OK, the pass will leave Casa B.B.S. tomorrow. Once USPS scans it, Swissy, your DC# will be:
0103 8555 7496 2335 2255
- Took inventory of the smokes....perfect.
- Took a look at the doggie treats. Selected something little dogs could handle. Very nice.....
- Put / Take on dogge treats...repackaged with some extra bubble wrap. Hope you like what the local doggie boutique cooked up for St. Patties Day.... :laugh:
- Puts / Takes on stogies (as above). The digital hygro seems to have packed it in. The battery door was gone, but pushing the battery in doesn't give up any RH lovin.... It could be a dead battery; I looked but I don't have one to try out. She went back in with the cigars...of dubious value.
- The beads "looked" really good, moisture wise, and the cigars seemed fine, so I decided to leave well enough alone and packed the gars back up with the beads, no moisture added. More bubble wrap again; things that don't move, don't get busted up....

Man, the aroma of those sticks....wow.... :love:
- Packed 'em both back up with lots of peanuts.
- Taa Daa...!!
Jim, thanks again for letting me play in your pass; very much appreciated. Tomorrow AM I'll give you a report on how the girls like the treats.... :thumbs:
Best Regards - B.B.S.