:whistling:so really...
how many unwritten rules are there? ???
i have a bad habit of saying what's on my mind sometimes. so here's to my habit (please don't be offended)...
Take > Put
Equal = Equal
*as many as you like for this pass*
let's not out-think ourselves into a 25+ page pass when we don't need to.
anything you feel is good ettiquette... go with it.
say you don't take from the host... send him one personally... or don't... whatever.
Yeah, the last time I checked this pass was for people to learn about cigar passes while having a good time participating in one. I appologize to Garretbuckeye for over stepping my place on the board trying to impart a little knowledge to the others here. It seems he was offended by me speaking my mind. You know, a wise man once posted, "Read more, post less". Perhaps I should have done that instead. ???This pass will be for the new guys, myself included, who are looking to participate in the CigarPass spirit. The purpose of this pass is to go through the drill of what a cigar pass is all about, receiving, packing, mailing, puts and takes.