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Post Here when you receive your Cigar from VITASEA

I just gotta say thanks to BkCloud114 for sending me one of the two he received in smokeable condition, wich is more than I can say for the one that vitasea shipped me.

I started to wounder about the farm rolled thing when I saw the two different sizes he received (could not tell what mine was for it was trashed when it got to the house) and now after reading Moki's review, I would guess thats what these are.

I'll let the one Tommy sent me sit for awhile and see what happens.

Thanks for the review Andrew!!
I'm disappointed, but thanks for the review, Moki.

Lucasbuck... I can't wait to hear how your's goes.
Don't listen to Lucasbuck. He only smokes Chobias anyway. He gets them from his friend, whose sister works for this company that does lots of work in Cuba. Her boss gets them from this guy whose brothers roommate is actually friends w/ a bar owner in downtown. The bar owners best friend is dating a girl that is related to an old man that used to roll cigars. Well, his nephew happens to be a security guard for one of the factories. He bribes one of the rollers to take left over leaves home and roll them for him.

At least that is what Craig told me :laugh:
vitasea said:
i am really surprised,this is the first bad commit i have had. maybe you got a bad one i will send you another, it can happpen.

The bottom line is that it just did not taste like a Cohiba -- even a bad/sick Cohiba. Now certainly I am not as experienced with the Cohiba brand as some are here.

However, I have burned through enough boxes from trusted sources to know the flavor profile of a Cohiba, at varying stages of aging. I'm looking forward to others smoking these, perhaps back to back with known-authentic Cohibas, and posting their views.

Vitasea, I want to be clear that I'm not accusing you of any wrongdoing at all; and you do not need to send me anything more. I have seen a number of people who have "friends" in Cuba who sell off cheap farm rolled cigars are pass them off as authentic brands.

I think that's likely what has happened here. Perhaps they started you off on the real thing, and did the bait and switch later. Perhaps they've always been fake. Perhaps what you're still getting is a mix of real and fake Cohibas.

Simply coming from the island of Cuba does not make a cigar a Cohiba; there's a specific type of tobacco, grown in a specific place, fermented/cured a specific way, and blended/rolled in a specific manner.

I'd also like to add that for cigars that are purported to be from 2003, the Esplendido that you sent me smelled very fresh, and the tobacco had the taste and look/feel of very fresh tobacco. Granted, 2 years is not a lot of aging time for a cigar, but still, these seemed remarkably new.

The difficulty here is that it's hard to know whether all of the cigars being sent to various people are from the same origin. Still, I'm looking forward to hearing what Matt R, LucasBuck, SamClemmons, et al have to say about these cigars.
I'm curious Andrew....

If you are in fact not accusing this guy of selling fakes as well as waiting for Matt, Sam and others to give their opinions, then why the couple of posts on this at CF? My point is, what's the point of taking this over there?
bfreebern said:
Don't listen to Lucasbuck. He only smokes Chobias anyway. He gets them from his friend, whose sister works for this company that does lots of work in Cuba. Her boss gets them from this guy whose brothers roommate is actually friends w/ a bar owner in downtown. The bar owners best friend is dating a girl that is related to an old man that used to roll cigars. Well, his nephew happens to be a security guard for one of the factories. He bribes one of the rollers to take left over leaves home and roll them for him.

At least that is what Craig told me :laugh:

Damnit Brandon! You promised not to tell anyone about my secret source :0

:p ;)
moki said:
vitasea said:
i am really surprised,this is the first bad commit i have had. maybe you got a bad one i will send you another, it can happpen.

The bottom line is that it just did not taste like a Cohiba -- even a bad/sick Cohiba. Now certainly I am not as experienced with the Cohiba brand as some are here.

However, I have burned through enough boxes from trusted sources to know the flavor profile of a Cohiba, at varying stages of aging. I'm looking forward to others smoking these, perhaps back to back with known-authentic Cohibas, and posting their views.

Vitasea, I want to be clear that I'm not accusing you of any wrongdoing at all; and you do not need to send me anything more. I have seen a number of people who have "friends" in Cuba who sell off cheap farm rolled cigars are pass them off as authentic brands.

I think that's likely what has happened here. Perhaps they started you off on the real thing, and did the bait and switch later. Perhaps they've always been fake. Perhaps what you're still getting is a mix of real and fake Cohibas.

Simply coming from the island of Cuba does not make a cigar a Cohiba; there's a specific type of tobacco, grown in a specific place, fermented/cured a specific way, and blended/rolled in a specific manner.

I'd also like to add that for cigars that are purported to be from 2003, the Esplendido that you sent me smelled very fresh, and the tobacco had the taste and look/feel of very fresh tobacco. Granted, 2 years is not a lot of aging time for a cigar, but still, these seemed remarkably new.

The difficulty here is that it's hard to know whether all of the cigars being sent to various people are from the same origin. Still, I'm looking forward to hearing what Matt R, LucasBuck, SamClemmons, et al have to say about these cigars.

andrew how many times have you been to cuba????i have been thier at least 10 times and smoked many of cuban cigars. a lot of the things you read on the internet are half truths about cuba, in fact every factory makes at least 15 to 20 different types and brands at the same time.you would think the partagas factory in havana would only make partagas not true. i have resent matt r,lucasbuck,styx&stoned and you some more samples out of the same box.

you have not had a kind thing to say about me since i arrived on this board and quite frankly i expected a bad review from you

i know well were me cigars come from and its not a farm source

last night i brought a few to my local pub and several friends and i enjoyed the esplendidos and had nothing but praise about them
Leebo8-9-8 said:
I'm curious Andrew....

If you are in fact not accusing this guy of selling fakes as well as waiting for Matt, Sam and others to give their opinions, then why the couple of posts on this at CF? My point is, what's the point of taking this over there?

Because I thought the entire story/episode was amusing, Lee. I do think he is selling fakes; I don't believe that he's doing it intentionally, which I've stated both here and there.

Entertainment value aside, I also thought that some of the more experienced members there would chime in with their take on the story that was presented. And they've done so; it's been quite useful, IMHO.
Vita, I'm wondering why you're going through all this trouble just to sell cigars here? Or are you trying to actually become a contributing member?
Well, I will disagree with you. I don't think that posting about it on CF will help this little experiment.

Notice, I didn't ask for one of these Cohibas as I don't claim to be an expert on the subject. In my opinion, this experience would have to come from many years of smoking Habanos, but what do i know, right? ;)
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Well, I will disagree with you. I don't think that posting about it on CF will help this little experiment.

Notice, I didn't ask for one of these Cohibas as I don't claim to be an expert on the subject. In my opinion, this experience would have to come from many years of smoking Habanos, but what do i know, right? ;)

Okay, that's fine that we disagree.

Regarding the Cohibas, if you're insinuating that I don't have the requisite experience to judge these cigars, then we disagree again. In the CP chat room, SamClemmons just mentioned he smoked the "Esplendido" he was sent. His impressions/opinions of the cigar mirrored mine exactly.

For what it's worth.
You assume too much, I said I wouldn't touch it because I'm not an expert on habanos.

I said that because I don't have a horse in this race.

Personally, I would chose not to buy in these type situations.
Look, I'm not going to get into a pissing match with anyone here and vitasea, take my advice and don't try to get into one either. In the realm of the world, it just isn't worth it. Over my 7-8 years on these internet forums I have come to think less and less about the opinions of people I know only via the forums. You can never please all of the people all of the time and to attempt to is frivolous. The only way to gain experience with cigars is to smoke them. There are a ton of people who have more experience than me and there are even more who have less. I take every single "review" with a grain of salt, no matter who's posting it. I put even less credit towards those reviews done by people I know have minimal experience smoking certain cigars. I don't doubt moki has "burned through" several legit boxes. I wonder how he has gained this knowledge so quickly, being as a year or so ago he didn't even have a humidor (according to his history of postings here). But, that is neither here nor there because as I said, I really don't hold much credence in anyone's reviews except my own. I'm sure people who have been here for some time have seen how my posts have gone from being related to cigars to relating to cracking jokes left and right. It's because to me, the knowledge is to be gained through experience and not through word of mouth. If it was still the way these boards used to be, newbies would have to gain years of respect from people to even have access to the retailers that most of you now have access to. Another reason I have stopped ordering from almost all of these vendors. I'm not opposed to change or new people adding to the discussion, but to me, it has become to easy for a person to earn their way here and at other boards.

So, to this issue I say the same as to any other issue.... it's really not worth the time to spend bickering back and forth. Vitasea, you will not change anyone's opinions by sending them more cigars. You will not sway people one way or another by sending variuous people cigars. I attempted to help this one along by having a friend meet you in person. Didn't work as other people's voices (postings) obviously speak louder than true world experience. I hope to meet you one of these days and enjoy a smoke, as I do most everyone on here if we haven't already met. But, from now on, will not refer a retailer, nor take sides against a retailer,on this forum. I will just be worrying about myself. We'll let everyone else takes their sides as they have grown accustom to doing. I apologize to both vitasea and the general membership of the board by getting into the middle of this in the first place, but I will not allow it to give me a headache worrying about it.
Matt R said:
You can never please all of the people all of the time and to attempt to is frivolous. The only way to gain experience with cigars is to smoke them.

Well said. :thumbs: :thumbs:

Matt R said:
There are a ton of people who have more experience than me and there are even more who have less. I take every single "review" with a grain of salt, no matter who's posting it. I put even less credit towards those reviews done by people I know have minimal experience smoking certain cigars. I don't doubt moki has "burned through" several legit boxes. I wonder how he has gained this knowledge so quickly, being as a year or so ago he didn't even have a humidor (according to his history of postings here).

My brother lived in Spain (Madrid) for about 9 years; I usually visited him several times a year every year during that period, in addition to numerous other trips abroad. We always enjoyed cigars from various LCDH's and other local shops when I visited him, as well as on other business/personal trips.

It was a lot of fun actually, we'd pick out a few choice sticks, puff 'em anywhere we damn pleased over some café con leche's (and somethings things a bit stronger ;) ) at the numerous little street cafe/bars. Ahhh... it's makin' me misty. :)
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Personally, I would chose not to buy in these type situations.

You and me both, brotha! My interest here was just curiosity; I never intended to be buying anything from him, and indeed, when he first emailed me, told him he didn't need to send me anything. Just wasn't interested, beyond giving him advice to hang out here for a bit, before launching into "sales mode".
Well put by both Matt and Lee! :thumbs:

Can you say look at me! Come on, I know ya can... There ya go! Don't you feel much better now! :sign:
JOE.M. said:
Can you say look at me! Come on, I know ya can... There ya go! Don't you feel much better now! :sign:

I'm looking, Joe, I'm looking! (See, it worked! ;) )
When we visited Cuba in Jan 2005, the first thing we did was the thing they warned us no to do, bought a box of opened cigars at a restaurant from a waitress (totally illegal, she could have been fired/fined/jailed). They were not very uniform, i tried one, and believe they refilled the box with whatever they had handy. So i was skeptic. Then... i bought a sealed box to take home. The ones from the sealed box are all uniform. They may have fallen off a truck in Cuba, as it wasnt a goverment store purchase, but i smoked a dozen so far, and no complaints. I will let the remaining half box age a bit. Cohiba just has that unique flavour i don't find anywhere else.... but being a newbee i will keep experimenting with various brands. Vitasea, looks like he has packaging problems from the posts, but I cant really comment on his source or sticks, just my experience.
Eshaw99 said:
Ok, here's my .02

CoRo review

that was plain ugly!!!!!!!!! it must have been structually damaged in shipment i have smoked several from that box in fact matt r friend jason had one from that box
i have never seen a cuban cigar smoke like that ,i will send you another in a shipping box to retest