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Should Leebo be CP’s official "Leader"?

Should Leebo be the "Leader" in deciding who should be here and who should not?

  • Yes. If he says a person is "finished" on CP, then he is!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe. I sometimes agree with Lee’s views so it might be okay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Probably not. There should be no official "Leader" here on CP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I disagree with Leebo on just about every topic.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno. I have not reached an opinion on this subject.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Comment. I ain’t touching this poll.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Leebo has my vote.........I taught him everything he knows.

Leebo, just make sure you don't use the word Pariah.......it's taken.

By the way Larrynj is a complete maggot who makes fun of cripples.
Man, a guy gets busy a few days and ....geeeeeeezzzzz....Leebo is the greatest ever and all should serve his highness, unlike Matt R who is busy "serving" his majesty's hiney!!! :laugh: :laugh: :D
The Master said:
Leebo has my vote.........I taught him everything he knows.

Leebo, just make sure you don't use the word Pariah.......it's taken.

By the way Larrynj is a complete maggot who makes fun of cripples.

Wow... hey Harris. Fancy seeing a girl like you in a place like this! ;)
I haven't dealt personally with but a handful of the folks here. When I was newer I screwed up once or twice, and was told so. When I have questions, everyone answers. The guys around here seem to chip in when needed. They're collectively doing fine by me, so I defer to my representative FOGs (34th district).

Unless we're getting hats. Then I want to be voted in charge so I can get a sweet hat. Something shiny. With a light.

Tune in for next week's poll - Should Matt R be our Prom Queen?
rknicker said:
Unless we're getting hats. Then I want to be voted in charge so I can get a sweet hat. Something shiny. With a light.

Here's the hat Leebo settled on for the people in charge...


And as far as MattR as a our Prom Queen...

Scott, I see ya lookin' you've been awfully quite lately wassa matter?

19 strikes for you ;)


Now this is one of the more flattering pictures of Matt I have ever seen! It was obviously taken before he lost his hair, but still! Very flattering!!

As for Lee, I think you are all having penis envy! If you all did not wish you were as God like as he is, this thread would have died many moons ago! All this sucking up is making me sick and I am bored! Can we pleeeeeeeeease go back to abusing the newbie’s!! ;)
ggiese said:
rknicker said:
Unless we're getting hats. Then I want to be voted in charge so I can get a sweet hat. Something shiny. With a light.

Here's the hat Leebo settled on for the people in charge...


Really, really funny.

And as far as MattR as a our Prom Queen...



Incredibly disturbing.
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Steve is embarressed by my avatar?? LOL

Sorry, you are the only one who's complained so far...

Steve, get a hobby bro, don't waste all your energy following me around!

Frankly, I don't see what is so offensive about shaking dice. So you're a gambler, who cares? Don't offend me none.
On Monday, March 13th at 7:38 PM EST, SFG75 makes this "let's make nicey-nice" post in this thread:
Alright, I'll come back to the fold. Got any room for a lost soul? 

I was So Frickin' Gullible, those who know me can testify to that. 

However, less than 24 hours later, here's SFG75 in LTC chat on Tuesday, March 14th:
16:43:06 [SFG75] ccat-LTC is alive and kicking, we're just leaving pompous asses like you out of it. We're doing fine on our own and don't need to create some fraternity pecking order to succeed.
16:45:10 [SFG75] You can keep your "clout" and elitist bull****
16:56:06 [SFG75] I may be an ass, but your an emotional infant Bill. You hide at well at CP, but demonstrate it thoroughly in your e-mails to me.

WOW :0 , here's more:
22:11:39 [SFG75] Mwhahahahahahahahahha
22:11:57 [SFG75] I'm putting together a pass
22:12:10 [SFG75] I have the lineup ready, I'm going to start putting it together this weekend.
22:12:20 [SFG75] The F.U.C.P. pass 

I really like the "emotional infant" line :laugh: The "pompous asses" one is a classic too :laugh: "Talk" about the perfect descriptions of ole Scotty boy and how he handled himself over at the Island of the Misfit Toys. :whistling:

Scotty's in full meltdown. As anyone can plainly see, he's a two faced liar who cannot be trusted, "I wanna come back to the fold" yet he boasts about how "we're doing fine on our own" the "we're" being the Island of the Misfit Toys. Scott also tells people that PuroBrat, Zac, larrynj and kevin7 are "stand up guys" LMFAO if Scotty boy is vouching for guys like this I ask you, how can you trust him?

A word to the wise, don't deal with trash like him ;)
OOOOOO Look!! PuroBrat checked in while I was making the last post. Here's what he had to say:
02:10:11 [CCat86] Thanks Michael, I used to think you were a nice guy but you've proven me wrong
02:10:22 [CCat86] I'm very disappointed in you
02:22:28 . exits from this room
02:22:41 Purobrat enters this room
02:23:03 [Purobrat] Bill!!!
02:23:19 [Purobrat] I disapointed YOU eh?
02:23:47 [Purobrat] And to think, once I thought you were a real Stand Up BOTL, with Balls even
02:24:21 [Purobrat] You and your kind have stooped lower than the worst scumbag on the list.
02:24:50 [Purobrat] You guys are hipocritical parasites
02:25:14 [Purobrat] you would do yourself a favor to crawl back into your holes
02:27:34 [Purobrat] If anybody here has reason to feel slighted by and dissapointed in the other, then it is I, not you. Because my crime was joining another board, Oh My God, how could I. Your crimes....trying to discredit good people and trashing another person's web space. Hmmm, I feel so dirty having defended you.
02:29:24 [Purobrat] So yall keep playing "Follow the Leader" but you might consider a different role model. And I am through with your childish games

No PuroBrat, you crime was not joining another board but trashing people like me and other members of CP on that other board. Your other "crime" is the perpetual "mooch" game you play here, there and everywhere. You've publicly admitted that you've received "hundreds" of cigars from generous suckers yet you never "pass it forward." I personally think this is pretty low of you. Your "gig" is up here and my guess is that we won't be seeing much of you anymore (thankfully).
Well this was an amusing thread to read upon my return. What's next.....making CC the official mechanic? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
It's official.....we've now heard from the peanut gallery... :whistling:
coventrycat86 said:
22:11:57 [SFG75] I'm putting together a pass
22:12:10 [SFG75] I have the lineup ready, I'm going to start putting it together this weekend.
22:12:20 [SFG75] The F.U.C.P. pass 

I find this very disturbing... F.U.C.P.???? :(

Scott, what were you thinking?
22:11:39 [SFG75] Mwhahahahahahahahahha
22:11:57 [SFG75] I'm putting together a pass
22:12:10 [SFG75] I have the lineup ready, I'm going to start putting it together this weekend.
22:12:20 [SFG75] The F.U.C.P. pass

Whoooahh... WTF??? :0 ???
hereshortly said:
camaroon4me said:
This thread reminds me of that scene from "Cool Hand Luke".

Leebo the boss is standing over Luke (Steve) who is digging this hole. He just gets it dug, and the boss says "who told you to take the dirt out of this hole,...... put that dirt back in that hole, boy! You better get yo' mind right"  All poor Luke can say is "I'm sorry boss, I'm sorry."

Gentlemen,........what we have here is.....failure to communicate! :rolleyes:

can we shove 100 eggs in his mouth?

It was 50 eggs.
For the record, I voted against Lee being the officail CP whatever it is. I like the guy. Half the stuff that comes out of his mouth though I wouldn't want "offically" associated w/ CP though. Lee has his "moments of clarity", which tend to polarize the group. While this serves its purpose, over the long run I think it's a wash. Sure he sweeps up the garbage, but it tends to make the site as a whole look cliquish.

While I think moderators have an important role in keeping a group healthy, I also believe they should be moderate. Which leee is not. Moderation by comittee seems to be the best option. Since we do not not have moderators, we le moderate by group consenus. Right or wrong, it works, even though we do have our growing pains.

If you really were to have a serious poll in which you were to pick moderators, the only fair poll would be a silent vote. By having a public poll with comments, that tends to sway the vote of those who are sitting the fence. While aiming at the fence sitters is the American way of politics, that doesnt make it the best option.

Just my $.02 cents. I am sure it doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.
