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The 'I'm home and need some fun' Pass

'I'm home and need some fun' aka Flashback aka NYSINYD Pass Update:

As of 7:25AM today, October 4, 2002 I have solidified plans to meet with JacksonT in Plano at the Macanudo Bus Event to take possession of the Pass Box. We will also be touring the Bus and in all likelyhood we will enjoy a Cigar together in the process.

Following this exchange I will be very quickly leaving Town for an overnight trip to the Country to see my Daughters. I will be back in town on Saturday night and will be doing P&T with LD sometime Saturday and should have it back on the road on Monday.
Tony, bro....

I did not want to ever say this in the context of a pass:

Houston, we have a problem!

I am going to take some pics of the damage for you, but I need to talk to you really bad. I will be around a little while longer today than I planned, getting this box ready for the freezer. :angry: :(

Call me ASAP at 972-808-0301
PuroBrat said:
I will be around a little while longer today than I planned, getting this box ready for the freezer.
This was one of those complicated passes, right?

So, is the idea that I remove 2-5 beetles that look tasty, and then replace with an equal or greater number of same or higher quality beetles? Then the whole thing goes backwards, right?

Ok, ok -- Tony's probably passing bricks, right about now, but it's really not THAT terrible, is it?

a) It's only cigars. Yeah, it sucks, but worse things have happened in the past 3 months...
b) It's just a couple days, right? How far could they have gotten? (Or am I being naive?)
c) I, personally, would be happy to smoke a [dead] beetle. Fruit pectin ("cigar glue") is cheap, and, heck, it'll be "a new experience" <G> Which leads me to...
d) As much as Tone's probably passing those bricks right now, just remember the great stories you'll get out of this. Sure, it sucks today but, a year from now, folks will be talking about "hey, that's nothing! Remember the time when..." And, really, that's worth SOMEthing, right? :)

Keep a positive attitude. An unexpected surprize, but hardly the end of the world, or even this pass.

Wee-haw! I'm still in, dammit! :) :p
I will say agreed to each statement made, yes it is a Ruh roh...... and oh no did come to mind, that and **** but we won't go there ???
And you are very correct Misc, it isn't the end of anything.

Damage control started this afternoon and everything WILL be fine. I will post more particulars after I talk to Tony. But this is still a great looking box of cigars and It WILL stay that way.
Leson learned. Individualy bag em em, then bundle 'em to prevent them moving around.

I'm in here for the long haul too. Tony, what can we do, if anything to help. I'll add a little extra on the puts if it'll help. :thumbs:
Oh No! my pet beetles. :0

Don't sweat the small stuff folks. Tony, what ever damage is done I'm sure we can make right on the rest of this pass. Let me know if any more individual bags are needed I'll send them out.

OK guys, I had a long talk with Tony, what a swell chap. So here is the damage report. First off, there was an OpusX #4 listed as a put, not ever listed as a take but it ain't there ?? There is a nice big AvO xo in there that isn't on any of the lists at all ?? Now that would not normally be considered Damage per se except that the AvO was the carrier for a particularly nasty Beetle!!! :angry: Anyway, it had a fairly neat hole through the wrapper and the cello. :( Then add to that there is a really fine looking Sancho Panza Belicoso Habana that also sported a really nasty tunnel through the wrapper. Then there is a Big Ole Cohiba Churchill size ISOM in there that had the first 1/4" or so of it pretty banged up and I am not sure it is fixable, not to say it isn't smokable but it is a shame none the less. Then there is a Perdomo 2 in there that is practically broken in half and a few others with broken foots.

Now I think this damage was a result of handling by UPS dudes, but if we don't spend extra effort to package these things they are gonna get destroyed. I also will hold to the thought that these beetles did what they did while in transit to JT because they warmed up enough to hatch. I would certainly hope that each of us is paying extra special attention to detail and checking this pass out while we are in possession of it. Because, at least IMHO, if we didn't want to give it that attention it might not have been a good idea to accept responsibility for a brother's smokes. ???

As of this writing the entire pass is in the deep freeze where it will remain for the prescribed amount of time and then LD and Myself will give it extra special care in the thaw and re-hydrating process. You have my word that these sticks are being well cared for and will leave here free from those little burrowing buggers. Not sure yet but I think that one of my takes will be the Avo, and if there is still a critter in there, he or she will become a Crispy Critter and the flavor will be enhanced for the protien it produces :D As for the Sancho, the hole is about 1" from the foot and I personally think that an ISOM of that calibur should not be tossed just because it has a Carb in it. So unless there are some objections I will be leaving that one in there once the Critters are properly sent to the little leafy tunnel in the sky :p

Let me wrap this up by saying that this is a great lookin bunch of smokes and I am sure it is gonna get even better as it rolls along.

Wascal, those bags are fine, no beetle holes in em at all :p , where do you get them things?
Well, that's not as bad as I had feared. PB, bloody excellent job spotting the damage and we all owe you many thanks for taking care of it. :thumbs: I'll also urge everyone to individually bag your sticks from here on out and carefully inspect the entire pass when you get it. I know PB will do a good job freezing, but it doesn't hurt to be safe. I don't know how bad the damage is on the Churchill-or-whatever, but if it's pretty bad it might be a good idea to go ahead and trim off the battered section so that it doesn't get any worse. Better to lose an inch than the entire 'gar.

Incidentally, if you're looking for plastic bags, this site has 'em.
Cool, I want to get some of those bags. Actually the Cohiba's damage is such that cutting it off would be cutting off the Cap. I don't know but I think if we did that it would unwrap too easy, needs to be done when someone is ready to smoke it I think. I would post pictures but my cam sux and they came out real blurry.
Yeah, we don't wanna cut off the cap....I was thinking it was the foot that was damaged. My bad. Also, the bag site seems to be having some issues right now, hopefully it'll be back up before long.
PuroBrat said:
OK guys, I had a long talk with Tony, what a swell chap. So here is the damage report. First off, there was an OpusX #4 listed as a put, not ever listed as a take but it ain't there ??

If you look back to page 10 or 11 of this thread, I listed the OPUS as a take

"My takes:

Opus X (I have never even seen one of these and have been dying to try one)"

--sorry that I didnt list it as a #4, but this is due to inexperience. If I forgot to list it on the sheet, then it is my bad :D

Thanks for all the recovery efforts :D

You guys let me know if there is anything that I can do to help out
Hey guys! I'm real impressed with the care everyone is taking in making sure this pass is a winner. As a first timer, I want to promiss everyone that I'll take special care when it gets to me. If I have questions, I'll ask.

PB, Thanks for the fixer-uper.

You guys are great. :D
Yeah, PB saved the day again :) Second pass, second set of problems, and PB saves it again whooo.

I'll tell you this much, I actually am a wee bit pissed off. When that pass left my hands, there was enough bubble wrap to hold them things in tight, without movement. For them to have cracked feet, someone sure the hell didn't take the time to wrap. Cigars not in tubes were bagged up, and there were bags included to help some.

Now I know I'll be burning bridges, creating problems, blah blah blah, but you know what? There is quite a bit of $$$ in that box, and for someone to not to take care of it, is pretty damn ****ty in my opinion, and it looks like I'll have to become of those guys who picks and chooses who's in his pass. I understand heat and the buggers, but not properly wrapping up? Come on. I even put the damn bags in the box for wrapping. It's not like there wasn't enough bubblewrap, I pulled a Dave ;) I made sure this time.

Anyway, I'm done bitching. Hopefully, once the buggies are frozen and things look presentable again, enjoy the pass. PB is one hell of a guy, saved the pass from a player that would have probably kept the pass, and saved it from the bugs. Hell of a guy. Just shows what a caring CP brotha can do for others without asking.
[quote name='Smokin'Tone' date='Oct 5 2002, 08:54 AM']It's not like there wasn't enough bubblewrap, I pulled a Dave ;) I made sure this time.
FYI, for all you new guys (and maybe some old guys ;)), There's a thread in Open-Passes "How to join a pass", which contains a post by me about how to pack cigars.

The #1 thing is: pack them to NOT MOVE AROUND.

Details are in the post -- it's not very long and shouldn't take but a minute or two to read. Check it out.

Also, Tone: cracking can come from heat, too -- if a stick is well humidified and gets too hot, the filler swells up and can burst the wrapper. All the bubble wrap in the world won't fix that... :\

Still, I'm having a great time in the "Forward and backward all-pectin fruit-glue pass" :p