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Training Wheels Pass - FNG pt deux

Might as well get in on this newb passes while I'm still a newb!
Is it me or are the New Guy training passes showing up with a better line of sticks. :thumbs: :rolleyes:
That sucks I guess I was an hour to late, Well the pass looks like it is going to be fun. I will be watching it make the rounds. Let me know if some one drops out.
I am a dumbass I have not been here longer than a month, anyway have fun. There are some good sticks in there. :angry:
Well Cory... If you'll have me bro, I'm in!!!
Thanks for doing this!!!

mind if I join in? PM Sent.
...oh no, not THESE GUYS...!! Who knows, maybe you'll get a power ranger back.... :laugh:

Good work, Cory - looks like you're off to a good start...!!

Have fun - B.B.S.
Pipe down FOG!!!
He's not gettin' a xXx from this newb... :love:
I think he was referring to the discussion at the PACNW Herf about TheVitaleMob turning green from a Power Ranger ... see, I can remember some things. :p

Here he is getting ready to see if an Opus X Reserva de Chateau will do the same. :thumbs:

I think it was the lack of sleep that really did him in more than the cigar. LOL!!!
Well, the pass is full and just about everyone has responded with the information I need. We should be able to get this on the road pretty soon. :thumbs:

In the meantime, posting the picture of TheVitaleMob got me to thinking.... I don't know you guys very well. So I'm going to have a little contest for the participants of this pass called, "Get to Know Your NooB". The object is to post up to three pictures of yourself that all tell a little something about you. One of those pictures must have you smoking a cigar. Judging will be subjective, but based around originality, creativity, and humor. Add a descriptive little paragraph around the picture so we know what the hell we are looking at, but most of the weight will be based on the pic. I'll wrangle up some old codger on here to be an impartial judge; I just don't know who yet. And I'll send out a nice little bomb to the winner. So go dig out your old photos, bust out the digital camera, and get crazy! I need some new photochop material. ;)

Here's a little something to get you started. :thumbs:


This was taken in February 07 on my deck. Kilted Craftsman and I decided to have a smoke but it was a little chilly so we started a fire. After getting situated and the fire warming us up I went to light my cigar and my lighter went dead. I thought that would be a prime opportunity to answer the question, "How should I light my cigar?" or "Should I use Cedar to light my cigar?". What's the verdict .. cedar or torch? :laugh: :laugh:

*Note: try to keep pictures around 800x600 so we don't kill people's bandwidth. I'll resize this one once I get back home tonight.
I guess I'll start this one off with some nice embarrassing stuff!


There's my first cigar experience. Ohhh boy do I love nites without sleep and all that Organic Chemistry studying (taking a break now in fact). My first cigar was a 2006 LE Fauxhiba Sublime (boyyyyy was it tasty :)) The guy in the back with the black hair is Jimihendrix and it was his Fauxhiba, his girlfriend is smoking a Torano. I don't remember what the other cigar was. After tha nite, I bought Jimihendrix a Don Carlos Robusto and I've been hooked ever since.


And here's me and the love of my life. We're in Wildwood, NJ (longest beaches on the eastern seaboard) in some random confectioner's shop. When I'm not at school I'm always with her and she's the biggest part of my life.


This one is from my first year at University of Delaware...it doesn't need much more explanation other than GO HENS!
well, here's me discovering that the camera doesn't turn off when you close the phone...


This is me, my cousin and a good friend building my deck a little over a year ago. Notice the celophane still on at least one of the cigars. We did smoke an entire bundle plus various better and a couple of great cigars in that five day period.


This however is what it's really all about

Great idea, Cory! Is that an Astral TVS you're "torching" with the campfire embers?
Great idea, Cory! Is that an Astral TVS you're "torching" with the campfire embers?
No, it is an LFD Factory Press I gifted to me from Dirik the last time I was in KC. :thumbs: It was awesome!

WTG NooBs! Those are some great pics! :cool:

How the hell did a mug like yours catch a hottie like that? ??? :laugh: :laugh: :thumbs:

Keep 'em coming!
Pass list order updated. It should take into account all scheduling conflicts and a geographically succinct route. LMK if there are any issues that stand out.

Carry on ... let the picture posting continue. :)
Leo, it looks like you get my sloppy seconds again. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: