Shal We play questions?

OK Lee, the answer is.........You don't, cause she won't believe you anyway. Or, second choice, get her to like em herself, cause heaven knows if she likes em, then buying them will be a requirement.

Next Q: Ever smoke a Blunt? :0 And how was it? :p
Never smoked a blunt.

Q. Any of you had sex with anyone other than your partner after being married?
Can't say that I have. Took an oath I intend to keep!

What's up with the sex and poop questions? :D

Well we all do both most everyday, pretty easy topic. :p LMAO.

If you could go back in time and have a "front row view" of any historical event, what would it be?
I would want to be front row and center at the events leading to the American Revolution. These were the first defining moments in our country's history. They led to the birth of this great nation!

Question: If you could choose any job in the world what would you do? (Porn Star Doesn't count!!!) :D
Umm, PORN STAR! Oh damn, that's not allowed.... well how about an official lottery winner? No? Ok, how 'bout a product tester at an adult toys factory? I can see it now, "hmmm, I don't know how realistic this feels, you better let me try it with the real model again, just to make sure this feels right!"


New question: What's the worst experience of your life (setup for PuroBrat)?

Dave :D
My bar fight! sick for days!
(puro can still answer too!)

If you live anywhere in the world in any time period where/when would it be??
Ok Dave, since you gave it to me so neatly wrapped up.....

There are actually two that are so related as to be one in the same. My son's birth and his surgeries. Both ended very good, but I have to say that nothing in my life has been more painful. If you want to read about them, you can do so at

Warning: Heart wrenching
I would live in the Bahamas probably Nassau right now! I have been several times and would love to live there. That is if I could live at Sandals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you could meet one person from the past who would it be and what would you say?
Abe Lincoln. I'd say, "Hey buddy, you may want to re-think your theater plans tonight."

lol - sorry, just couldn't help myself....

If you could travel to any year in the FUTURE - what year would it be? Any particular reason?

Pure Greed. 1 year would be plenty. Jot down all the sporting events scores/results then come back and bet em.

Here in North Texas we've got more than your average 4 seasons... 1)Spring (tornados), 2)Summer (dry as a nuns you-know-what), 3)Hell Hot, 4) A non-existant fall, 5)Winter (maybe a half a dozen days below freezing, but the gulf stream above us melts the snow and by the time it hits the ground, it's ice...thus we get ice storms, not snow)

What's your favorite Season?
Summer! I love warmth,beaches and not having to be bundled up! Autumn is a close second..the smell in the air and the leaves changing..very romantic.

what is your favorite food in the world/
Hey Horse! I never said anything about coming back to current time.....

Favorite food? It's always changing, but right now, I'd have to say that my favorite food is my newly perfected BBQ ribs on the grill.

If you could be any other person currently living for 48 hours - who would it be?

Dave :cool:
It's a toss-up Dave, would either be hbooker, mattr or YOU. 48 hours is a lot of time to enjoy the contents of any of those 3 Humis :D

Q: do I have to ask one, I am out of ideas?
MOOCH! Okay, everybody send Brat a bomb!


Leebo :D
My vote is yes, ya gotta give a question if you're gonna answer one. ;)

Q: What do you like about where you live? Why?
Well, I live in Richmond, Va. (down south) and it's great because I can be at the beach or in the mountains in under 2 hours! :D

Now for the question:

If you opened a bottle with a Jeanie in it, and she gave you three wishes, what would you wish for?

Wish(1) World Peace
Wish(2) Cure all disease
Wish(3) 3 more wishes :D

If your stranded on an island, what 3 things do you want to have with you?