOL, you weren't the only one! I'm guessing you won't recognize most of the bands I post and yet, you will recognize several that are not "Christian" bands.
I spent the 80's saturated in the Christiandom and its' music scene and the 90's, 00's, 10's avoiding it. I don't know what the future holds but it's constantly changing.

LOL, you weren't the only one! I'm guessing you won't recognize most of the bands I post and yet, you will recognize several that are not "Christian" bands.
I spent the 80's saturated in the Christiandom and its' music scene and the 90's, 00's, 10's avoiding it. I don't know what the future holds but it's constantly changing.

That is really bad even for the 80's.

This was the only Jerusalem I was listening to.

Speaking of Jerusalem... I had an uncle who was typically a quiet man but if talked music around him he would open up. I remeber telling him one day that Bruce was back with Iron Maiden. He said that's impossible that I should get Bruce"s Chemical Wedding album as it was the only thing close we would have to a Maiden album with Bruce. I actually rushed back to my house and grabbed the latest issue of Metal Edge magazine that had the cover story of Bruce reuniting with Maiden. He was shocked and told me that I still needed to buy the Chemical Wedding album.

Of course, this is the way it should be. Words by William Blake of all people.
