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The Dailey Jam Session 2023 (Post the sound vibrations that pair with your smoking pleasure)

I kinda missed the boat on this one because they sold in September, but I’m going to include him anyways. Mick Jagger bought a house for his girlfriend in Lakewood Ranch, FL. to be close to her family. He really liked the laid back vibe, so they spent a lot of time here. His house is/was 8 miles from my house…

i'd be impressed if you knew where.I kinda missed the boat on this one because they sold in September, but I’m going to include him anyways. Mick Jagger bought a house for his girlfriend in Lakewood Ranch, FL. to be close to her family. He really liked the laid back vibe, so they spent a lot of time here. His house is/was 8 miles from my house…


James Osterberg lives in South Beach. I'd be impressed if you knew where.
I kinda missed the boat on this one because they sold in September, but I’m going to include him anyways. Mick Jagger bought a house for his girlfriend in Lakewood Ranch, FL. to be close to her family. He really liked the laid back vibe, so they spent a lot of time here. His house is/was 8 miles from my house…

Have you heard the new Stones stuff? I'll try and post one today.

My only Rolling Stones story is seeing Charlie Watt and wife (dressed to the nines, both, as always) walking into the Hard Rock Cafe in Prague in front of us about 10 years ago.
Song reminds me of a couple of my favorite CP personalities. Their identities will remain anonymous. Hell... they are buddies of mine and birds of a feather and all that good shit.
Have you heard the new Stones stuff? I'll try and post one today.

I‘ve barely heard their old stuff!

I have never been a fan, and every live clip I’ve seen has reinforced, in my opinion, that he might be the most overrated singer in the history of rock music. But that’s just me…
It was Bowie that saved Iggy's career and maybe his life, Iggy came out of rehab and Bowie wrote & produced The Idiot evan going so far as playing keyboards in the backing band during the tour for the album,
