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Getting your feet wet Pass II

1. 21 tats
2. 221lbs

Thanks Gary for the contest. BTW I want a picture of all of the hidden tats if I win!! :whistling:
I'm going to go with 8 tattoos and 248 lbs. Thanks for the contest!!
No worries on my front, I haven't met Jonesy.
But a man from Gastonia...

What constitutes a separate tattoo? What if they all bleed into one?

my guess,

1) 7
2) 218
All entries must be submitted by 11:59PM (2359 SDT*) this Saturday, October 18th and I will announce the winner Sunday morning.

The only wild card here is that some of the Pass Members may have met Brian....particularly Pompous Pugs. But with the hidden tattoo count, I think he should be OK, even if he saw him in a bathing suit :whistling:

* Soul Dog Time

:laugh: :laugh: You crack me up!

Also, all I can say is if PompousPugs gets the tattoo count correct, including the "HIDDEN ONES," I have some questions for him... :whistling:

Good luck on the contest guys!

I have more tatoos then are countable.

So Jonsey has 3...

He weighs in at 175lbs
I'm curious to know how you asked Jonesy for his weight??? :laugh:
Actually, it was quite easy.....

I asked him if I could run a contest, he said OK, I presented the questions and PM'd me back with the answers....he was a very good sport about it.

There was a third question, but he declined to answer that one :whistling:
Great contest IP, thanks for doing it. I'll guess 12 tats and 240#. #2, please adjust diet accordingly to coincide with my guess and I'll have Mike Schmidt come to your house for your next birthday. :laugh:
I just got the box but I have to be leaving it for work in about an hour. I will look over it and do my P/T when I get home. I will get it back out tomorrow on my way to work.

DC# 0308 0070 0002 0580 5217