Puppy Pass

I'm out of town sunday through tuesday this week. Just a heads up if freebe gets this sent out.

The box arrived today. The zip should have been 74134, you used my work zip w/ my home address :D

This will go out Monday, so stop worrying.
bfreebern said:
The box arrived today. The zip should have been 74134, you used my work zip w/ my home address :D

This will go out Monday, so stop worrying.

Whew... thank goodness.
All's well... :whistling:
DC # 0479 7192 5720 1401 6508

Off to Twinkleberry Lane :sign:

Also, can you check the numbering? I think we are off one, but didn't have a PC with me at the PO. All the cigars are there, just off a number somewhere.
Cool... looks like everything is shipshape, other than a possible numbering goof.

Brandon, Thanks for playing!! Hope the pups enjoy their items...

It's here, and the pups are excited about their new treats. I'll go through the cigars tonight and verify everything.
...ready to receive here. The wife and I will be around so it should be "no worries"..... :thumbs:

Cheers - B.B.S.

Any ideas on your selections? :whistling: And a check on the numbering would be appreciated, although this close to being done, as long as everything is there it doesn't matter TOO much.

man, it's getting close to being done! :thumbs:
Ok, everything checks out fine. Two cigars were reversed on the listing, which is fixable by changing #71 to the shark and #73 to the VSG Wizard. The pups love the chicken jerky and will be trying the other treats over the weekend. They rate the treats with two wagging tails, thanks Brandon.

Takes and Puts:

1. Boli RC
35. AVO LE05
41. Juan Lopez Sel.#2
45. CAO Italia Piazza
69. SC La Fuerza

82. SLR Serie A ('01)
83. Tatauje Cojonu 2003
84. Trinidad Coloniales ('05)
85. Torano Tribute 2003 robusto
86. Trinidad Fundadore (7/'98)
87. Gurkha Centurian XX

Hope to get this back out tomorrow morning, I'll post the DC when I get it out.

Thanks Swissy for letting my dogs play.
:thumbs: Looks good Greg...

Thanks for filling the empty slot on short notice Greg... glad the pups enjoyed their treats!

I'm making the corrections ot the first post now... Thanks for playing!!

EDIT: NEXT!! BBS, heads up...
bfreebern said:
1 more stop Jim and it's back home.

you're right! way cool... but kinda sad too... it's fun watching it travel around.

After a big night of partying at the craps table, these boys are on the way! DC# 0503 8555 7491 0867 7435.

Jim, thanks for letting Sam and Coty play, their tails are still wagging!
Rosie, Natasha, Isis, and Lucy are ready to P/T some kick butt doggie treats...!!

They say they may let me fiddle with some cigars, too....go figure.... :laugh:

On the lookout - B.B.S.
The peanut butter cookies are some of my dogs favorites, hope they ship well. The doggie boutique just opened and is a few blocks from my store, so I can stop on the way home anytime, which is both good(for the dogs) and bad(for the wallet).