Puppy Pass

On the road again...

# 0304 1560 0005 5257 0164


Thanks Jim!

Eric, you will need to find a bigger box for this thing - there is NO room for more cigars. :D
Jim, Scot- thanks for playing!!
Sorry 'bout the Untold story nattie mention- was thinking of something else... duhhhh... :D

as far as the box goes, guess I goofed... but didn't expect the numerous (and generous!) extra plays!

Swissy said:
Jim, Scot- thanks for playing!!
Sorry 'bout the Untold story nattie mention- was thinking of something else... duhhhh... :D

as far as the box goes, guess I goofed... but didn't expect the numerous (and generous!) extra plays!



Thank you very much for the invite and having me in the pass. I greatly enjoyed it and look forward to following this one back to you. Very well run pass. :thumbs:
mrjinglesusa said:
Eric, you will need to find a bigger box for this thing - there is NO room for more cigars. :D

Bring it :cool:

Actually, I just started a string of 7 straight days I'm scheduled at the hospital. That coupled with going to school every morning leaves very little time for procuring a larger box. I will do my best to keep this pass from stalling, but I figured I'd give y'all the heads up now.
no worries Eric...
My problem if the box doesn't work anymore.
I'll see what I can do somewhere down the line!

Do what you can work schedule-wise... it'll wait for ya! :cool:
Pass received today, but I'm on my way out the door to work. I'll open it and take inventory when I get home. Hopefully, I'll get some proposed P/T's up tonight as well. I'm gonna see if there are any boxes at the hopital I can grab while I'm there, but I'm not sure if there will be.

thought the box would do... who put the truck sized bone in it??


No worries Eric- if you can find one we'll make a plan somehow!
Swissy said:

thought the box would do... who put the truck sized bone in it??


No worries Eric- if you can find one we'll make a plan somehow!

It is not just the box that is too small. :0 The tuppaware is completely packed. Both a new box AND tuppaware are needed. I was barely able to get my cigars in the package...don't think anymore will fit.

There was enought room I thought?!?!? wow... guess I severely underestimated the extra puts people would put in... never expected that on my "newbie host" pass... thanks gang, but I guess I'm showing my newbieness! :blush:
I'll see what I can do, Eric is handing it off to me anyways. ;)
Ok, well whoever take s care of it will be taken care of! :cool:

And I even had a tupperware container that would have worked just fine. But nooooooo... I had to over think it and say 'Why so big? the smaller one fits just fine... I'll save the guys some money in shipping costs since we're adding dog stuff as well...'

Ok... I'm a moron! :laugh:
Inventory taken, everything accounted for. RH running at 62%. My proposed P/T's have been sent to Swissy. I'm gonna hand the pass off to KB to keep it moving as soon as my plays are approved, as it would be a few days before I could get a bigger box. Stormy's (Edog99) reaction will be forthcoming...
Here are my P/T's as approved by Swissy:

34) H. Upmann Mag 46
39) Casa Fuente Robusto
49) Fuente King B
53) Ramon Allones Emenencias

55) Montecristo #2
56) Padron 1926 40th Anniversary Maduro
57) Fuente Anejo #55
58) Montecristo "C" Edicion Limitada 2003
59) Fuente Hemmingway Signature Maduro

I'll hand this off to KB this week! Jingles, those treats smell like gingerbread. I almost ate one...
Thanks for playing!!! I knew that Emenencias would never make it home!! :laugh:
Eshaw99 said:
Here are my P/T's as approved by Swissy:

34) H. Upmann Mag 46
39) Casa Fuente Robusto
49) Fuente King B
53) Ramon Allones Emenencias

55) Montecristo #2
56) Padron 1926 40th Anniversary Maduro
57) Fuente Anejo #55
58) Montecristo "C" Edicion Limitada 2003
59) Fuente Hemmingway Signature Maduro

I'll hand this off to KB this week! Jingles, those treats smell like gingerbread. I almost ate one...

Very nice plays, Eric. :thumbs:
Eshaw99 said:
Jingles, those treats smell like gingerbread. I almost ate one...

First time my wife made them I came home and the kitchen smelled really good. I saw this pile of small cookies and grabbed one. I thought to myself "Why are these so hard?" Ate one anyway and told my wife they didn't taste as good as they smell. She laughed and said they are dog treats. Oh well, dogs seem to enjoy them - they must not have taste buds....

Nice plays by the way! :thumbs:
i somehow talked my wife into letting me get our dog in the annual family picture this year. just imagine it being 24"x36" hanging above our fireplace. thought this was a good forum to share... :p

Stormy appreciated the treats very much, and after sniffing around at them for a few minutes, she finally decided she liked them and kept begging me for another one. She's sending along one of her favorite beef-basted bones for the next dog in line.

John and I are going to meet Friday to hand off the pass. In the meantime, he's going to try to find a larger box, and I'm going to try to find the Tupperware I used for my pass a few months ago. I think it was a little bit bigger.

EDIT: to remove the gigantic picture of my dog that I can't seem to successfully post the re-sized version of
I tried 80 different ways to resize that picture, but whenever I post it, it's still that big. If it's a hassle, I'll take it down.