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Things I've learned the hard way . . .

When some says "I'll tell you what happened!!!!!", just sit back and enjoy

Never pet a burning dog

No one manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like a team from Cleveland
Be very careful with what you think is your 2 year olds brown play-doh.

If you eat very strong cheese, and later think your Great Dane did a load in the house, but can't find it, there is a good chance your smelling your upper lip/moustache.
Be careful of what you wish for. You may get it.
licking a frozen pole DOES hurt

women DO NOT want you to be honest when they ask you if they look fat

filling butane lighters is a practice best done outside

snow skiing requires TWO skis (ouch)
If ever at a party and you feel like going into a room and crashing, make sure you take your shoes off BEFORE falling asleep. Apparently, there's some unwritten rule about this. I wish I would have known beforehand.
Don't eat yellow snow.

Life's too short to smoke cheap shit!

Live like there's no tomorrow, Love your woman, Laugh until you cry, Eat like a king, Drink like a fish, Party like a rock star, and Smoke like a Chimney.

Here's to the times we won't remember with the people we won't forget.
It it the nature of the Universe that you are doomed to be surrounded by idiotic motorists 80% of your driving time each day.
-Never say never.

-No matter how hard he is wagging his tail. do not reach through an open car window to pet your friends dog.