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iPass Blues Pass

Also, DevilsMilk songs are:
18.Etta James - At Last (P:DevilsMilk)
19.Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On (P:DevilsMilk)

Have you guys seen the growing songlist lately? very cool


Joe Cocker Live is one of my favorite CDs. This CD is going to be good!
The eagle has landed here in beautiful, sunny SC!! Will do a quick inventory and after contacting our host will let her fly on to her next destination.
OK the inventory is complete and all is pretty much OK. However one of my takes suffered a hit!! #28 the AVO LE5 was damaged on the end. I have a picture of it, but have not a clue how to post it here, but sent it on to our host. So my proposed P/T's have changed a bit:

Original P/T's
1926 Padron Maduro #6
Opus X XxX
Padron 3000 Maduro

Ashton VSG Belicoso #1
Diamond Crown #6 Maduro
LGC Serie R Limitada from '04
Cuesta-Rey Pyramid #9


Revised P/T's
DC Maximus #4
1926 Padron Maduro #6
Opus X XxX
Padron 3000 Maduro

Ashton VSG Belicoso #1
Diamond Crown #6 Maduro
LGC Serie R Limitada from '04
Cuesta-Rey Pyramid #9

In addition, our pass has completely outgrown its original container. It is full, and there is now a one gallon ziplock baggie include to hold the overflow.

So, again with our host's consent, I am going shopping this evening for a new container, and will repackage everything, and get this bird back in flight on Monday morning. I am afraid to mail it tomorrow, as it is currently 75-80 degrees here in SC, and I don't like the thought of our smokes sitting in a PO warehouse either here in Columbia or in Charlotte over the weekend.

Not to worry, as all the smokes are resting comfortably in my humidor, and will be fine for their next leg of the trip.

Just wanted to keep all appraised of the situation.
Jack Straw is one class act and is taking very good care of the pass, awesome job Jay and thank you very much for everything.

I've set up a nice little place for us to follow the pass in pictures here. If you have any cool pictures you'ld like me to include in our pass journal email them to me and I'll add them. It would be great to get some pictures of you guys enjoying the smokes, blues and brews ;) .

The bird is back in flight!! Cool front came through last evening and it's only getting into the mid 60's today with a chance of snow flurries tomorrow evening. So I figured our repacked, reconfigured bird was safe to wing its way up north.

PM'ed Captain Leafheart to be on the lookout for her, as she should arrive Tuesday.

Sent NorCalCigarLover pictures of the new packaging, so, hopefully, they'll be up on his site shortly.

Thanks for letting me participate, and looking forward to a copy of the CP CD!!

DC# - 0303 2460 0000 1264 2829
Thanks Jay for being in this pass :thumbs: , those are some awesome tunes by the way.

Hey Captain Leafheart, get ready .... it's headed your way!

Yo! I be ready.
This is my first pass, so I've been doing some cypherin' and here are my "proposed" P's & T's. Let me know if this is acceptable. I totally understand if these are not in accordance with the posted rules. I'll just have to do more cypherin'.

Montecristo #2
Bolivar Belicoso Fino
2 Vegas Robaina Famoso
(these 4 ISOM's for the 1 below?)
Cohiba Sublime EL 2004

Cohiba Siglo IV ISOM
Paratgas Lusitania

AF #77 Shark
AF Hemingway Masterpiece Maduro

Also a question about tune transference to the flash drive...
I'm assuming that the drive will appear in iTunes when I plug it into a usb port and I will then click and drag the songs onto it?

Eagerly awaiting the Pass's verdict.

edited to add another VR Famoso to first p/t.
Montecristo #2
Bolivar Belicoso Fino
2 Vegas Robaina Famoso
(these 4 ISOM's for the 1 below?)
Cohiba Sublime EL 2004

Up to David, but this usually is not allowed in a pass, ie. quantity for quality. Not to say these aren't fine cigars, I like all three, but none are equal to the Cohiba. Just my $.02.



In addition, our pass has completely outgrown its original container. It is full, and there is now a one gallon ziplock baggie include to hold the overflow.

So, again with our host's consent, I am going shopping this evening for a new container, and will repackage everything, and get this bird back in flight on Monday morning. I am afraid to mail it tomorrow, as it is currently 75-80 degrees here in SC, and I don't like the thought of our smokes sitting in a PO warehouse either here in Columbia or in Charlotte over the weekend.

Not to worry, as all the smokes are resting comfortably in my humidor, and will be fine for their next leg of the trip.

Just wanted to keep all appraised of the situation.

Nice job in taking care of the pass!
I guess I should wake up and see what I want to take and put. I have a cd already made up to go out to the pass host with 19 songs. I know it's a lot of songs but I have an extensive collection and some of those songs are just outright classics. So I'll just list a few and let David make his mind up on what the final songs will be on the CD.

Thanks for having me in the pass and I'll make sure it moves quickly through my hands. :thumbs:
Montecristo #2
Bolivar Belicoso Fino
2 Vegas Robaina Famoso
(these 4 ISOM's for the 1 below?)
Cohiba Sublime EL 2004

Up to David, but this usually is not allowed in a pass, ie. quantity for quality. Not to say these aren't fine cigars, I like all three, but none are equal to the Cohiba. Just my $.02.

Yup .... gotta agree with gregor22 here, though very fine smokes Captain.

Someone needs to come up with a $ for $ pass with no limits or exceptions. These rules make it very hard for someone who is starting off and only has $2-$4 smokes and vice versa for someone who only has premium or ISOM's. Also makes it hard on us guys who have 95% ISOM’s.

I thought one of the purposes of being in a pass was to allow people to dry different smokes and to experience something they normally would not be able to due to monetary or availability reasons? If John Doe only has $3-$4 because that is all he can afford, how will he ever get to try and Opus X or Padron 1926 via participating in a pass?

Just my thoughts :whistling:
I thought one of the purposes of being in a pass was to allow people to dry different smokes and to experience something they normally would not be able to due to monetary or availability reasons? If John Doe only has $3-$4 because that is all he can afford, how will he ever get to try and Opus X or Padron 1926 via participating in a pass?

Just my thoughts :whistling:

If the above is true, then said person should not get into any passes where he will be over his head. Once the cigar list is posted and none of his smokes are anywhere near the list, then said person should back out until he is able to participate. Granted most passes are quantity for quantity, etc. There are usually a few newbie passes floating around and that would be more to the speed of said person until his stash is to the point where he can participate in other passes.
Someone needs to come up with a $ for $ pass with no limits or exceptions. These rules make it very hard for someone who is starting off and only has $2-$4 smokes and vice versa for someone who only has premium or ISOM's. Also makes it hard on us guys who have 95% ISOM’s.

Have seen several ISOM only passes that would solve the problem for the ISOM only smoker.

I, personally, would be nervous of a straight $ for $ pass, as sure as hell someone would put in 5/10 $1.00 or $2.00 sticks, take out 1 or 2 expensive sticks, and the last couple of folks in line would be looking at a not so nice selection.

I'm sure there are folks on this board that would be happy to trade a few of their more premium smokes for an equal $ amount of lesser sticks to give a guy a break, but in passes, I think the quality for quality rule is the best way to go.

Just my 2 cents.
OK. Pass arrived today. Inventory taken and all is accounted for. My only concerns are #28 AVO LE 2005: no label to ID and wrapper is broken at first third of smoke and there are flakes in the bag, and #48 is listed as a Padron 2000 but is 6.75" long (I thought the 2000's were 5" long). Other than that, all is well.

I have revised my p&t's as follows:
T-#14 Gurkha Legend Anni / P-AF Reserva Xtra Viejo #46
T-#33 AF Hemi Masterpiece Maduro / P-AF Reserva Xtra Viejo #77
T-#36 Partagas Lusitania isom / P-Cohiba Siglo IV isom
T-#65 Ashton VSG Belicoso #1 / P-AF Reserva Xtra Viejo #48
Let me know what (if any) are acceptable.
And what's with all the flash drives? 2 or 3 songs on the original
and go crazy on the other 2?

If David's o.k. with all the Fuentes, it looks much better to me though I'm not sure about the isom trade (I'm not really qualified on that one)

Shiba said:
I thought one of the purposes of being in a pass was to allow people to dry different smokes and to experience something they normally would not be able to due to monetary or availability reasons? If John Doe only has $3-$4 because that is all he can afford, how will he ever get to try and Opus X or Padron 1926 via participating in a pass?

Just my thoughts :whistling:

Shiba, you're right, that is one of the purposes of a pass but don't leave the pass host out. He's the one who offers a selection from his own stash for trade. It wouldn't be fair to put a substantial variety of premiums and super premiums out there only to receive a box full of lower end sticks at the end of the pass.

Like Jack Straw said, there are plenty of members that would be happy to trade quality for quantity to help a brother out. NST for example.
I agree with what you all are saying but still... maybe your only limit is 2/1 max ratio or something.

If someone puts in a Sublime, there are very few cigars that will match it $ for $ that are ISOM. But the host NEVER seems to have a problem with someone putting in a Sublime.

Just some thoughts that I thought I would share. I guess there are Pros and Cons to any scenario.
Having smoked maybe a dozen ISOM's in my entire life, I am hardly the person to address those particular smokes, but as to value for value in a box pass, I wouldn't see the harm in putting in a high dollar ISOM like the Sublime, or any other expensive NC, and taking a couple smokes equalling the value of what was put as long as it was like for like, and of course, with the permission of the host.

I guess my "rule of thumb" is always leave it as good or a bit better than you got it. The hard part always seems to be with the very top dollar, and/or rare smokes, as to what constitutes a fair play. If I have a question, I've always left it up to the host's judgement, as he is the person ultimately on the "receiving" end of a pass.

*edited for spelling*
I agree with what you all are saying but still... maybe your only limit is 2/1 max ratio or something.

If someone puts in a Sublime, there are very few cigars that will match it $ for $ that are ISOM. But the host NEVER seems to have a problem with someone putting in a Sublime.

Oh sure there are, especially when you factor in age or rarity.