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The 'I'm home and need some fun' Pass

PB, great job! :D

As for the bags, FT's site is a good one, prices about the same. Mine is Veri-pac.com, at about $15.00 bucks for a 1000 bags including shipping either place is good. (2"x8"x 2 mil). Wish I had known you needed some I would have included 100 in ya dog box. :p

Don't think I'll get that carried away there FT :p

Wascal, gonna post another thread for it, but I got that box, I think the dog rockets must have made some friends :D
heh heh heh

Maybe this pass should be renamed, 'The pass that's got a little of everything wrong with it'

Or maybe, 'The Pass that's fun, in that beetle infested, crunchy tasting cigar sort of way Pass'

Or even better, The 'Stick me in the refridgerator for a few days Pass'

You guys should all put something from your fridge in the box LOL

:lookup: :( ???

:thumbs: :D :sign:
The 'pass that thinks it can, thinks it can, thinks it can'

Tony my brother, not sure you want anything from MY Fidge in that box, Yucko :p
We all get to have some fun, smoke a cigar or two, is what it's all about right? :p Altho I'm not sure how much fun Tony is having ??? Not to worry , am sure you'll get a very nice box back ;)
I got a tupperware bowl full of some green looking stuff in my fridge I'll save for ya. :sign: :0


I'm having fun.

'The pass to end all passes! Come one, come all! Come see the giant cigar beetle that tried to take out an entire pass! See as it munches through a HdM with ease!"

hehehe, come on, that was pretty funny

I suppose that was Funny. But wait till you get a box of Backy Flutes, now that's funny. Toot toot tweedle de toot toot :D
That'd be a first PB, like I told ya, never had the dreaded beast in 8 years of smoking the good stuff.... Guess it's like the first time all over again... Queasy feeling in my belly, headache, anxiety... You know, all that good stuff.

LOL, yeah, I know. But for some reason I got that feelin for the first time as I was climbin into the back seat of my daddy's car at the drive in picture show with my sweety. Hmmm, what you do with your cigars anyway? :D
Well, if there are bugs crawlin' out of them, do you REALLY want to know what I do with them?

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

uh, wait a minute....

:lookup: ???
I just wanted my 50th post to be here!!! Not much new to say, except I'm proud to be a part of this pass. I'm getting all weepy... :sign:
I was out of town this past week. Visiting family in Boston, my old home town. I was unable to get access to the internet. Tuned in and picked up the thread and the turmoil.

When the box was here I checked out every cigar when I made my picks. There was no sign of bugs. I freeze all my cigars and have no bug outbreak here.

All of the cigars I put in the box were in individual zip locks. I was given the Cohiba from a friend who was on a cruise and bought it amongst other isoms. I smoked one with him and can verify that it is authentic. The Cohiba I put in did have a crack in the wrapper, but not to the point that I thought made it unsmokable. Considering the other cigars I put in along with it I thought it wouldn't be an issue. There was enough bubble wrap in the box to prevent the cigars from damaging each other.

By the way, with everyone putting cigars in zip locks how does a humidifier get through the poly zip locks to keep the sticks inside at proper humidity levels?
Osmosi - V - When two water (or other solvent) volumes are separated by a semi permeable membrane, water will flow from the side of low solute concentration, to the side of high solute concentration. The flow may be stopped, or even reversed by applying external pressure on the side of higher concentration. In such a case the phenomenon is called reverse osmosis.

Therefore in the form of moisture vapers, the process we are referring to here is actually Osmosis of sorts since the ziplocks are semi permiable. :D