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The Dailey Jam Session 2023 (Post the sound vibrations that pair with your smoking pleasure)

How ironic! I was just getting ready to share THIS!!!

Ok, I apologize in advance, but I'm going to be hyper-critical of this one -- because if you are going to cover such an iconic song and try to be comedic, you better come correct. And, this wasn't it.

First, Leo is a douche. I've seen other videos, and I just can't get behind his stuff. Also, I despise people who wear those contacts in daily situations thinking it makes them seem scary and edgy. No, you are just a douche. I am acquaintances with a guy who wore those to a funeral for a mutual friend of ours (Mike Kutish at Krow's funeral, @PaulTra), and I just wanted to slap him repetitively. There's a time and place (October 31st out trick-or-treating, pretty much), but that wasn't it.

Second, I don't hate Mary Spender, but she is just the epitome of "anyone can make it on YouTube". She has cuteness going for her, but she is street-busker level of talent, at best. I've watched and been entertained by some of her videos, and some of her arrangements to songs are novel and interesting, but back in 'da day, she never would have even made it past the record label screening process. It should be clear by now that I fully support female talent and really hate when talented women rely on their sexuality to sell themselves on YT (Mary does not do that, to clarify), so it's not that I'm being sexist and misogynistic.

So, the good: I do like the metal arrangement but, again, Leo is a douche without his own style. I will say though, that despite my criticism of them both, Mary has the perfect voice and delivery for this, and Leo's clean delivery actually worked pretty well. I'd love if both, or just she, did a serious metal/hard rock cover of SoS; I need somewhere between comedy like this and an outfit that just takes themselves too seriously.

Sultans is one of my favorite songs, so I'm a bit protective of it. :P I criticize out of love of the music, and not hate of the artists.

Leo is still a douche.
Ok, I apologize in advance, but I'm going to be hyper-critical of this one -- because if you are going to cover such an iconic song and try to be comedic, you better come correct. And, this wasn't it.

First, Leo is a douche. I've seen other videos, and I just can't get behind his stuff. Also, I despise people who wear those contacts in daily situations thinking it makes them seem scary and edgy. No, you are just a douche. I am acquaintances with a guy who wore those to a funeral for a mutual friend of ours (Mike Kutish at Krow's funeral, @PaulTra), and I just wanted to slap him repetitively. There's a time and place (October 31st out trick-or-treating, pretty much), but that wasn't it.

Second, I don't hate Mary Spender, but she is just the epitome of "anyone can make it on YouTube". She has cuteness going for her, but she is street-busker level of talent, at best. I've watched and been entertained by some of her videos, and some of her arrangements to songs are novel and interesting, but back in 'da day, she never would have even made it past the record label screening process. It should be clear by now that I fully support female talent and really hate when talented women rely on their sexuality to sell themselves on YT (Mary does not do that, to clarify), so it's not that I'm being sexist and misogynistic.

So, the good: I do like the metal arrangement but, again, Leo is a douche without his own style. I will say though, that despite my criticism of them both, Mary has the perfect voice and delivery for this, and Leo's clean delivery actually worked pretty well. I'd love if both, or just she, did a serious metal/hard rock cover of SoS; I need somewhere between comedy like this and an outfit that just takes themselves too seriously.

Sultans is one of my favorite songs, so I'm a bit protective of it. :p I criticize out of love of the music, and not hate of the artists.

Leo is still a douche.
As a lover of music myself, I will say that you make some interesting points. With that being said, I DO NOT watch music videos. The vast majority are just stupid and have little to do with the song. My only exception is videos that are live performances of the song. On the infrequent occasions that I am listening on YT, I start the song and set down my device. In fact, 90% of my YT usage is just to share songs. It is the easiest, quickest, and most universal platform to share.

So to address your points…

On your first point, I don’t know enough about Leo to have an opinion of him. This is the only song I’ve listened to of his. I 100% agree on the contacts though. They should be reserved for Halloween and maybe as part of a movie character costume.

Second, “the epitome of "anyone can make it on YouTube"“ & “she never would have even made it past the record label screening process” is just indicative of the music industry in general these days. Fans do not have to rely on record executives and shady business practices to be introduced to new musicians anymore. The digital age and unprecedented access to the internet has allowed artists who would otherwise have been relegated to nothing more than garage bands a platform to reach people that would have been previously impossible. To be fair though, of all of the hundreds of thousands of artists that are on YT, how many have actually “made it”? Beiber and Sheeran come to mind, but I’m sure there are some more.

Anyway, concerning this song, I like the mix of metal and soft. For me, it’s just fun to listen to. And I really like covers. To me, they are almost like a tribute to the original. For the most part, you don’t hear anybody covering a shitty song. Of course, there are shitty covers too.

Of course this is all just my opinion, and as I go down the rabbit hole of my music library, you will see more covers posted. I always welcome other folks opinions and discussions, as that is a great way to learn new things.