2009 Big Sky Ivan the Terrible...holy crap this is good! Now I have to get more of these...
Firestone 14 - Anniversary Ale
Grade: A (4.4)
An American strong ale from Firestone Walker Brewing Co. in Paso Robles, CA.
A. Pours a dark brown with a two finger head. Great retention. 4.5
S. Bourbon, malt, molasses and a nutty character. 4.3
T. Bourbon, vanilla and very malty. Maybe a little oaky. Reminiscent of Founder's KBS...maybe even a bit richer and slightly better to my taste. Very nice chocolate tones. 4.5
M. Very creamy. Moderate carbonation which fits this beer perfectly. 4.6
D. ABV is 12.5%. High ABV is apparent, but doesn't deter from this quite complex offering. 4.3
Summary: A great anniversary offering from Firestone. I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a very good beer. Balanced, complex and has a great deal of substance about it. Will age very gracefully. Would pair very well with a 2001 SLR double corona.
Presentation: 650ml bottle
Firestone 14 - Anniversary Ale
Grade: A (4.4)
An American strong ale from Firestone Walker Brewing Co. in Paso Robles, CA.
A. Pours a dark brown with a two finger head. Great retention. 4.5
S. Bourbon, malt, molasses and a nutty character. 4.3
T. Bourbon, vanilla and very malty. Maybe a little oaky. Reminiscent of Founder's KBS...maybe even a bit richer and slightly better to my taste. Very nice chocolate tones. 4.5
M. Very creamy. Moderate carbonation which fits this beer perfectly. 4.6
D. ABV is 12.5%. High ABV is apparent, but doesn't deter from this quite complex offering. 4.3
Summary: A great anniversary offering from Firestone. I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a very good beer. Balanced, complex and has a great deal of substance about it. Will age very gracefully. Would pair very well with a 2001 SLR double corona.
Presentation: 650ml bottle