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Shal We play questions?

Hey Puro,

Robin and I made a movie the other night and I was the star.. but why was she singing, "Twinkle twinkle"? NOT !
She wasn't singing twinkle twinkle, you misunderstood, it was Tinky Winky buddy
I have had 4 computers in my time! The first one I built with an old 8088 chasis, put in a 286 motherboard and yee haa, I was postin on boards. That was in the early 90's.

Next question: What is the craziest thing you have ever seen someone do?


BTW- Linda Lovelace died recently.
A guy hanging onto the back of a moving car, and falling off at about 50 MPH.

Next Q: If it were legal to Kill, who would you shoot?

BTW, the guy...on the car....it was me OUCH!
I don't think I could ever shoot anyone for real..but in fantasy...I would say anyone in government trying to cut funding to the Arts!

Next Question: Do you look like anyone famous?
For some reason girls think I look like Ed Norton. I get that alot. :sign:

What's the craziest thing you've ever done in public?
two things...took off my top..in the winter (bra still on) and hung from a swing set for 5 minutes ..i.it was a bet...long story....

and got into a bar fight...ending very badly for me!
I remember when you got into that bar fight. Wasn't that about 1 1/2 years ago? I remember you mentioning way back then. :)

Yes, the B.F. was not fun! my poor,poor tummy! :(
oh...next question...

ever throw up in public? (as an adult I mean)
Yeah, I was out garage saleing (sp?) after a night of drinking.  Between the previous nights booze, lots of sun, and little fluids, I tossed my cookies on someone's lawn.  

To top it off, I didn't even buy anything from them!

Speaking of garage sales... What was the greatest garage sale buy you've had?

Dave :D  :D  :D
Bought a Tricycle for my daughter at a garage sale. Was a Brand New Radio Flyer that was missing one of the screws in the box. The price was $1, I put in a screw I had and Viola!!! $30 tricycle. It has since been passed on to a family with 3 little girls who could ride it.

Next Q: what is the stragest thing you ever SOLD at a garage/yard sale?
I once sold a box full of broken circuit boards. When I say broken, I don't mean "not working", I mean they had pieces chipped off - broken in half, whatever. They were in a box lot I had bought at an auction. Someone bought it for $2.50!

Next question:
What's your favorite current show on TV?

Dave :cool:
Current Show...I'd say either "Midsomer Murders" or "Will and Grace'.

have you ever been shy to speak to a guy/girl?
Always, I am a very shy guy. Gurlz scare me to death. Really......it's true..... :D :p

Skinnydippin' (as an adult) have you? And with whom?
As an adult, no - I haven't.

If you could go back to any day in your lifetime to fix something you did wrong - when/what would you do?

Dave :cool:
I would have walked right by (not stopped) at what was to be my ex-wife's table at the dance hall.

If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?