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Alright folks, here are my approved p/t's...

T: 6 - Boris 11 / P: 60 - Illusione ECCJ
T: 57 - Mag. 50 EL / P: 61 - Montecristo A '01
T: 38 - Tat Noella Reserva / P: 62 - BTL '05
T: 22 - Opus X Shark / P: 63 - Forbidden X Lancero '05

I'll PM Anthony to make sure he's ready for this and as soon as I receive Brian's end I can get this out.

Gary, just forward what you have to Anthony.
The first post has been updated with the new p/t's.

I'm heading out of town for the weekend but will try to keep up with the pass. It looks like most of the time I'm out the pass will be on the road anyways.
Alright gentlemen, sorry for the delay. I did get Brian's end yesterday but wasn't able to get it turned around in time. Comin' 'atcha Anthony..... DC# 0103 8555 7495 8442 5388

Thanks again for having me aboard this one Andy. I'm gonna be glued to this one until the end.
No package yet, says it was accepted on the 29th at Keyport.
No package yet, says it was accepted on the 29th at Keyport.

It was actually accepted on the 28th and returned to me on the 29th for "$.43 postage". I double checked the pricing for the weight online and went back down to the po. After a 5 min. argument, the clerk says "I'm sorry sir, whoever checked this must not've seen that it was commercial base pricing..... our mistake." Well no chit! Then, yeah.... it was accepted again on the 29th. There's no reason you shouldn't have it tomorrow tone.
No package yet, says it was accepted on the 29th at Keyport.

It was actually accepted on the 28th and returned to me on the 29th for "$.43 postage". I double checked the pricing for the weight online and went back down to the po. After a 5 min. argument, the clerk says "I'm sorry sir, whoever checked this must not've seen that it was commercial base pricing..... our mistake." Well no chit! Then, yeah.... it was accepted again on the 29th. There's no reason you shouldn't have it tomorrow tone.

Nothing like US Postal to muck things up!
Just got home and the box is here, was starting to worry since it's Halloween. We both worked late and it was sitting out there on the steps. I'll look at it it tomorrow do an inventory and post my plays. I'll get this in the mail either Sunday night or Monday morning.
Inventory checks out. No disk or list in box and don't have the next address.

Here are my proposed P/Ts:


7. Cabiguan
31. LG Small Batch No.1


64. Opus X, Petit Lancero
65. Hoyo de Monterrey, Le Hoyo du Roi, OVU LR00
66. Juan Lope, Petit Corona, NNSU-TTH 02
67. Bolivar, Corona Extras, NNSU - VC-3

Let me know and thanks again for having me in your pass :thumbs:
I just got back into town last night, what did I miss?

Looks like we're doing good from my point of view!
I just got back into town last night, what did I miss?

Looks like we're doing good from my point of view!

Slacker! I'll get this in the box tonight then.

Thanks for having me and good pickings to all that follow :D