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The CP Make-a-Wish PIF Thread

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Jayro, it's pretty simple. We already had the discussion and it was decided that it was bad form to ask for something way beyond what you had just granted. In fact, it's even posted in the rules on the very first post of this thread. But I guess that would be too much to ask of you right, you know, reading the rules?

I'll say I'm sorry for the attitude you didn't deserve that, but the fact stands that he does have the right to ask for the hard to find cigars even if it's in poor form. As the rules, which I have read state.

You're quite right, he can. We are then perfectly within our rights to say "neener neener" and call him an idiot for posting in bad form. Or, in this case, it was politely pointed out because it was an innocent mistake and you are the one being obstinate.

I can live with that. Consistency in the enforcement of rules should be the goal here. Unfortunately it seems rules are enforced on those with lower post counts and more recent member dates. if a FOG made that same wish after granting a similar cigar no one would've said a word.

You are 100% wrong in your assumption. Why don't you go ahead and give some examples of the FOG's breaking the rules and getting away with it? How many more times are you going to step on your dick in this thread?

Wow! I state an opinion which you disagree with and I've stepped on my dick. You can't just state my assumption is 100% wrong because you want it to be. I'm not going to point out others who have asked for the same types of HTF cigars because it won't add anything to this. I tried to apologize for being rude to you and end it there with you. That obviously isn't going to happen. Sorry again I'm done with this.

Hey! I get a pass here more often than not and you know why jayro75? It's not because of longevity, it's because I'm not an idiot. You however, don't have that luxury.


Thanks Sam for the constructive criticism. It really added alot.
Being the resident post count leader, ergo, to wit and therefore the most perfect one (you may rise now) I have to say that


..... if a FOG made that same wish after granting a similar cigar no one would've said a word.
Being the resident post count leader, ergo, to wit and therefore the most perfect one (you may rise now) I have to say that


..... if a FOG made that same wish after granting a similar cigar no one would've said a word.

I think this all got way out of hand. I didn't mean for this to go down the road it did. Sam calling me an idiot was out of line though!

I apologized to Gonz for the rude comment I made and was hoping to move on in a more constructive way. That hasn't happened and that sucks but such is life.

I will for the third time apologize to him, and to the rest of you for the way this discussion turned out.
Consistency in the enforcement of rules should be the goal here. Unfortunately it seems rules are enforced on those with lower post counts and more recent member dates. if a FOG made that same wish after granting a similar cigar no one would've said a word.

I don't think someone with any sort of tenure here would have made such a request in the first place. And for some reason you boys with newer join dates and lower post counts as you say, have been coming in quite frequently taking in arguments that YOU have no business speaking up in either! You talk about it not being Andy's business to jump in this conversation, well, you haven't earned the right to do so either.
Ok, sorry for taking so long to respond to this everyone. I did not mean to come across as trying to take advantage of everyone's generosity, and in all honesty, planned on a larger package of surrounding cigars coming from me to Tom to balance my request.

Nonetheless, my request was in poor form and I wish to remove it. Since the foul was on me, I will give my wish to the first person who PM's me promising to sponsor an Angel Tree this Christmas. The person who does so will be responsible for PMing me when they fulfill the Angel Tree and letting me know what gifts they purchased and the child's name.

I will edit my request if it is thought prudent, but I feel like leaving it up for others to view as an example of what NOT to do would be best. I will not be on to respond further until a little later tonight, but wish to apologize once again for my poor form.
I think you should keep the wish and ask for something else. You handled it well. Don't bow out now.
n8, I think you should just keep with your original plan. Like you said, if you doesn't get any response then update the wish tonight. Nothing wrong with that. It isn't called a wish for nothing. I wouldn't feel too bad, I might put a ISO Davidoff on my wish list, along with some more realistic choices. You never know what you'll get.
Ok, sorry for taking so long to respond to this everyone. I did not mean to come across as trying to take advantage of everyone's generosity, and in all honesty, planned on a larger package of surrounding cigars coming from me to Tom to balance my request.

Nonetheless, my request was in poor form and I wish to remove it. Since the foul was on me, I will give my wish to the first person who PM's me promising to sponsor an Angel Tree this Christmas. The person who does so will be responsible for PMing me when they fulfill the Angel Tree and letting me know what gifts they purchased and the child's name.

I will edit my request if it is thought prudent, but I feel like leaving it up for others to view as an example of what NOT to do would be best. I will not be on to respond further until a little later tonight, but wish to apologize once again for my poor form.

Nate, like I said in my 2nd try it was most likely an honest mistake so there's no apology required. All that you really have to do is post some other wishes and I'm sure someone will be happy to take care of you.
Hey! I get a pass here more often than not and you know why jayro75? It's not because of longevity, it's because I'm not an idiot. You however, don't have that luxury.


And that is why Neal has his own 'best of' thread.
Plus why would you want to do anything in poor form towards any of your BOTL around here. Plain and simple.
Yes you can but why would you??
Ok, sorry for taking so long to respond to this everyone. I did not mean to come across as trying to take advantage of everyone's generosity, and in all honesty, planned on a larger package of surrounding cigars coming from me to Tom to balance my request.

Nonetheless, my request was in poor form and I wish to remove it. Since the foul was on me, I will give my wish to the first person who PM's me promising to sponsor an Angel Tree this Christmas. The person who does so will be responsible for PMing me when they fulfill the Angel Tree and letting me know what gifts they purchased and the child's name.

I will edit my request if it is thought prudent, but I feel like leaving it up for others to view as an example of what NOT to do would be best. I will not be on to respond further until a little later tonight, but wish to apologize once again for my poor form.

Which Angel Tree are you talking about, the Salvation Army or the one for Prisoners, or are they both the same, it looks like there are other regional ones as well?
Which Angel Tree are you talking about, the Salvation Army or the one for Prisoners, or are they both the same, it looks like there are other regional ones as well?

I don't know if it's through Salvation Army or not, but basically, kids whose families can't afford the kind of Christmas they would like their children to have make wishes for their Christmas presents. There are some truly heartbreaking wishes on there, I think one of the ones I picked up last year was a kid wishing for socks and underwear, and there are a number of similar wishes. It may very well be regional, but I would accept anything similar wherever you are.

Thanks for the kind words and the lack of flaming, but this wish would truly make me feel better about the whole thing. If those cigars come across my path, great, but in the big scheme of things, I can do without the cigars this time. I'll try to hop back in this thing next time I can, but this time, my wish is for someone to sponsor a child on the Angel Tree, or something similar.
Then maybe this should be changed to read: unless you are asking for 3 times more MSRP than the cigar you gifted...
I don't think such a rule is necessary. I just ask that players use discretion. Never played before? Then maybe it's not so cool to ask for the stars even though it's not prohibited. Played a few times and taken good care of your wishers? Then you've built up a little goodwill that gets you a bit more play. Little is absolute. Much is relative. Wisdom in the face of blind rules is the difference between the just and the unjust.

I don't think someone with any sort of tenure here would have made such a request in the first place. And for some reason you boys with newer join dates and lower post counts as you say, have been coming in quite frequently taking in arguments that YOU have no business speaking up in either! You talk about it not being Andy's business to jump in this conversation, well, you haven't earned the right to do so either.
Brian, it is not always about whether someone has earned the creds to allow them to comment or ask a question. Frequently it is about the manner of the asking. Jayro could have been polite. He could have asked in a humble manner as we all can choose to do. He did not. He could have asked for clarification instead of telling someone to butt the hell out. Maybe he and other newbies to follow will take that lesson to heart.

If a new member has provided some indication that he is thoughtful, intelligent, and can behave like a grown up would in meat space, then I don't want him to wait 6 months or have posted hundreds of times before he can contribute to the maintenance and growth of this community. It's not about newbies knowing their place. That's often a smokescreen and an excuse for a host of deplorable behavior on both sides of the "FOG" fence. Failure on the part of newcomers may disappoint me, but disgraceful behavior on the other side fills me with shame instead of pride when the "FOG" label is bandied my way. That being the case, nothing will stop me from acting in accordance with my conscience and my conscience directs me to behave in the most respectable, constructive, and supportive fashion that I can muster.

Plus why would you want to do anything in poor form towards any of your BOTL around here. Plain and simple.
Yes you can but why would you??
Thank you for saying this. A thousand times, thank you. It perfectly captures what is at the heart of this pass, CigarPass, and every healthy community. New guys, read LtL's post. Then read it again. And then live by it. There's nothing else you need know about how to become a positive, respected, valuable contributor to this place.

Nate, I'm sorry that you got caught up in all this. It blew up way beyond the boundaries of your minor transgression. I do hope that now you're back on CP, you'll come back and take another shot.

All very well said Wilkey! I'll definitely stick around and hop back in this thing when I get a chance. No apologies necessary for me being "wrapped up" in it, I rolled the small snowball down the hill. :D I'm not beating myself up over it, just got excited and ahead of myself. Thanks for putting this PIF on and I'm looking to hopping back in it when I get a chance.

Now someone agree to buy a kid a Christmas present so this thing can move along!
All very well said Wilkey! I'll definitely stick around and hop back in this thing when I get a chance. No apologies necessary for me being "wrapped up" in it, I rolled the small snowball down the hill. :D I'm not beating myself up over it, just got excited and ahead of myself. Thanks for putting this PIF on and I'm looking to hopping back in it when I get a chance.

Now someone agree to buy a kid a Christmas present so this thing can move along!

I'm on it. I don't have the stash to grant anyone's wish with sticks, but I can sure as hell do this. I tried reading this entire thread the other night...got to about page 20. Hoofah. Too long. I get the idea. I don't have a wish yet,; hell, I wouldn't even know what to ask for. I've been bombed twice already and have no room anyway! I'll make this part happen and the next in line gets the wish. You guys rock. I'll post my update with status in acouple hours. Just got off a 14 hour shift.

Done and done.

Salvation Army Angel Tree online Donation.

Donation id: 2282773430003232300890

Date: 03 December 2008 04:08 AM (GMT)

Donation: 75 USD

Card type: VISA

This constitutes an official receipt of your donation which has been sent to The Salvation Army headquarters at the address below. No goods or services have been provided to the donor in consideration of this contribution.

The Salvation Army Texas Division
6500 Harry Hines Blvd
TX 75235

tel: 214 353 2731

email: TXDonation_Manager@uss.salvationarmy.org

Best Wishes,

The Salvation Army
Texas Division

Ya'll have a fantastic day. I'm out and off to enjoy one of the sticks AVB just bombed me with!

I have no problem with a newb speaking his mind. However, when a guy who happens to be a newb champions a behavior that denigrates the spirit of this board simply because it's not forbidden in a written rule somewhere I'll have something to say to him about it and it may not be all warm and fuzzy. I really don't care if that gives somebody heartburn.

I have no problem with a newb speaking his mind. However, when a guy who happens to be a newb champions a behavior that denigrates the spirit of this board simply because it's not forbidden in a written rule somewhere I'll have something to say to him about it and it may not be all warm and fuzzy. I really don't care if that gives somebody heartburn.


Cheese gives me heartburn, but I still like cheese. :)
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