While this is not a joke, it was funny, and sad at the same time.
Yesterday, it was a couple below 0 and snow was drifting across the street right in front of my house. I heard some engines revving so I looked out the window to see a pickup truck stuck in the drifting snow and another pickup truck right behind him.
There were 5 guys, 2 4x4 trucks and nobody knew what they were doing. They pushed on the side of the pickup and got it stuck even worse. I had driven through the snow drift in my car 20 minutes prior.
I saw them pull out a chain and start to wrap it around the hitch receiver for the pick up that was stuck. I ran to get my coat and boots because I knew what was coming.
The brand new F250 which was trying to pull the Ram out of the snow drift, hooked up, and punched it, to no avail. As I ran out my front door waving my arms and screaming he floored it with a lot more force this time. The chain slipped off the Rams receiver and totaled the tailgate on the brand new F250, pieces of the chain went flying by the idiot's heads who are standing 10' away watching.
After explaining to the driver of the Ram, what to do, I hooked a tow strap to the left front frame of the Ram and the 6 of us gently pulled the Ram out of the snow drift by hand.
As I walked back in my door, they all thanked me and I heard one guy say "how fucking stupid can we be?"
I quietly answered for them