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Should Leebo be CP’s official "Leader"?

Should Leebo be the "Leader" in deciding who should be here and who should not?

  • Yes. If he says a person is "finished" on CP, then he is!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe. I sometimes agree with Lee’s views so it might be okay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Probably not. There should be no official "Leader" here on CP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I disagree with Leebo on just about every topic.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno. I have not reached an opinion on this subject.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Comment. I ain’t touching this poll.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I'll ring in here.

Leebo is loud, but one has to be in order to be heard, at a table as large as this.

Leebo is a bit abrasive, kinda like Lava soap. Not damaging, just adds to the overall effectiveness.

Leebo is opinionated. He seems to lay out understandable, intelligent arguments for his points of view.

Leebo, for all intents and purposes, is just another dude on the 'net. And/but, he is respected, or this thread would have taken a different path. If you are not down with what Leebo (or others like him) have to say, don't become the reason he is saying it.

Leebo railed on me. It was painful, but it was not unwarranted. I deserved it. And, I believe in the future, whomever else deserves it, will get railed on too.

Grow some thicker skin. You need it. It appears that a dude on the 'net is the least of your worries.

BTW - I voted for no leader. Rod's choice for a self-moderating board is turning out to be a good one.

M. Gipson
ricmac25 said:
ggiese said:
Gibu - I got one for ya... :angry2:

Lee doesn't talk about cigars very often.... ??? I betcha he doesn't even like cigars. Or, he's secretly smokin' Macanudo's and not telling anyone...

That's it for me :whistling:

Are you serious? LMAO. If not serious disregard. If you are serious:

Yeah, he dislikes cigars so much, that he started his own forum.
Teabags ring a bell.

Do I even need to add anything else to this?



The subtlty of some of the posts scream loudly to some, but not to others. Curious....
ggiese said:
ricmac25 said:
ggiese said:
Gibu - I got one for ya... :angry2:

Lee doesn't talk about cigars very often.... ??? I betcha he doesn't even like cigars. Or, he's secretly smokin' Macanudo's and not telling anyone...

That's it for me :whistling:

Are you serious? LMAO. If not serious disregard. If you are serious:

Yeah, he dislikes cigars so much, that he started his own forum.
Teabags ring a bell.

Do I even need to add anything else to this?



The subtlty of some of the posts scream loudly to some, but not to others. Curious....

I figured you might be, hence the
If not serious disregard. If you are serious:

Just making sure. ;)
They are a devoted bunch....

GT, I'm impressed that you actually accept responsibility for your actions, on your way to doing the right thing from now on I hope.

And for those that aspire to be like me, don't sweat it.....there's always barber college.. :laugh:
hereshortly said:
gibu said:
Wow! Pretty silent minority so far. Anyone? Anyone? Beuler?

what is it you are looking for?

Having read the whole thread - do you have anything to offer this discussion?
This thread reminds me of that scene from "Cool Hand Luke".

Leebo the boss is standing over Luke (Steve) who is digging this hole. He just gets it dug, and the boss says "who told you to take the dirt out of this hole,...... put that dirt back in that hole, boy! You better get yo' mind right" All poor Luke can say is "I'm sorry boss, I'm sorry."

Gentlemen,........what we have here is.....failure to communicate! :rolleyes:
camaroon4me said:
This thread reminds me of that scene from "Cool Hand Luke".

Leebo the boss is standing over Luke (Steve) who is digging this hole. He just gets it dug, and the boss says "who told you to take the dirt out of this hole,...... put that dirt back in that hole, boy! You better get yo' mind right" All poor Luke can say is "I'm sorry boss, I'm sorry."

Gentlemen,........what we have here is.....failure to communicate! :rolleyes:

can we shove 100 eggs in his mouth?
Seems like an easy one to me....

coventrycat86 said:
Who could this be? ???

hereshortly said:
leebo is a putz...pure and simple

CC is a pro at mooching cheap wine.

neal is a pain but he's pretty funny.

sfg is ok, but he has been kicked out of CP's darkside apparently.

i like cliff.

who am i? (CC no fair telling)
hereshortly said:
ggiese said:
hereshortly said:
gibu said:
Wow!  Pretty silent minority so far.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Beuler?

what is it you are looking for?

Having read the whole thread - do you have anything to offer this discussion?

other that the fact the i think leebo is a putz...not really.


It CAN'T be Barney!! My ole buddy would have never forgotten to mention me I'm sure. Nope, no way it's Barney! Not him I'm tellin ya. :D

I'm just thinking that 8 say they disagree with Leebo on almost everything. Lets hear some things they disagree on. I don't see why a person couldn't make a reasonable logical case for why they disagree and no one would hold it against them. The claim is that Leebo is attacking people that disagree with him. I think it's based on people's actions rather then mere sisagreements. If someone wants to disagree with him then do so in a logical mutually respectful way amd I'm pretty sure you'll get away with it wouthout the mauling that some try to insist is inevitable over a mere difference of opinion.

I for one didn't care for Leebo methods a few times. It's never come up between the two of us, but I have discussed it with others on the board that were using similar methods and have posted about it at great length in the past. My point was that you are never going to get a person to agree with you ar change there behavior by being so blunt with them. It's much more effective to instead be diplomatic and get them to come around to your way of thinking and see the light so to speak. I was the one wanting to pass out the kool aid. The problem I had with my point of view was that there are a certain percantage of the people out there that just are a certain way. They just are and theres nothing that can be done about them ather then to keep them away. Keeping the site to a certain standard is extreamly important given how much trust is envolved in our passes. That was an easier task when there were fewer members. Now with the much larger influx of members there are more deadbeats to deal with then ever before. This is not meant in any way to be a critism of new members. Without new mwmbers the site would eventually die. It's just like I said, in any number of people there are a certain percentage that are hopeless and a danger to our community. The more members we have the more people that tiny percentage of deadbeats represents. My more diplomatic approach is time consuming, patience trying and ultimately only so successful anyway. I give up. Give the deadbeats there walking papers and lets be done with them. Fortunately Leebo and others have a pretty keen eye for this sort of thing and do a pretty good job keeping the deadbeats out and giving them the bum rush. The best argument against this I would say is the potential and almost certain loss of a lot of great potential members that screw up and never get a chance to contribute to our community like they may have been able to if they had been treated a little more diplomatically. Like I said though, I've lost my patence for this and there too many anyway so I give up with that method.

So there, thats what I'm looking for. Tell me why I'm jaded. Why is Leebo so wrong? Be constructive and logical and don't resort to name calling and such like his targets allways tend to do and I'm pretty sure you'll come out ok even with a different opinion. If not I will absolutely sau oops and soory in that order. Eight say they disagree completely, lets hear why. Make a case other then hes a jerk. We've only heard from a couple so far and I haven't seen any logic at all behind any of it.

I am NOT going back and fixing all those typos!!
Well folks, everyone is certainly entitled to his or her opinion here. That's fine by me.

I am who I am, I'm probably not gonna change at this stage of the game. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. If what I say or how I say it bothers you, fine. If you want to start things like this, fine....but know this....be prepared to get it right back atcha!

There are a few of us who've been around these parts for a long time. I think we have a little something to do with why it's such a great place. I know I earned that much. You want some of that? Stick around and earn it like the rest of us did.

So, with no proof being posted as requested, we can just let this one die. Steve will have his hands full now as he's seen it fit to call me out, with nothing to back it up except his opinion. I really hope he feels better since he got it off his chest. If you don't like me Steve, that's cool.

I'm not worried about crap like this! I know who my friends are here, and that's nice to know.

So burry this ****!

Back to cigars!

Cheeze said:
Why won't this thread DIE!!!


