"I will wait by the sea" -- I hear this underneath the big reunion/reconciliation/whatev of a romance or romcom. Love it. Only suggestion would be maybe instead of another drop out (the second one), maybe a bass drop into the meat of the song that starts next.
"Cinematic Heart" -- Is it 1983 in here, or is it just me?

You've sent me this one before, haven't you? It sounds super familiar. Again, love it.
I'll get to the rest, for sure. I want to give them the time they deserve. Only other bit of critique, and it might just be my bad ears or just the headphones, but it seems like the vox are just a bit muddied and the clarity isn't crystal. It's almost like listening to the vocals really loudly through a wall in another room. Again, it could just be my shit hearing (it probably is). More to come!