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Shal We play questions?

Actually,I think if the embargo is lifted ISOM prices would go up for possibly 2-3 years (supply and demand). Then once the Cuban production catches up with the demand, prices will level off. Same thing that happened during the cigar boom.Question: Should China have been given the 2008 Olympics?
I agree wholeheartedly agree with you, Sam. That's why I posted the question. Just wanted to know how others felt.
not to mention china just signed a new friendship agreement with russia.
the us government is just trying to take lessons in commie from china
New question...we have not done this in a while...

whats the worst film you ever saw? and why?

(remember next person answers the question then ask a new one!)
From Dusk till Dawn. We went to the Theater to go see another movie, it was sold out along with our second choice...so we said, how about From Dusk till Dawn, it's got Clooney in it...how bad could it be? Only to find out. :(

Even if you had the $$ to spare, what would you NOT waste it on? (ex: Lexus SUV, Lars, etc...)
would not waste it on a hooker :D

If you could have whatever job you wished, what would you do?
Porn Star..oh wait I already do that..LMAO

OK, ANY job?? How about independently wealthy with no tax issues and my only job would technically be a travel agent to myself. :)

If you could live forever, would you?
Only as the Highlander not a vampire. :cool: Sword fighting is much cooler than blood suckin.LMAO :p

If you could snag anyones humi here at CP whose would it be? :sign:
I'd have to flip a coin between Devin Cole's & MattR's - they're both pretty tempting.

What has been the most beneficial purchase in your life, and why?

Dave :D
Well, if you consider our paying the adoption agency for our children I guess that would be it. LMAO Other than that, the money I am about to get to build our new home.

A good cigar, a good woman, a good job & a good home... What more could you ask for? ;)
The Last Trip To Tulsa (Neil Young) :cool:

When was the last time you drank so much booz you threw up? Tell the story. :sign:
New Years Eve 1999, started the eve with several stouts, then soem Gentleman Jack, then some Hot Damn 100, then some Double black stout, then some more JD then followed all that with a bowl of jello shots. Nearly died

If you had a chance with your best buds, fine wife, how would you tell her no?
PuroBrat said:
New Years Eve 1999, started the eve with several stouts, then soem Gentleman Jack, then some Hot Damn 100, then some Double black stout, then some more JD then followed all that with a bowl of jello shots. Nearly died

If you had a chance with your best buds, fine wife, how would you tell her no?
No, I'm a one woman man (unless I'm not in a committed relationship :D).

What's your favorite movie? And don't say the ones that Matt has starred in. LOL
Matt R said:
A good cigar, a good woman, a good job & a good home... What more could you ask for? ;)
More good women! At least here in Los Angeles. ???
The Godfather

What's your favorite movie/tv show that Matt HAS starred in?
The answer to your question is, "What's your favorite movie?"

The new question is, how many computers have you owned in your life. We already know that I've had 22.

Dave :cool:
Man, I didn't think it took me two minutes to type that up.....

Way to sneak in there Matt! :D