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iPass Blues Pass

NorCalCigarLover said:
Captain Leafheart said:
No Johnny Winter?! Let's get "with it" Swifty.

Didn't Tommy Shannon (SRV bassist) used to play with JW?

According to Wikipedia, Tommy Shannon played bass in Johnny Winter's band from 1968 until early 1970. After leaving Johnny Winter's band he played with Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Before my mp3's, I used to play my Johnny Winters "3rd Degree" CD all of the time, as well as his "Hey, Where's Your Brother" CD. I saw him in concert back in 1997 at the Fillmore in San Francisco but he was just a shell of the greatness that he once was :(


I've never heard JW's version of "Third Degree", but you ought to hear West, Bruce and Laing's version. Wish I had it (in mp3 form) to include in this pass.
I've also heard from huge JW fans that, for a long time now, he is just a shell. The man has done some hard livin'.
Captain Leafheart said:
I've never heard JW's version of "Third Degree", but you ought to hear West, Bruce and Laing's version. Wish I had it (in mp3 form) to include in this pass.
I've also heard from huge JW fans that, for a long time now, he is just a shell. The man has done some hard livin'.

Damn ...... that concert was the saddest thnig ever :( . When it was time for his set the band started playing first, then JW "shuffled" out on stage without a guitar. When they placed the Firebird strap on his shoulders he nearly fell over from the weight of the guitar. Out of respect, I stayed for his entire set even though many people left the concert after 2 songs.

Blue Dragon said:
Swifty said:
NorCalCigarLover said:
Hey Swifty, if you like SRV have you heard any Johnny Winter?
No I haven't, but I will. Thanks.
Here you go buddy. LMK what you think. :cool:

Wow! Thanks. I'll be getting some more of that for sure.
NorCalCigarLover said:
KayakinBoy said:
NorCalCigarLover said:
K-boy, I have been very disappointed in your behavior as a participant in this pass. I know you've had problems on this board in the past but I thought I would include you in my pass as a good faith gesture. If these sticks are badly damaged I am holding you personally responsible to make things right. You have been an active participant in making others on this board own up to their responsibilities so I would expect the same of you. Make it right John.


Well, I was going to PM you this back but I'll keep it public. There was no problem with either cigars when I put them in the pass. I don't have another H. Upmann so if it's ok, I'll replace it with a Cohiba Sublime. Also I'm asking if the person who has/will get the pass, next in line, can either take pics of the pass and PM me, I'd like to see the damaged sticks. I made mistakes in the past and owned up and fixed them, but they must have just gotten danged up in shipping.

Like I said I don't mind replacing them with another 40th and a Cohiba Sublime, just let me know where to mail them.

I don't know when the damage occured but if those cigars were that fragile they should not have been put in the pass. A complete inventory was done and no other sticks were damaged except those two. If Shiba is okay with it you can send the sticks to him, he can put them into play and send the damaged ones back to you.

DO NOT send them to Shiba until he posts that this is okay with him.

Here is the image I received of those sticks. I do not want to get into a discussion about what is or isn't damaged or what somebody else "thinks" is damaged. As far as I am concerned, the sticks that were pulled were in perfect condition and I would expect nothing but the same to be put back in play.


Thank you for owning up to this John, I appreciate it.


I hesitate to mention this after the issue seems to be resolved, but I haven't been around for a few days so I'd like to chime in in defense of John. I received the pass after John had it. I took inventory of the pass, and the sticks in question were not damaged at the time. I can only assume the damage took place in the shipping process. I am 100% sure that he would not intentionally put damaged cigars into a pass. Also, the pass being in John's possession for as long as it was was not completely his fault. I was actually on my way to John's office on that Friday to pick up the pass from him, but I received a call from my mother-in-law needing me to come pick up my son because she had to leave unexpectedly and could not take him with her. I had to work all weekend, so I didn't get the pass until Sunday night. I know John had his problems in the past, and if you look back you'll see that I did not defend him when he was taking all that flack, because he deserved it. However, this is not totally his fault, and I don't think his past transgressions apply here. John has owned up to and made things right for his previous mistakes, and has been a stand-up member of the board since that time.

That being said, David, I think you're running a great pass. I understand the stress of having a good portion of your stash being run all over the country, so I don't blame you for being upset. I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers here, I just didn't want John to get blasted for something he didn't have control over.
Eshaw99 said:
I hesitate to mention this after the issue seems to be resolved, but I haven't been around for a few days so I'd like to chime in in defense of John.  I received the pass after John had it.  I took inventory of the pass, and the sticks in question were not damaged at the time.  I can only assume the damage took place in the shipping process.  I am 100% sure that he would not intentionally put damaged cigars into a pass.  Also, the pass being in John's possession for as long as it was was not completely his fault.  I was actually on my way to John's office on that Friday to pick up the pass from him, but I received a call from my mother-in-law needing me to come pick up my son because she had to leave unexpectedly and could not take him with her.  I had to work all weekend, so I didn't get the pass until Sunday night.  I know John had his problems in the past, and if you look back you'll see that I did not defend him when he was taking all that flack, because he deserved it.  However, this is not totally his fault, and I don't think his past transgressions apply here.  John has owned up to and made things right for his previous mistakes, and has been a stand-up member of the board since that time.

That being said, David, I think you're running a great pass.  I understand the stress of having a good portion of your stash being run all over the country, so I don't blame you for being upset.  I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers here, I just didn't want John to get blasted for something he didn't have control over.

Thanks for your input Eric, I appreciate it and I'm sure John does as well. I consider myself a very fair person and won't blast somebody unless I feel they have earned it.

As far as being upset goes, not a bit, I'm more disappointed than anything else. I've learned in my years of working with volunteers, young adults, and my own kids that there are certain times that I need to be very direct and succinct with my expectations, instructions and directions in order for things to be completed to my satisfaction. That's where I am coming from.

John, I don't know what format you sent that music in, what the heck is a .ace file? I thought maybe it was self executable but nothings happening and I can't open it.

DevilsMilk said:
.ace file is a zipped file that can be opened with WinAce.

WinAce .... can I get that at download.com? All I have is WinZip.

junkman_56 said:
NorCalCigarLover said:
DevilsMilk said:
.ace file is a zipped file that can be opened with WinAce.

WinAce .... can I get that at download.com? All I have is WinZip.

Just to to :http://www.winace.com/

Perfect .... the songs are now downloaded and in my hard drive WOOHOO!!

I would think that the pass should be here today. :thumbs: I will keep you all posted. Thanks.
Package arrived today as did Kayakin's replacement cigars. I will do my Puts/Takes in just a few and get this back on the road to Brad tomorrow.
Kayakin's replaced have been added in as the following...

51. Cohiba Sublime (EL 2004)
52. Opus X xXx
53. Arturo Fuente WOAM
OK... Here are my proposed Puts/Takes

54. Partagas Serie D No. 1 (EL 2005)
55. Partagas Serie P No. 2 (2005)
56. Cohiba Siglo II (2005)
57. Cohiba Siglo VI (2004)
58. Saint Luis Rey Serie A (2003)
59. Bolivar Belicoso Fino (2005)
60. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Robusto
61. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Torpedo

6. Ashton VSG Enchantment
37. 1926 Padron Anniversario Maduro #6
38. Fuente Between the Lines
51. Cohiba Sublime (EL 2005)

Please let me know if you have any problems with these and I will get it boxed up tomorrow and on it's way. Thanks. :)

Edited to change PDS4 because it was actually a PSP2. :p
Shiba said:
OK... Here are my proposed Puts/Takes

54. Partagas Serie D No. 1 (EL 2005)
55. Partagas Serie P No. 2 (2005)
56. Cohiba Siglo II (2005)
57. Cohiba Siglo VI (2004)
58. Saint Luis Rey Serie A (2003)
59. Bolivar Belicoso Fino (2005)
60. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Robusto
61. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Torpedo

6. Ashton VSG Enchantment
37. 1926 Padron Anniversario Maduro #6
38. Fuente Between the Lines
51. Cohiba Sublime (EL 2005)

Please let me know if you have any problems with these and I will get it boxed up tomorrow and on it's way. Thanks. :)

Edited to change PDS4 because it was actually a PSP2. :p

Okay Shiba, let's work this out a bit .... :rolleyes: :laugh:

We need to maintain the ISOM for ISOM, Premium for Premium, Rarity for Rarity, and Value for Value rules. If we can also keep it at 1:1 trade and not 2:1 that would help keep everything in one box :laugh:

Please give it another try. Remember, the BTL is a rarer stick and would be okay for a Shark for example. Padron is valued at ~$12, the Ashton VSG ~$11 and the Sublime is a Premium ISOM valued at ~$22.

Shiba said:
OK... Here are my proposed Puts/Takes

54. Partagas Serie D No. 1 (EL 2005)
55. Partagas Serie P No. 2 (2005)
56. Cohiba Siglo II (2005)
57. Cohiba Siglo VI (2004)
58. Saint Luis Rey Serie A (2003)
59. Bolivar Belicoso Fino (2005)
60. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Robusto
61. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Torpedo

6. Ashton VSG Enchantment
37. 1926 Padron Anniversario Maduro #6
38. Fuente Between the Lines
51. Cohiba Sublime (EL 2005)

Please let me know if you have any problems with these and I will get it boxed up tomorrow and on it's way. Thanks. :)

Edited to change PDS4 because it was actually a PSP2. :p
Wow dude, that is way over the top. And while that is very generous, I'm not sure it conforms to the rules. But this will be up to NorCal.

Pass Rules:

5. Put & Takes (P/T’s) should be: a) value for value, b) rarity for rarity, c) NC for NC, d) Premium for Premium and e) ISOM for ISOM.
Blue Dragon said:
Wow dude, that is way over the top. And while that is very generous, I'm not sure it conforms to the rules. But this will be up to NorCal.

Yeah ...... but if you want to do a private trade, PM me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Talk about a generous guy :0

Well since I only have ISOM's, it makes it difficult to follow those rules. My quanity and value were way over what I took. I have never heard of problems with ISOM for NC's. Oh well..

54. Partagas Serie D No. 1 (EL 2005)
55. 57. Cohiba Siglo VI (2004)
56. Bolivar Belicoso Fino (2005)
57. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Robusto
58. Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Torpedo

No Takes

Thanks for having me!!!