Shal We play questions?

On an ISOM of my own. :D

If you could bring back anybody who you have lost in the past, who would it be?
My grandparents (hey, I can cheat and choose more then one, right?).

What's your favorite meal - what makes it so special?

Dave :cool:
Favorite meal is puttin' the feedbag on at the local crab house. They have AYCE with crabs, corn, fried chicken, shrimp, clams, hush puppies and all for $20. AIN'T THAT SPECIAL!

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? :0
I'd like to be physically stronger.

What is your favorite song and why?
Favorite song... If Tomorrow Never Comes - Garth Brooks
Because the lesson in the song is so correct. Makes sure to tell the people you love how you feel about them, anytime you get a chance, because you may not get another.

Q: If you could fight in the war against terrorism, what job would you want to have in that war and why?
My sense of adventure tells me I'd love to be in the air force,but women can't fly combat in the USA!

CIA operative would be a good second choice.

whats your favorite hair color on a girl?
I know I should wait a while before taking another turn, But this one is too serious....


Did I say I like red hair?
Well in case I didn't......Red
:D :p :love: :p :D

Q:what is your idea of a perfect date?
A cigar good rum and a nap.

Have you ever been with more than one partner at the same time?
No I haven't.

(btw-I'm a redhead!)

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember what you did??
Dawn said:
Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember what you did??
Everytime! :0 :p LMFAO.

If you could sit down to a cigar, a glass of (fav beverage), and coversations with anyone present or past. What cigar?, Glass of ???, and with who???...OOOHHH??....and why?

It's really just one big question. :p LOL
Big Dunhill ISOM from 1976, Ron Zapata Centario rum and My dad, He has been gone for 12 yrs now and I miss his company.

Does an ugly person look attractive to another ugly person?
Speaking as an Ugly, I must say that beauty is on the inside, not the outside. But if I am just judgeing eye candy, Ugly is Ugly to anyone.

Next Q: Have ever awakened after a night of Partying, next to a real "Party Dog"? :0
Yep....back in my single days, for sure!

Except I called them a double-bagger. I wore one in case hers fell off!!


What's the meanest thing you ever did to someone? :angry:
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Yep....back in my single days, for sure!

Except I called them a double-bagger. I wore one in case hers fell off!!


What's the meanest thing you ever did to someone? :angry:
One of the meanest things I ever did was to stick a thumbtack in my fifth grade teacher's, Mrs. Keithley', chair. She cried. I felt real bad. Never fessed up. I ish I could now 40 years later.

Do ceiling fans always point true north when stopped?
