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The 'I'm home and need some fun' Pass

I don't think the zip locks allow water vapor to pass through. When you take a zip lock and put food in it and place it in the refrigerator, the food stays fresh because the moisture is trapped inside. The fridge doesn't dry out the food as it would if the food was not in a zip lock. I think using zip locks are fine if you are packing properly moisturized cigars in them. Placing a humidifying device in the tupperware container does nothing to the cigars in zip locks. Just my opinion.
If the bags are not vapor-permeable, then the moisture that's in the cigar will (for the most part) stay in the cigar. Some will escape to the small volume of air in the baggie, but this is a negligible amount. Once equilibrium has been established between the cigar and the air in the bag, the cigar will no longer lose moisture. This is why it's a good idea to force as much air out of the bag as possible before you seal it. Less air == less moisture loss.

If the bags are permeable (or not properly sealed), they are inside an airtight tupper with a humidifier to keep them moist.
funny, I have a tupper with a ziplock covered humidifier and the things stays at 68% all the time. The moisture will certainly permiate the plastic bag. This is why even if you put the onion in a ziploc, it will still smell up the fridge. But I am no rocket scientist so "Oh well"
tupperware is a good insulator, like FT said, eventually it evens itself out pretty well, that's why they're great for keeping ceegars. But I suppose if you really wanted to get all technical and stuff, you could always ask Vern, Vern the Oasis man, he's your man, if that don't stop ya, no one can :p

LOL... It's cold here, so the hyper machine started up...

Pepe said:
[Zip-logs are moisture barriers, hence] I think using zip locks are fine if you are packing properly moisturized cigars in them.
Two things:

Thing 1: Zip locks are imperfect moisture barriers. They're pretty good, but they're not perfect. For our purposes (a few weeks in the mail), moisture content of cigars doesn't change much in the zip-bags. (This is why cello is left open on one end, btw.)

Thing 2: Shrink-wrapping a "properly humidifed" cigar such that its moisture content doesn't change only works if the temperature doesn't change. If the cigar is (say) 65% when it leaves my house at 70F, and it gets to 105F en route, it'll dry out, a little (RH will go down.) If it arrives at your place and sits on the porch at 55F, it will get more moist, may even suffer condensation.

A lot of you probably already know this but, just in case, I thought I'd mention it.

You want your cigars at ~65% RELATIVE humidity. (Some say 70%, because they sell PG. That's typically considered "close enough", although many cigars are much better at 65%.)

Thing 3 (ok, I lied ;)): You can tell that zip-locks are imperfect because, when you open the tupp, you smell cigars. If they were perfect moisture barriers, you wouldn't smell anything.

Thing 4 :lookup: : Putting humidity control in the tupper is a good idea. It won't be perfect, but it will help mitigate the rediculous RH-pressures that cigars experience between the belly of a plane at ~30F and the back of a UPS truck at ~105F. Now everyone just has to remember to pack for no movement, so things don't bounce around :)
Sense we're getting tech here about cigar transportation I have a question.
Has anyone any experience or comments about using a foam ice chest? Cigars in the tupp container, container in foam ice chest. My thoughts were this would help control the temp swings as it traveled about. Steady temp would mean steady humidity, right?

gars in tupp, tupp in chest, chest in box, everything packed for zero movement. As a plus, chest would help protect the gars. And they are cheap, about 4-5 bucks a pop.

Just trying to get this straight in my mind, ya never know I might want to start a pass myself some day. :lookup:

It's funny you asked that Wascal, I was actually going to use a mini chest for this one, but I didn't think it was big enough. Lot of good that did, when it needed a bigger tupperdore anyway.

I think it'd be a good transport as long as you buffered it well. Those ice chests hold moisture very well. A little too well, you'd prolly have to open it every now and then to get the air flowing around and to bring the humidity back down to cigar levels.
The only thing I'd be afraid of is the styrofoam coming apart in transit. At least plastic gives...bends without breaking up to a point. But styro is brittle and one fall from the back of the brown truck of happiness would shatter it to pieces. That would be a Bad Thing (tm).
I think we have tried and true methods, if we follow them. The tuppers are great, and they aren't much money. My pass wen out in a tupper that was actually a Sterlite which was not air tight, and the hummidity stayed perfect so tuppers work. As long as we pack for no movement it should be fine. The ice chest is a good idea but I am afraid that it wouldn't do much good. Even an ice chest will be hot inside when locked up in a mot truck.
I was in a pass that used a foam box. The outer walls were not your typical garden veriety foam; seemed to be hardened to be resistant to injury. The walls were about 2" thick. I can not remember any other details, such as who originated the box.
I use to have a few styrofoam boxes like that, they were designed for transporting pharmacuticals that must be refrigerated (my mom works at a hospital, go figure) and I used them for my worm beds when I started a fishing worm farm (don't ask, bad idea) I will check with her and see if I can get some more and start a new pass with one so I can try it out. THanks Pepe, great idea!! :D
Actually, I was thinking about making up a batch of Earthworm Cookies and start a pass with them. Wouldn't you give up a few good top shelf smokes for an opportunity to broaden your horizons with a real treat like that? :D :p :D
:0 :0 :angry: :angry: :sneaky: :sneaky:

Hey!!!! WTF is with all this talk or WORMS?? Yous guys betta leave us Worms alone...we'sknows where yous guys live, capishe??? LMAO

:sign: :sign:
Reminds me of a time I was in NYC visiting a friend. She lived in a nice "family run" neighborhood in Brooklyn (Tony knows what I'm talking about). We were in this little neighborhood bar one night; we were sitting at a table and there was a guy sitting by himself at the bar. We were getting ready to leave and the door opened and two guys walk in that look like they came right off the set of "The Sopranos". They walk over and sit next to the guy at the bar...one on either side of him. He kinda looks at one then the other then back to the first. The guy on his left goes, "Hey Joey! Look who it is! It's Louie! Louie da Woim!! Hey Louie, we thought you was dead!" And the other guy's like "Louie! It's great ta see ya pal! What happened to you?!" And the guy in the middle's going, "Uh, I don't know you think I am, but my name's not Louie." But they're not listening, they keep going on, "Wait'll we tell Frankie! I can't believe you're still alive Louie! I can't believe it...it's Louie da Woim" and on and on. And the poor guy's protesting, "I told you: I'm not Louie!!". Back and forth. We were about to leave anyway, so we didn't stick around to see how that little drama unfolded but something tells me it wasn't a pretty story.
LOL FT... I wish I lived in one of 'those' neighborhoods, at least I'd be welcome there, I don't think there's too many on my block that'r happy to see an Italian Catholic here. My dad grew up in Dyker Heights, so yeah, I know exactly whatchoo talkin about paisan, 'eh?! Fugehdaboutit

PB, please don't send me any worms, I think we've done enough with beetles :p

About the styrofoam thing, I think if ya bundled it up the Dave Way (tm) ;), you'd be fine.

Well, as long as you put enough markers in there ;)
Got an Update for ya Guys. Thne pass is out of the deep sleep, it is in the fridge now, will move to a properly humidified dark corner tomorrow and should be dooing great. They survived the freezing well, no new cracks as of this moment. If we re-humidify them slowly they should all survive the ordeal beautifully. I will keep you posted. Tony my brother, I gotta tell you again, that is a great lookin box O' Smokes :p :thumbs:

Sounds good PB, can't thank you enough....

Well I can thank you enough....

If the target is painted, and I think it is.....


Uh oh....
