Late update od events of Friday. 2 HIGHLY ILLEGAL bombs were dropped upon the Commander of the Eastern Strike Force. Again, a one sticker from this unknown bandit known only as C.O.L.E.. However, we are closing in on his location and we seem to think he is based in HongKong.

:sign: lol ANyway, this single stick surpased the last single stick of TNT by a long shot. I've only HEARD of these, never seen 'em, let alone owned one!! Now I do...unbeleivable..simply amazing the generosity of Master Cole. However, this did nothing to stop the war, sending your gifts and all!!!! A fierce retaliation has been launched on behalf of the E.S.F. Prepare to receive!!! :0

This will not gon unpunished my friend!!!
As for your earlier with Vern's, these were just "tracer" bombs to piant the target so to speak so beware, more tracers are en route!
Another package showed up on Friday as well and it seems Vern, you and I, have a common problem.
HIGH TREASON!!!! This was a blindsider with some Nice aged ISOMS in the box. Which is what I was expecting from this person as part of our monthly split...not a frickin' smart bomb!!! He will be dealt with soon and has been thoroughly lashed and is confined to the stockades for the remainder of this war. If any more outbreaks like this occur it will be punishable by one thing....DEATH BY BOMBING!!! :0
So beware and keep your heads screwed on straight..this could be a long battle as I do not plan on EVER admitting defeat and raising the white flag like a coward.....So quit now Vern and save yourself a lot of pain and suffering as well as the battle scars on your "men" .....So how about it??? :lookup: :sign: