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Look what came in the Mail today!

atuck said:
As for as the cigar porn goes. I like seeing it from others too and wish it showed up more often. And, yes, I do enjoy being an antagonistic little **** at times! The only people that seem to have a problem with it are the hardcore FOGs. But I guess you can say that I have always rubbed the hardcore FOGs wrong of anything I've been into ever. This started way back with my parents and teachers! Didn't like people that thought they knew it all then and I still don't! And remember, I come from the old school biker world where FOGs could be a REAL pain in the ass and I always handled them fine too. I have always enjoyed antagonizing these FOG types. I try to be respectful here though but hey, if I can do it with a little "Look at me" cigar porn then that jus makes it all the more fun. I'm sure some of these FOGs look at me and my 800 plus posts in 4 months and just shake their heads in disgust. :laugh:

Many of the FOGs have been fantastic to me but there are those that I do know where they are coming from. I've dealt with it before and I'll deal with it again. :laugh: I am me and I will always be ME!! :p

junkman_56 said:
ricmac25, lighten up dude...

We are all individuals here, passing judgment on what kind of person someone is from a few posts on this board is short sighted.
We are here to share out passion for cigars and to share something of ourselves to others on this board.
We will not always agree, that is the nature of the board.

Atuck is a valued member of this board (as are you).
He is a generous trader and will give away cigars to complete strangers.
This board has been enriched by his presents not diminished by it.

Besides, I love cigar porn and he posts a lot of it.

just my 2 cents...

junkman - Sorry you're not reading all the posts - or ignoring the posts that seem to say it all... I'm afraid, irregardless of atuck's frame of mind, atuck spoke very clearly his position with regards to FOG's on this board.

And the "...I do enjoy being an antagonistic little **** at times!" doesn't help this situation...

Atuck is a valued member of this board (as are you).
He is a generous trader and will give away cigars to complete strangers.
This board has been enriched by his presents not diminished by it.

This board has been enriched by his presents...? Does that mean if you give cigars away, you are now a "valued member of this board"? I'm not sure if that was a Freudian slip, or you were being "deep". There's more to being a "valued member" than giving cigars away....
So I guess everything we do is secret.

I can't go for that.
ggiese said:
This board has been enriched by his presents...? Does that mean if you give cigars away, you are now a "valued member of this board"? I'm not sure if that was a Freudian slip, or you were being "deep". There's more to being a "valued member" than giving cigars away....
My grammer sucks...
Atuck (like all of us on this board) adds to the community, that is what I ment.
He is honest in his convections and if his opinions step on some toes, so be it.
Opinions are like belly buttons, every one has one.
ggiese said:
atuck said:
The only people that seem to have a problem with it are the hardcore FOGs. But I guess you can say that I have always rubbed the hardcore FOGs wrong of anything I've been into ever. This started way back with my parents and teachers! Didn't like people that thought they knew it all then and I still don't! And remember, I come from the old school biker world where FOGs could be a REAL pain in the ass and I always handled them fine too. I have always enjoyed antagonizing these FOG types.

junkman - Sorry you're not reading all the posts - or ignoring the posts that seem to say it all... I'm afraid, irregardless of atuck's frame of mind, atuck spoke very clearly his position with regards to FOG's on this board.

I think it was quite clear that he was talking about the FOG's in in his life, in general, not about the FOG's on this board.

(edited for quote fix)
ggiese said:
junkman - Sorry you're not reading all the posts - or ignoring the posts that seem to say it all...

And I have read all the posts and have no problem with them.
I am an older guy myself (49), but I understand how he feels.
Age is all between the ears and I know plenty of younger guys that are a lot older then me in attitude.

Sorry for hijacking the thread
Pics of recent purchases and humidors have been posted by others in the past and no one had a problem with it if I recall. Some examples:




Let's not have a double standard here. Atuck even posted a thread in the Lobby asking if the pics bothered anyone awhile back.


In the 6 pages I only saw ONE person say it was showing off. Everyone else liked them.

Let's not let this get personal guys...
junkman_56 said:
ricmac25, lighten up dude...
We are all individuals here, passing judgment on what kind of person someone is from a few posts on this board is short sighted.

Hey junkman, forgive me if I am bothered by the fact that someone comes in here and openly states that they have a problem with "know it alls", which is how he defines FOGs. Unlike others on this board that come in with a sense of entitlement, I appreciate those that came before me and taught me a lot about cigars. Quite frankly, I haven't mentioned the look at me crap. That doesn't bother me as much as the
atuck said:
I have always enjoyed antagonizing these FOG types.

I have only been on here for a couple of years and I know that there are others who have been here longer that don't even post as much as they used to because of what CP is becoming. I think it says something when guys who have been here for years aren't posting as much as they used to. It is attitudes like Atuck's disrespect for FOGs that make some of the veteran members who helped build cp go elsehwere.

This has nothing to do with posting pics. Its about the attitude.
For what it's worth, based on the advice of some people here, I stopped posting gratuitous pictures a while ago. I understood how the intent could be misinterpreted.

I think there are a few things going on here. As someone who has a background in photography, it's very natural for me to take pictures of just about everything -- it's a natural way of communicating. I do it regardless of whether I share the pictures with anyone or not.

I also like to document everything. My rare cigars page came about because I was trying to bring together as much accurate information as I could on each cigar; and I revise it as I gain new information (something I'm unfortunately behind on). It helps me remember what's what, and has hopefully helped others in identifying the myriad of oddball Fuente cigars.

People who have never seen a full box of <insert cigar here> likely find it very useful and interesting to see a picture of it.

Pictures are also very useful for reference -- have a look at MMM's Padrón and Opus/Añejo threads. The information there is very useful, as are the pictures, because they show people what the cigars should look like, what the packaging should look like, etc.

For Cuban cigars, I think pictures are even more useful for people who are concerned about counterfeit cigars, what the packaging should look like, what the cigars should look like, etc.

I think what Ricmac said is correct, it all boils down to intent. Is the person just posting pictures to brag? Are they posting pictures because they are excited and enthusiastic about the hobby? Are they posting pictures simply to share their joy? Are they posting pictures for useful referential reasons?

In the end, none of it bothers me (speaking solely about cigar pictures). It's a cigar discussion forum after all, pictures of cigars are not the worst thing we could see posted here.

For instance, Aiz's cigar blog -- http://www.mycigarblog.com/blog/ -- just wouldn't be the same without all of his pictures. It's pure enthusiasm for the hobby.
Keep posting pics the heck with what anyone thinks. If it was not for Mokis pics of mold and plume id still be trying to figure it out. Besides if someone breaks down and buys some expensive stogies they can brag a bit with pics and we can all drool.No harm in that.
I hope you do realize how BIG that "rare fuente" page is now?!?!

When I go to herfs, and meet new BOTLs at TAA and local shops, they all have seen your page!

Thread jack off... (yeah I said jack off) :sign:
KayakinBoy said:
When I go to herfs, and meet new BOTLs at TAA and local shops, they all have seen your page!

heh -- well, I know yahoo auctioneers use it... bastards.
moki said:
People who have never seen a full box of <insert cigar here> likely find it very useful and interesting to see a picture of it.

Pictures are also very useful for reference -- have a look at MMM's Padrón and Opus/Añejo threads. The information there is very useful, as are the pictures, because they show people what the cigars should look like, what the packaging should look like, etc.

For Cuban cigars, I think pictures are even more useful for people who are concerned about counterfeit cigars, what the packaging should look like, what the cigars should look like, etc.

I think what Ricmac said is correct, it all boils down to intent. Is the person just posting pictures to brag? Are they posting pictures because they are excited and enthusiastic about the hobby? Are they posting pictures simply to share their joy? Are they posting pictures for useful referential reasons?

That is exactly why I created a gallery at cw for all of my rare cuban cigars I have come across. I believe it's a good reference for people who want to know what a box should look like and have all the angles to go with it.

I do think at times the line is blurred from bragging to a referential source. Can be a tricky line to stay straight on.
Jeez, keep this up and I'll have to stop posting pics in the saloon just so nobody gets upset. ;)
I was not referring to all FOGs! Only the "hardcore" FOGs. And I also talked of people who "thought" they knew it all, not people who actually are very knowledgeable. As I said before, I do respect FOGs and many of them have been great to me! Some have been very very helpful and I am very thankful for that. But sitting here and judging me and my personality type and busting my balls over a couple of posts where I was basically trying to be funny is BS. Again I say I think I was basically misunderstood and maybe that has to do with my mood or frame of mind at the time I was making the post but I assure you it was fueled by HUMOR in every regard. And no serious FOG bashing was intended. What? I can take it but I can't dish any back out just because I am relatively new? I am no less of a human or cigar enthusiast just because I happened to find this site later than somebody else. Besides, everybody here was once a "Newbie"! :D
atuck said:
I was not referring to all FOGs! Only the "hardcore" FOGs.
Just for the record, who would the "hardcore" refer to?

I was never a newbie here. Nobody had the nerve.

I think he means me since I was a "hardcore" Marine and I'm the "hardcore" drinker here. :p

SamClemmons said:
atuck said:
I was not referring to all FOGs! Only the "hardcore" FOGs.
Just for the record, who would the "hardcore" refer to?

I was never a newbie here. Nobody had the nerve.

Atuck thinks I was born in 1984 :laugh:

Assumptions are not good, Alan... Assuming that I was born in 1984 - assuming that FOG's are not to be respected... Bad assumptions on your part....

But, hey... That's you!!! Thankfully it's not me...

BTW - I could care less about the "look at me" posts - if you want to share cigar porn - have at it... But - disrespecting established members of this board is just not cool. If that's the way you want to conduct yourself, that's your business. Enjoy yourself!!!
junkman_56 said:
ggiese said:
This board has been enriched by his presents...? Does that mean if you give cigars away, you are now a "valued member of this board"? I'm not sure if that was a Freudian slip, or you were being "deep". There's more to being a "valued member" than giving cigars away....
My grammer sucks...
Atuck (like all of us on this board) adds to the community, that is what I ment.
He is honest in his convections and if his opinions step on some toes, so be it.
Opinions are like belly buttons, every one has one.

Sure - and opinions can also get you into trouble... Well - I guess "So be it" is what you might say. Do you really think that expressing an opinion that causes grief for the writer is the best course? K&P and Manix expressed opinions that got them ostracized from this community. In retrospect, it probably would have been much better if they would have kept their opinions to themselves...

I have some opinions that I keep to myself for my own good, as well as the good of the community. Sometimes it's best that way. Once you start wearing your feelings on your sleeve, you tend to turn people off. ;)
So what the guy wants to show off his latest scores,he is obviously elated that he was able to get these hard to finds no matter what the price was. If you were true BOTL's you would be happy for him. In my opinion there is nothing wrong in Atucks posting his cigar porn. Plenty of other people do it with not a word being said against the guy who posted it.

The people on this thread who are taking shots at Atuck are being assholes, give the guy a break for christs sake, none of you know what he is going through. I wonder how you people would act with a mother who has a brain tumor and will be lucky to survive it.

I think Atuck is owed some apolgies from people.